Last year, my friend Dorothea Krusky, who is a real estate agent, asked me if I knew about a New Jersey law that states that a real estate agent must inform a prospective buyer if the home he or she is considering carries a stigma that might cause psychological damage to the purchaser.
“Maybe there’s a book in it for you,” she suggested.
No Place Like Home is the result of that suggestion. Thank you, Dorothea.
I am so grateful to those wonderful people who are always there for me from the moment I begin to tell the story.
Michael Korda has been my friend and editor par excellence for three decades. Senior editor Chuck Adams has been a part of our team for the last dozen years. I am grateful to both of them for everything they do to guide this writer along the way.
My literary agents, Eugene Winick and Sam Pinkus, are true friends, good critics, and great supporters. I love them.
Dr. Ina Winick again has brought her psychological expertise to assist me with the manuscript in progress.
Dr. James Cassidy answered my many questions about the treatment of a traumatized child and how she would express her emotions.
Lisl Cade, my publicist and dear forever friend, is always there for me. Again and always, a tip of the hat to Associate Director of Copyediting Gypsy da Silva. Many thanks also to copy editor Anthony Newfield.
Barbara A. Barisonek of the Turpin Real Estate Agency gave generously of her time and knowledge in acquainting me with the history of Mendham and the technicalities of a real estate practice.
Agnes Newton, Nadine Petry, and Irene Clark are always in my corner for my literary journeys. And special thanks to Jennifer Roberts, business center associate at The Breakers, Palm Beach, Florida.
Two books were of great assistance in deepening my knowledge of the homes and history of the Mendhams. They are Images of America: The Mendhams by John W. Rae and The Somerset Hills, New Jersey Country Homes by John K. Turpin and W. Barry Thomson, with introduction by Mark Allen Hewit.
The special joy is that after the tale is told, it is time to celebrate with all the children and grandchildren, and of course, “Himself,” my ever-perfect husband, John Conheeney.
And now I hope you, my valued readers, will enjoy this book, and after reading it will agree that there really is no place like home.