The Set-Up 

IT WAS SUNDAY AFTERNOON, MY DAY off, and I had a relaxing morning, ate at The Egg and I with Roscoe, and had let her coerce me into taking a drive to visit Ms. Kathleen. Of course, only Ms. Kathleen and I knew that she was feigning her illness, and I had not shared the information with Roscoe. I needed her to be unaware.

We rang the bell and Oscar, the butler, I finally remembered his name, I think that’s right, ushered us into the library where Ms. Kathleen was talking with Caitlan and Luella Devereaux. That vulture, I can’t stomach that bitch, I thought as the hair stood up on the back of my neck.

Ms. Kathleen rose delicately and left her desk, clapping her hands together. “What a pleasant surprise you two. What on earth are you doing way out here today?”

Roscoe began, “We wanted to see if you are well enough to go for a little drive and have dinner with us at Sam’s Town later this evening.”

I intervened, “Now Roscoe, Ms. Kathleen has to be very careful; the doctor said bed rest.”

Caitlan Devereaux assured, “But we saw the doctor yesterday, Officer Randel, and he said that it would be all right to take Auntie out for a couple of hours daily. I’m sure that would be a wonderful break for her.”

“And for Caitlan too,” smiled Ms. Kathleen. “She has watched over me like a hawk, and I know she could use a break. Kimmie, dear, do you remember Mrs. Luella Devereaux?”

Roscoe acknowledged, “Yes, we met at your dinner party. How are you, Mrs. Devereaux?”

“Quite well,” Devereaux coldly replied. The Ice Palace could not have been more frigid.

Roscoe, undaunted, went right on greeting and talking with Caitlan, ignoring the ‘Vulture’. Serves the bitch right! Looking down that long beak of hers like she’s the best bird in the flock. Doesn’t she know that vultures are the lowest, nastiest, scavengers on earth, feeding off the leavings of every other animal? Man does my description of her fit!

Ms. Kathleen bubbled, “Children, come look at what I’ve found. I just received this in the mail and I want to share it with everyone.” On her desk was a stack of brochures that had been taken from a large brown envelope with foreign stamps across its top. “These are all little private islands in the Mediterranean, south of Italy. Remember when Mr. Christian was talking about them on our cruise, Caitlan? Well, I sent away for these brochures and I thought we can spend hours looking at them and dreaming about our own island, somewhere in the beautiful Mediterranean. What do you think about this one?” she asked, thrusting one at me.

“Ma’am, don’t over excite yourself. We don’t want you back in the hospital,” I cautioned.

“Oh, pshaah…I’m just fine.”

“Let me see one of those,” Luella said, brushing past me and reaching into the pile. Wanting to reach out and slap her I silently concluded, rude, very, very rude. She should have those long talons cut back before she scratches someone. Someday I’d like to hook her up and drag her off like the carrion she is. Stop it Rod, at least try to be halfway pleasant.

“Oh Luella, dear, I didn’t know you would be interested in islands. Aren’t you a land lover?”

“I’ve traveled abroad many times, Kathleen. Of course, you wouldn’t know since we’ve never kept in touch.”

“Of course, you have. Please excuse me. Doesn’t this little island with its own hidden inlet look divine? Just look at that lavish mansion and all the little houses for natives and servants. Doesn’t that intrigue you, Caitlan, dear,” Ms. Kathleen went on, turning her attention to her niece.

“Oh Auntie, you’re such a dreamer! Yes, it’s beautiful and someday, you and I will travel there just so you can see it. But remember, you need to get well, and I have to finish school.”

“I know, but it’s fun to think about while I have to be shut in. Officer Randel, did you know that Officer Senega is coming to escort Caitlan and Luella to Circus Ole’, and to a nice dinner afterward?”

I watched ‘the Vulture’s’ back stiffen when Ms. Kathleen called her Luella. It really irked her to be considered on the same level as sweet, simple Kathleen.

The door bell soon rang and Gray Senega was issued into the library and greeted by all, and incidentally given a sweet and tender kiss by Caitlan. Hm! This relationship is progressing nicely. Good deal! “Roscoe, Randel, this is a pleasant surprise. Are you joining the ladies and me for the show?”

“Nope!” I countered, “We have other things to do. Ms. Kathleen, Roscoe and I are headed for Sam’s Town and the slot machines. Then we’re hitting the Willie N’ Jose’s for Mexican. Down and dirty, that’s us, right Ms. Kathleen? You guys want to join us?” I sure as hell hope not. I couldn’t take an afternoon with Devereaux. Senega your one hell of a man if you can stomach her.

The ‘Vulture’ remarked, “I prefer something less mundane and tedious than slot machines, Officer Randel. If you will excuse me, I will prepare to join Caitaln and Mr. Senega.”

Yeah, less mundane and tedious is it? More like the crap tables, black jack, and private back rooms, slime bag. We waited until Caitlan’s party had gone and then Ms. Kathleen, Roscoe, and I sat and perused the various brochures. “I think this one will do quite nicely, Officer Randel. It’s really affordable if you’re a multi-millionaire. How much earnest money do you think they would require to reserve it until we could go see it?”

“We’ll have to put you in touch with a good international sales agent, Kathleen. I think I know just the man for the job. Well, shall we head for Sam’s Town and commonplace excitement, or…” I straightened to my full height and tipped my nose in the air, “would you ladies care to undertake something more exotic?”

“Ordinary, everyday fun is just fine with me,” laughed Ms. Kathleen, taking my hand. “Oscar, dear,” she called, “is the Cadillac ready?” Ordinary, indeed! I smiled, I really like this little lady!


I was listening to and watching videos that Butch had recorded from the hidden cameras in the plants in Ms. Kathleen’s library.

Luella Devereaux showed a lot of interest in the same little islands that had peaked Ms. Kathleen’s interest. Of course, the sales agent that was engaged to find just the right island to lease was more than happy to quietly help both ladies. He informed Ms. Kathleen, when she finally decided on the small place that she had shown us with the private inlet and harbor that unfortunately that particular parcel was under option to buy. “Oh, and I so wanted to lease it; it seems just perfect. I guess I really couldn’t afford it anyway.”

“You should have moved on it faster, Kathleen,” chastised Luella. “These little islands are priced to sell with the recession in full swing. Owners are willing to unload them for a song. When money’s tight, that’s the time to buy. I understand that you have no experience in things of that nature, but you could have asked me. I would have been happy to advise you.”

I reflected, Yeah, you pounced on that morsel like the vulture you are, Luella. Leased that little parcel right out from under Ms. Kathleen’s nose. You didn’t even want it until you knew that she did. You cold, calculating bitch. Of course, none of us is supposed to know that it was you that took the option to lease.

“I’ll remember your offer next time, Luella. When did you say you’re going back to Oregon? I know that Caitlan will miss you.” That’s pretty direct for you, ma’am, I thought. You didn’t even let her think that you will miss her at all. Ha!

“I’ll leave next week. I have a few more things to clear up here. Mr. Christian is going to fly me home. He’s such a nice young man. I don’t know why he and Caitlan didn’t hit it off better. I suppose that love is blind when it comes to the young. That police person she’s seeing cannot offer her the security that someone like Mr. Christian could. She should really be looking out for her financial future.” Like you give a damn, ms. borrow against all her folk’s life insurance.

“Money isn’t everything, Luella,” censured Ms. Kathleen. “Caitlan and Gray Senega are starry eyed when they look at each other. It reminds me of the way I felt about Teddy. We were in love from the moment we met until the day he passed. I hope that little Caitlan has that kind of relationship.”

The ‘Vulture’s’ raised eyebrow said it all. Greed was her god and getting what she wanted at any price was her game. She loved no one and would walk over anyone to find her brand of satisfaction.

Butch informed me that his man had seen her hanging onto Christian’s arm and fawning over him like a school girl. According to the hotel cleaning ladies, she was bedding him regularly. I could just imagine Christian/Russo cringing at that wrinkled old woman’s touch. But, he was a hired man and was playing out his part in his boss’s game. What a tangled web we weave, I surmised. Serves you both right. You deserve each other.


Butch was reporting to me. “Damn, Randel, that Delaney is one helluva an actor; could have fooled even me. When he came to the Stardust lounge and sat in the corner, I would have sworn that he was a gentleman’s gentleman. He was dressed to impress even Christian and Devereaux. His European accent was perfect. He had his script down perfectly and they both believed that he was the land agent from the Mediterranean. He had his breast-pocket handkerchief tucked in perfect tri folds, matching his tie, his hand-made Italian shoes gleamed, and his monogrammed, alligator briefcase, stuffed with other folders of sales in progress, looked very officious. His clothes reeked of success, as did his gold rings and bracelet and his Rolex watch. Amazing what you can buy from the right people on the street. I’ll have to thank Gramms for her efforts. Anyway, Hawk, I seated myself across and down from Delaney with my lady friend and we appeared deep into conversation. However, our listening device served us well. Take a listen after Devereaux and Christian joined him.

We filtered through the bullshit greetings and when they got down to business, this is what we heard: Devereaux was anxious. “Mr. Aasaad, do you have everything ready to sign. We don’t have all day.”

“Jes, madam, ‘ju ar’ very fortunat’ that I, Kentel Aasaad am your, rr-rep re.-sent-ative.” Delaney’s rolling r’s and broken English, oozing meticulously from beneath his heavy graying mustache were perfect. “Plez look over.rr the contrak and sign at the bottom and we weel be finish.”

There was a shuffling of papers, a few comments from Christian/Russo and Luella and then they both signed the contract. “Now madam, Mr. Chr.rrist-i-an, I weesh ju z best of ever.rr-e-thing. Et has bean a pleasur’ to ser.rrve ju. Ju hav z cashier.rr check, sir.rr?”

“Yes, fifty thousand as we agreed. Do you have the keys to the main house?”

“No, no. Ever.rrthing weel be open when ju ar.rrive. My people weel wait on ju hand and foote. Ju do nothing for your.rrselves. I take my leave now. Good day, madam.” We listened as Delaney snapped his briefcase closed and was gone.

However, Luella and Christian ordered another round of drinks and celebrated. “Johnnie, baby,” crooned the ‘Vulture’, making over Christian. “We’re set now. We can run away where no one will ever find us, and we can have everything we could ever want. I can hardly wait to get out of here.”

“Well, Doll Face, we have to clean up here and leave everyone happy enough for the moment. In a couple of weeks, we’ll fly my plane down to Miami and leave from there. You get all your assets transferred to cash and bring it with you. I’ll do the same. I’m arranging for a shiny, new, cherry- red Beamer convertible just for you. We’ll ship it to Italy, and keep it there. That’s where we’ll go when we get tired of the island.”

“Johnnie, I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of being alone with you, baby. But whatever you say. How are we going to get all our money out of the country, though?”

“That’s what the Beamer’s for. By the way, it’s costing you hardly anything. I know these guys that find special deals and they’re fixing up the car so that our assets can be safely stored, and nobody checks very well for outgoing freight from Miami. It’s the incoming stuff that gets the going over.”

“You’re so clever. I’m so glad that you didn’t like Caitlan; I wanted you all to myself. What are we going to do about her? She needs to go away, so we don’t have any ties left.”

“I’m making arrangements for her too, Luella. She’s scheduled for a little accident soon. And, we’re going to set up bank accounts in the Bahamas in both our names. Anyone that wants to trace us will be looking there, not on our island. See. So Doll Face, Caitlan’s insurance will be paid to you, and we will be set. With the right investments, we can live well forever.”


“Sounds to me like they are playing right into our little scheme, Randel. What do you think?” asked Butch.

“What do you suppose they have planned for Caitlan? I can’t let anything happen to her. I’ll kill that damned hit man myself before I let him hurt her. By the way, can they really get all that cash out of the U.S. that easily? I don’t care what happens to the ‘Vulture’ or Russo, but that money should belong to Caitlan.”

“I don’t know, Rod, but I’m checking it out. Remember, the mob thinks that money belongs to them. Russo’s been skimming off the top of what Devereaux has been paying, and she still owes them a wad of cash. They’ll expect to collect it all first. As for what Christian has planned for Caitlan, I haven’t a clue. My men are on top of it though. We have everything that Christian has or uses bugged.”

“Does Ms. Kathleen know about this tape, Butch?”

“Not yet, Hawk. I wanted you to hear it first.”

“Don’t relay anything about this to her for now. I don’t want her to worry about Caitlan. She might really have a heart attack if she fears they’re going to do away with Caitlan. Let’s take care of this between you and me.”

“Sounds good to me. I’ll call you when I know more. See ya!”

Butch left me pondering my next move. I have to protect Caitlan. I’m gonna bring Senega in on this. I know he’s in love with her and will do anything for her. Maybe he needs a few days off and a little get away for the both of them. I think I’ll go visit Gramms. Her street eyes and ears are invaluable.