Chapter 3. Hypertext Transfer Protocol

The next essential concept we need to discuss is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): the core transfer mechanism of the Web and the preferred method for exchanging URL-referenced documents between servers and clients. Despite having hypertext in its name, HTTP and the actual hypertext content (the HTML language) often exist independent of each other. That said, they are intertwined in sometimes surprising ways.

The history of HTTP offers interesting insight into its authors’ ambitions and the growing relevance of the Internet. Tim Berners-Lee’s earliest 1991 draft of the protocol (HTTP/0.9[112]) was barely one and a half pages long, and it failed to account for even the most intuitive future needs, such as extensibility needed to transmit non-HTML data.

Five years and several iterations of the specification later, the first official HTTP/1.0 standard (RFC 1945[113]) tried to rectify many of these shortcomings in about 50 densely packed pages of text. Fast-forward to 1999, and in HTTP/1.1 (RFC 2616[114]), the seven credited authors attempted to anticipate almost every possible use of the protocol, creating an opus over 150 pages long. That’s not all: As of this writing, the current work on HTTPbis,[115] essentially a replacement for the HTTP/1.1 specification, comes to 360 pages or so. While much of the gradually accumulated content is irrelevant to the modern Web, this progression makes it clear that the desire to tack on new features far outweighs the desire to prune failed ones.

Today, all clients and servers support a not-entirely-accurate superset of HTTP/1.0, and most can speak a reasonably complete dialect of HTTP/1.1, with a couple of extensions bolted on. Despite the fact that there is no practical need to do so, several web servers, and all common browsers, also maintain backward compatibility with HTTP/0.9.

At a glance, HTTP is a fairly simple, text-based protocol built on top of TCP/IP.[14] Every HTTP session is initiated by establishing a TCP connection to the server, typically to port 80, and then issuing a request that outlines the requested URL. In response, the server returns the requested file and, in the most rudimentary use case, tears down the TCP connection immediately thereafter.

The original HTTP/0.9 protocol provided no room for any additional metadata to be exchanged between the participating parties. The client request always consisted of a single line, starting with GET, followed by the URL path and query string, and ending with a single CRLF newline (ASCII characters 0x0D 0x0A; servers were also advised to accept a lone LF). A sample HTTP/0.9 request might have looked like this:

GET /fuzzy_bunnies.txt

In response to this message, the server would have immediately returned the appropriate HTML payload. (The specification required servers to wrap lines of the returned document at 80 characters, but this advice wasn’t really followed.)

The HTTP/0.9 approach has a number of substantial deficiencies. For example, it offers no way for browsers to communicate users’ language preferences, supply a list of supported document types, and so on. It also gives servers no way to tell a client that the requested file could not be found, that it has moved to a different location, or that the returned file is not an HTML document to begin with. Finally, the scheme is not kind to server administrators: When the transmitted URL information is limited to only the path and query strings, it is impossible for a server to host multiple websites, distinguished by their hostnames, under one IP address—and unlike DNS records, IP addresses don’t come cheap.

In order to fix these shortcomings (and to make room for future tweaks), HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 standards embrace a slightly different conversation format: The first line of a request is modified to include protocol version information, and it is followed by zero or more name: value pairs (also known as headers), each occupying a separate line. Common request headers included in such requests are User-Agent (browser version information), Host (URL hostname), Accept (supported MIME document types[15]), Accept-Language (supported language codes), and Referer (a misspelled field indicating the originating page for the request, if known).

These headers are terminated with a single empty line, which may be followed by any payload the client wishes to pass to the server (the length of which must be explicitly specified with an additional Content-Length header). The contents of the payload are opaque from the perspective of the protocol itself; in HTML, this location is commonly used for submitting form data in one of several possible formats, though this is in no way a requirement.

Overall, a simple HTTP/1.1 request may look like this:

POST /fuzzy_bunnies/bunny_dispenser.php HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Bunny-Browser/1.7
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 17


The server is expected to respond to this query by opening with a line that specifies the supported protocol version, a numerical status code (used to indicate error conditions and other special circumstances), and an optional, human-readable status message. A set of self-explanatory headers comes next, ending with an empty line. The response continues with the contents of the requested resource:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Bunny-Server/0.9.2
Content-Type: text/plain
Connection: close


RFC 2616 also permits the response to be compressed in transit using one of three supported methods (gzip, compress, deflate), unless the client explicitly opts out by providing a suitable Accept-Encoding header.

Despite the improvements made in HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1, the unwelcome legacy of the “dumb” HTTP/0.9 protocol lives on, even if it is normally hidden from view. The specification for HTTP/1.0 is partly to blame for this, because it requested that all future HTTP clients and servers support the original, half-baked draft. Specifically, section 3.1 says:

In later years, RFC 2616 attempted to backtrack on this requirement (section 19.6: “It is beyond the scope of a protocol specification to mandate compliance with previous versions.”), but acting on the earlier advice, all modern browsers continue to support the legacy protocol as well.

To understand why this pattern is dangerous, recall that HTTP/0.9 servers reply with nothing but the requested file. There is no indication that the responding party actually understands HTTP and wishes to serve an HTML document. With this in mind, let’s analyze what happens if the browser sends an HTTP/1.1 request to an unsuspecting SMTP service running on port 25 of

GET /<html><body><h1>Hi! HTTP/1.1

Because the SMTP server doesn’t understand what is going on, it’s likely to respond this way:

500 5.5.1 Invalid command: "GET /<html><body><h1>Hi! HTTP/1.1"
500 5.1.1 Invalid command: "Host:"
421 4.4.1 Timeout

All browsers willing to follow the RFC are compelled to accept these messages as the body of a valid HTTP/0.9 response and assume that the returned document is, indeed, HTML. These browsers will interpret the quoted attacker-controlled snippet appearing in one of the error messages as if it comes from the owners of a legitimate website at This profoundly interferes with the browser security model discussed in Part II of this book and, therefore, is pretty bad.

Setting aside the radical changes between HTTP/0.9 and HTTP/1.0, several other core syntax tweaks were made later in the game. Perhaps most notably, contrary to the letter of earlier iterations, HTTP/1.1 asks clients not only to honor newlines in the CRLF and LF format but also to recognize a lone CR character. Although this recommendation is disregarded by the two most popular web servers (IIS and Apache), it is followed on the client side by all browsers except Firefox.

The resulting inconsistency makes it easier for application developers to forget that not only LF but also CR characters must be stripped from any attacker-controlled values that appear anywhere in HTTP headers. To illustrate the problem, consider the following server response, where a user-supplied and insufficiently sanitized value appears in one of the headers, as highlighted in bold:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK[CR][LF]
Set-Cookie: last_search_term=[CR][CR]<html><body><h1>Hi![CR][LF]
Action completed.

To Internet Explorer, this response may appear as:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Set-Cookie: last_search_term=


Action completed.

In fact, the class of vulnerabilities related to HTTP header newline smuggling—be it due to this inconsistency or just due to a failure to filter any type of a newline—is common enough to have its own name: header injection or response splitting.

Another little-known and potentially security-relevant tweak is support for multiline headers, a change introduced in HTTP/1.1. According to the standard, any header line that begins with a whitespace is treated as a continuation of the previous one. For example:

X-Random-Comment: This is a very long string,
  so why not wrap it neatly?

Multiline headers are recognized in client-issued requests by IIS and Apache, but they are not supported by Internet Explorer, Safari, or Opera. Therefore, any implementation that relies on or simply permits this syntax in any attacker-influenced setting may be in trouble. Thankfully, this is rare.

Proxies are used by many organizations and Internet service providers to intercept, inspect, and forward HTTP requests on behalf of their users. This may be done to improve performance (by allowing certain server responses to be cached on a nearby system), to enforce network usage policies (for example, to prevent access to porn), or to offer monitored and authenticated access to otherwise separated network environments.

Conventional HTTP proxies depend on explicit browser support: The application needs to be configured to make a modified request to the proxy system, instead of attempting to talk to the intended destination. To request an HTTP resource through such a proxy, the browser will normally send a request like this:

User-Agent: Bunny-Browser/1.7

The key difference between the above example and the usual syntax is the presence of a fully qualified URL in the first line of the request (, instructing the proxy where to connect to on behalf of the user. This information is somewhat redundant, given that the Host header already specifies the hostname; the only reason for this overlap is that the mechanisms evolved independent of each other. To avoid being fooled by co-conspiring clients and servers, proxies should either correct any mismatching Host headers to match the request URL or associate cached content with a particular URL-Host pair and not just one of these values.

Many HTTP proxies also allow browsers to request non-HTTP resources, such as FTP files or directories. In these cases, the proxy will wrap the response in HTTP, and perhaps convert it to HTML if appropriate, before returning it to the user.[16] That said, if the proxy does not understand the requested protocol, or if it is simply inappropriate for it to peek into the exchanged data (for example, inside encrypted sessions), a different approach must be used. A special type of a request, CONNECT, is reserved for this purpose but is not further explained in the HTTP/1.1 RFC. The relevant request syntax is instead outlined in a separate, draft-only specification from 1998.[116] It looks like this:

User-Agent: Bunny-Browser/1.7

If the proxy is willing and able to connect to the requested destination, it acknowledges this request with a specific HTTP response code, and the role of this protocol ends. At that point, the browser will begin sending and receiving raw binary data within the established TCP stream; the proxy, in turn, is expected to forward the traffic between the two endpoints indiscriminately.

Several other classes of lower-level proxies do not use HTTP to communicate directly with the browser but nevertheless inspect the exchanged HTTP messages to cache content or enforce certain rules. The canonical example of this is a transparent proxy that silently intercepts traffic at the TCP/IP level. The approach taken by transparent proxies is unusually dangerous: Any such proxy can look at the destination IP and the Host header sent in the intercepted connection, but it has no way of immediately telling if that destination IP is genuinely associated with the specified server name. Unless an additional lookup and correlation is performed, co-conspiring clients and servers can have a field day with this behavior. Without these additional checks, the attacker simply needs to connect to his or her home server and send a misleading Host: header to have the response cached for all other users as though genuinely coming from

Despite being relatively verbose, RFC 2616 does a poor job of explaining how a compliant parser should resolve potential ambiguities and conflicts in the request or response data. Section 19.2 of this RFC (“Tolerant Applications”) recommends relaxed and error-tolerant parsing of certain fields in “unambiguous” cases, but the meaning of the term itself is, shall we say, not particularly unambiguous.

For example, because of a lack of specification-level advice, roughly half of all browsers will favor the first occurrence of a particular HTTP header, and the rest will favor the last one, ensuring that almost every header injection vulnerability, no matter how constrained, is exploitable for at least some percentage of targeted users. On the server side, the situation is similarly random: Apache will honor the first Host header seen, while IIS will completely reject a request with multiple instances of this field.

On a related note, the relevant RFCs contain no explicit prohibition on mixing potentially conflicting HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 headers and no requirement for HTTP/1.0 servers or clients to ignore all HTTP/1.1 syntax. Because of this design, it is difficult to predict the outcome of indirect conflicts between HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 directives that are responsible for the same thing, such as Expires and Cache-Control.

Finally, in some rare cases, header conflict resolution is outlined in the spec very clearly, but the purpose of permitting such conflicts to arise in the first place is much harder to understand. For example, HTTP/1.1 clients are required to send the Host header on all requests, but servers (not just proxies!) are also required to recognize absolute URLs in the first line of the request, as opposed to the traditional path- and query-only method. This rule permits a curiosity such as this:


In this case, section 5.2 of RFC 2616 instructs clients to disregard the nonfunctional (but still mandatory!) Host header, and many implementations follow this advice. The problem is that underlying applications are likely to be unaware of this quirk and may instead make somewhat important decisions based on the inspected header value.

Several HTTP headers, such as Cache-Control or Content-Disposition, use a semicolon-delimited syntax to cram several separate name=value pairs into a single line. The reason for allowing this nested notation is unclear, but it is probably driven by the belief that it will be a more efficient or a more intuitive approach that using several separate headers that would always have to go hand in hand.

Some use cases outlined in RFC 2616 permit quoted-string as the right-hand parameter in such pairs. Quoted-string is a syntax in which a sequence of arbitrary printable characters is surrounded by double quotes, which act as delimiters. Naturally, the quote mark itself cannot appear inside the string, but—importantly—a semicolon or a whitespace may, permitting many otherwise problematic values to be sent as is.

Unfortunately for developers, Internet Explorer does not cope with the quoted-string syntax particularly well, effectively rendering this encoding scheme useless. The browser will parse the following line (which is meant to indicate that the response is a downloadable file rather than an inline document) in an unexpected way:

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="evil_file.exe;.txt"

In Microsoft’s implementation, the filename will be truncated at the semicolon character and will appear to be evil_file.exe. This behavior creates a potential hazard to any application that relies on examining or appending a “safe” filename extension to an attacker-controlled filename and otherwise correctly checks for the quote character and newlines in this string.


An additional quoted-pair mechanism is provided to allow quotes (and any other characters) to be used safely in the string when prefixed by a backslash. This mechanism appears to be specified incorrectly, however, and not supported by any major browser except for Opera. For quoted-pair to work properly, stray “\” characters would need to be banned from the quoted-string, which isn’t the case in RFC 2616. Quoted-pair also permits any CHAR-type token to be quoted, including newlines, which is incompatible with other HTTP-parsing rules.

It is also worth noting that when duplicate semicolon-delimited fields are found in a single HTTP header, their order of precedence is not defined by the RFC. In the case of filename= in Content-Disposition, all mainstream browsers use the first occurrence. But there is little consistency elsewhere. For example, when extracting the URL= value from the Refresh header (used to force reloading the page after a specified amount of time), Internet Explorer 6 will fall back to the last instance, yet all other browsers will prefer the first one. And when handling Content-Type, Internet Explorer, Safari, and Opera will use the first charset= value, while Firefox and Chrome will rely on the last.

Like the documents that laid the groundwork for URL handling, all subsequent HTTP specs have largely avoided the topic of dealing with non-US-ASCII characters inside header values. There are several plausible scenarios where non-English text may legitimately appear in this context (for example, the filename in Content-Disposition), but when it comes to this, the expected browser behavior is essentially undefined.

Originally, RFC 1945 permitted the TEXT token (a primitive broadly used to define the syntax of other fields) to contain 8-bit characters, providing the following definition:

OCTET          = <any 8-bit sequence of data>
 CTL           = <any US-ASCII control character
                  (octets 0 - 31) and DEL (127)>
 TEXT          = <any OCTET except CTLs,
                  but including LWS>

The RFC followed up with cryptic advice: When non-US-ASCII characters are encountered in a TEXT field, clients and servers may interpret them as ISO-8859-1, the standard Western European code page, but they don’t have to. Later, RFC 2616 copied and pasted the same specification of TEXT tokens but added a note that non-ISO-8859-1 strings must be encoded using a format outlined in RFC 2047,[119] originally created for email communications. Fair enough; in this simple scheme, the encoded string opens with a “=?” prefix, followed by a character-set name, a “?q?” or “?b?” encoding-type indicator (quoted-printable[17] or base64,[18] respectively), and lastly the encoded string itself. The sequence ends with a “?=” terminator. An example of this may be:

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="=?utf-8?q?Hi=21.txt?="


The RFC should also have stated that any spurious “=?...?=” patterns must never be allowed as is in the relevant headers, in order to avoid unintended decoding of values that were not really encoded to begin with.

Sadly, the support for this RFC 2047 encoding is spotty. It is recognized in some headers by Firefox and Chrome, but other browsers are less cooperative. Internet Explorer chooses to recognize URL-style percent encoding in the Content-Disposition field instead (a habit also picked up by Chrome) and defaults to UTF-8 in this case. Firefox and Opera, on the other hand, prefer supporting a peculiar percent-encoded syntax proposed in RFC 2231,[120] a striking deviation from how HTTP syntax is supposed to look:

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename*=utf-8'en-us'Hi%21.txt

Astute readers may notice that there is no single encoding scheme supported by all browsers at once. This situation prompts some web application developers to resort to using raw high-bit values in the HTTP headers, typically interpreted as UTF-8, but doing so is somewhat unsafe. In Firefox, for example, a long-standing glitch causes UTF-8 text to be mangled when put in the Cookie header, permitting attacker-injected cookie delimiters to materialize in unexpected places.[121] In other words, there are no easy and robust solutions to this mess.

When discussing character encodings, the problem of handling of the NUL character (0x00) probably deserves a mention. This character, used as a string terminator in many programming languages, is technically prohibited from appearing in HTTP headers (except for the aforementioned, dysfunctional quoted-pair syntax), but as you may recall, parsers are encouraged to be tolerant. When this character is allowed to go through, it is likely to have unexpected side effects. For example, Content-Disposition headers are truncated at NUL by Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome but not by Opera or Safari.

As mentioned earlier in this chapter, HTTP requests may include a Referer header. This header contains the URL of a document that triggered the current navigation in some way. It is meant to help with certain troubleshooting tasks and to promote the growth of the Web by emphasizing cross-references between related web pages.

Unfortunately, the header may also reveal some information about user browsing habits to certain unfriendly parties, and it may leak sensitive information that is encoded in the URL query parameters on the referring page. Due to these concerns, and the subsequent poor advice on how to mitigate them, the header is often misused for security or policy enforcement purposes, but it is not up to the task. The main problem is that there is no way to differentiate between a client that is not providing the header because of user privacy preferences, one that is not providing it because of the type of navigation taking place, and one that is deliberately tricked into hiding this information by a malicious referring site.

Normally, this header is included in most HTTP requests (and preserved across HTTP-level redirects), except in the following scenarios:

As should be apparent, four out of five of these conditions can be purposefully induced by any rogue site.

[14] Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is one of the core communications protocols of the Internet, providing the transport layer to any application protocols built on top of it. TCP offers reasonably reliable, peer-acknowledged, ordered, session-based connectivity between networked hosts. In most cases, the protocol is also fairly resilient against blind packet spoofing attacks attempted by other, nonlocal hosts on the Internet.

[15] MIME type (aka Internet media type) is a simple, two-component value identifying the class and format of any given computer file. The concept originated in RFC 2045 and RFC 2046, where it served as a way to describe email attachments. The registry of official values (such as text/plain or audio/mpeg) is currently maintained by IANA, but ad hoc types are fairly common.

[16] In this case, some HTTP headers supplied by the client may be used internally by the proxy, but they will not be transmitted to the non-HTTP endpoint, which creates some interesting, if non-security-relevant, protocol ambiguities.

[17] Quoted-printable is a simple encoding scheme that replaces any nonprintable or otherwise illegal characters with the equal sign (=) followed by a 2-digit hexadecimal representation of the 8-bit character value to be encoded. Any stray equal signs in the input text must be replaced with “=3D” as well.

[18] Base64 is a non-human-readable encoding that encodes arbitrary 8-bit input using a 6-bit alphabet of case-sensitive alphanumerics, “+”, and “/”. Every 3 bytes of input map to 4 bytes of output. If the input does not end at a 3-byte boundary, this is indicated by appending one or two equal signs at the end of the output string.