

Gary Inman for translating the untranslatable; Andy Spellman for keeping the train on the rails; Lorna Russell for putting her balls on the line with the books; Neil Duncanson for the interesting TV jobs; Dobby, The Maws, Tim, Paul, Cammy, Adrian and Shorty for giving my brain peace and for being Brian’s friend; Mark McIvor, Mark McCarville, Denver, Phil, Philip and Hector for making the racing happen; Craig, Lisa, Isla, Gary and Jane for looking after me on the island; Jason, Alan, Francis and Forbes for all the push biking; James, Ewan, Tom, Nat, Sarah, Amy and Jess for the entertainment and the trickest Risbridger; The Fox family for the teaching and that curry; Moody and Belty for being constants; Dad and Mum for rearing what you’re reading; Sal for being a proper grafter; Nigel for being the best dog in the world; Sharon for being Sharon. Thank you all for managing the unmanageable.