Chapter 27

While Charlotte was busy having her feet swept off the ground in Barcelona, Jas was wading through emails and holding planning meetings back at Villa Rosa, her mind wandering off every so often to her night of passion with Luke. Though she had plenty of work to keep her occupied, she bit her lip every time she had a flash of him gripping her waist, thrusting inside her, kissing her neck or stroking her hair as she fell asleep. That morning, he had kissed her goodbye and slipped away before the rest of the house woke up.

The open-plan kitchen and living room at Villa Rosa had been turned into a makeshift office with equipment lying about everywhere and laptops, headphones, running-order scripts, notepads, phones, cables and empty coffee mugs strewn all over the table and breakfast bar. They referred to it as the ‘office’ and whoever wasn’t out filming would be working in it. As Lyndsey came in with a sore head but full agenda, Jas brushed away all thoughts of Luke for the next few hours.

‘Jas, have you seen the footage from last night’s date with Gabby?’ Lyndsey asked, taking her headphones off. ‘I’m watching it now.’

Jas sprang up at once, having clean forgotten about the date with one of their most volatile characters. ‘Shit, no, not yet! Will I be disappointed?’

Lyndsey smiled, peering at Jas over her thick-rimmed glasses. ‘You will not. There’s some chit-chat while he’s cooking on the barbecue but this is where it gets really interesting. Halfway through the second bottle of prosecco.’ She pressed play on the monitor and handed Jas the headphones so she could listen. The shot showed Dylan and Gabriella in his hot tub, giggling like schoolkids and sipping wine straight from the bottle. Gabriella swished back her long hair so it fell into the water and let the drips cascade in Dylan’s direction. He laughed nervously before leaning in for a long kiss. It was certainly steamy.

Jas slammed her hand on the table in satisfaction. ‘Just what we wanted.’

‘Check out her interview this morning about it.’

Gabriella sat on the terrace with the Ibizan hills as a backdrop. ‘Last night our relationship went to a whole new level,’ she began. ‘The connection between Dylan and me is insane. I know he’s out with Charlotte today, and obviously there’s still a long way to go in the competition, but I’m pretty confident that my place is safe. I can see myself marrying him, no question. He’s mine.’

‘Oh my God, she is perfect,’ Jas said. Gabriella might not be someone Jas would want to spend much time with away from the show, but she and Alex, especially, were exactly the sort of characters needed for the soap-opera dramatics that would keep viewers hooked.

‘Busy day?’ The familiar voice startled Jas.

‘Luke! Hey … I was catching up on some footage. Stuff is getting wild.’ They smiled at each other. Jas felt like a schoolgirl running into her first crush!

‘Morning, Lynds. How’s the head?’

Lyndsey simply raised her glass of water with a smile and popped two more paracetamol.

‘Yeah, that Gabriella seems like a handful.’ Luke smiled, gesturing to the monitor.

‘Aren’t they all? Anyway, what are you up to?’

‘We’ve had a ton of complaints back home over the new Friday late-night chat show. Too many swear words and too much sexism, apparently.’

‘Crikey. That sounds fun. Well, it’s the fourth rose ceremony tonight, I hope you’re, er, going to stay around? All the crew will be having drinks here afterwards …’ Jas was well aware she was asking Luke out and Lyndsey pricked up her ears when she realised it too, peering over her thick-rimmed glasses again and smirking at them.

Luke smiled back. ‘Sure, you bet. Anyway, I’ve gotta make some calls back at the hotel. I just came to collect some papers I left here. I’ll see you later.’

Jas waved him off. Everything seemed different since his arrival, and, of course, more so after last night. Jas felt the most at ease she could remember since arriving in Ibiza five weeks ago. Just having him here was reassuring, like nothing could go wrong. She didn’t know what last night meant but she wasn’t going to ruin it by over-analysing the situation. She was determined to enjoy the rest of her time here.

‘It’s nice having Luke around,’ Monica observed as she and Jas walked over to Villa Valencia for the rose ceremony later that evening. ‘I thought he was only flying out for a day, though?’

‘He decided to stay a bit longer and work out here,’ Jas said. ‘He says it’s the closest thing he’s had to a holiday in over a year and he wants to make the most of it. Burrell is letting him expense every penny. I’m sure he feels more secure, having Luke on the scene.’

‘Uh-huh,’ said Monica slowly, raising an eyebrow.

Jas shot her an incredulous look. ‘What?’ She hadn’t told anyone about last night, not even Monica. Thankfully everyone had got so drunk they’d barely noticed Jas and Luke slip off, and when Monica had asked her about it, Jas said that the sun and sangria had got to her and Luke simply walked her home safely. Unfortunately, it looked as though Monica was now fully sober and in the mood to pry again.

‘I was just thinking Burrell isn’t the only one who likes having him around, that’s all,’ she said knowingly.

‘Oh, you mean the women in the house? Definitely. Have you seen how much flirtier and competitive they are, with another man here to impress? It’s like they’re all on heat! And Dylan’s loving having more male company, too. Every time I turn around they’re talking about rugby or football.’

Monica rolled her eyes. ‘I’m talking about you and you know it. What is going on with you and Luke anyway?’

‘We’re friends. Everything is good. Anyway, he’s only been here a few days. I’m concentrating on getting footage tonight, that’s all.’

‘Is that why you look even more gorgeous than usual?’

Jas gave her an innocent look as if she didn’t know what Monica was talking about. So what if she was wearing the revealing red playsuit that she knew showed off her tanned back and legs? And so what if she’d paired it with her trusty MAC Lady Danger lipstick for the full-on glam-effect? It was a rose ceremony after all. Nothing to do with Luke and certainly nothing to do with making up for her low-maintenance look the previous night. Nothing at all to do with that …

At Villa Valencia, the eleven remaining contestants were draped on sofas around the pool when Jas and Monica arrived. The furniture had been moved down to the pool area for the evening, and the whole space had been decorated with twinkly fairy lights by the crew. Dressed in glamorous gowns, with perfectly groomed hair and carefully applied make-up, the women sipped champagne and small-talked through the tense atmosphere, in between eyeing each other closely. Tonight was a double-elimination, and everyone was speculating about which two contestants would be sent home.

Jas popped outside with Dylan to film an interview.

‘Dylan, have you chosen the two you’re sending home? Was it a hard choice?’

‘You know, Jas, every week we get further into the competition, there are definitely women I feel more of a connection with and some I just don’t at all. I wish I had much more time with them all. But I have to make my decision and it has to be final.’

‘What about your date with Charlotte? And last night with Gabby?’

‘I really like both of them. They’re gorgeous girls and amazing in totally different ways.’

Jas made a sign with her thumb and forefinger signalling that Dylan’s reply was perfect. He was, too. The past few dates couldn’t have gone better, with serious sparks flying. He’d kissed Gabriella in the hot tub last night, Alex in the club the night before, and was clearly interested in both Kat and Charlotte – Charlotte in particular from what Monica had told her about their day in Barcelona. Dylan had certainly listened when Jas had told him to spice things up for the camera.

‘Cut there. Great, Dylan. We’ll leave it a few minutes before you go into the villa. You feeling okay? You’re doing a good job, by the way.’

‘Thanks, Jas. I do feel bad sending two of the girls home, though.’

‘Like you said, you have to make your decision and stick to it. It’s all part of the game. Though of course I have no idea who you’ve chosen, so for all I know you can chop and change right up until we call “Action.”’

Dylan laughed. ‘Thanks. I’m pretty sure I know who will be going, though.’

Jas instructed all the women to discuss their dates with Dylan in front of the cameras, to help stir things up. Charlotte was the last to arrive. She said her hellos to the crew and joined the crowd of contestants, having changed into a short white lace dress. She’d wrapped her dark hair into an elegant ponytail and finished the look with dark eyeshadow and glossy lips.

Gabriella, Natalie and Mackenzie sat together, eyeing up Charlotte and sulking that she’d had the most extravagant alone-date so far. Georgia, dressed in a loose, barely there, pale blue dress, nonchalantly looked at her nails but it was obvious she knew she was going home after her fling with Gary had been revealed. Becca and Carmel sat with their arms folded defensively. The aura of jealousy was palpable and Jas loved it. These women didn’t even need directing. Melody beckoned Charlotte over to the sofa.

‘Come on, then, miss, don’t keep us all in suspense! How was it? From the massive grin on your face, I can tell it was good!’

Charlotte blushed, but she really couldn’t stop smiling. She didn’t want to seem like a show-off, though, so downplayed her perfect day with Dylan.

‘Oh, you know, it was fun. The match was amazing, Real Madrid had the upper hand until the last ten minutes and then Barcelona scored a penalty. Amazing!’

‘No one cares about the match, silly! Tell us about Dylan.’

‘Yes, tell us,’ said Gabriella. ‘I’m dying to know how he had the energy for such a full-on day after our date last night.’

Everyone turned to face her. Jas made sure Ken got a close-up of Charlotte’s smile dropping. ‘What happened on your date last night?’ she asked, quietly.

‘Did you and Dylan get it on?’ screeched Melody, revelling in the gossip.

Gabriella had a smug look on her face. ‘Please, I would never sleep with a man so quickly. He begged me to, of course. You can’t blame him after hours of kissing.’

Gasps from the others. Charlotte looked crestfallen.

‘Don’t look at me with those droopy eyes, Charlotte, you can’t possibly think you’re the only one with a chance?’ There was spite in Gabriella’s voice.

The women turned to Charlotte for her reaction, but confrontation only made her shy away.

Thankfully, Dylan’s entrance halted this conversation. He strolled in wearing the same beautifully cut black suit and black shirt he’d worn for every rose ceremony.

‘Good evening, ladies.’

‘Good evening, Dylan,’ they chimed in unison. Like butter wouldn’t melt, thought Jas, watching the spectacle unfold with glee.

‘How are you?’ gushed Alex and Mackenzie at the same time, flashing each other dirty looks before smiling sweetly back at Dylan.

‘I’m good, thanks, how are all of you tonight? Shall we sit and have a drink together?’ He took a seat on a sofa and the girls flocked to him, Gabriella and Natalie sitting either side of him straight away.

‘Dylan, I’m so sorry, can I interrupt?’

‘Hey, Georgia, what’s up?’

‘Could I talk to you in private for a minute?’

Dylan nodded. ‘Of course. Let’s walk over to the garden. Ladies, we’ll be right back.’

The women looked at each other in surprise. One cameraman followed Georgia and Dylan as they walked hand in hand to the garden at the side of the villa where Georgia led Dylan to the loveseat nestled next to a rose bush. Another camera stayed to film shocked reactions from the other girls.

Jas crept into the garden, eager to see what Georgia had to say. Her revealing dress with its plunging neckline left little to the imagination. Dylan and Georgia sat hand in hand and she gave him her most winning smile.

‘I know we haven’t had much time alone together, Dylan, and I know you’ve probably heard some things about me.’ A tear slid down her bronzed cheek. By now, everyone else had followed them outside and was trying to catch what was being said from behind the camera.

Dylan took Georgia’s hands, looking comfortingly at her. This girl is good, thought Jas, loving the crowd of women behind her hissing ‘Oooooh my God’ and ‘I cannot believe her’.

‘I really feel that I deserve to be here,’ Georgia went on. ‘And that I’m a good person. Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone deserves a second chance. I’ve been feeling really lonely here. All the girls are ganging up on me and I don’t seem to have any friends.’ Tears started streaming down her face and Dylan took her in his arms, stroking her hair. ‘Shhh, it’s okay, Georgia. It’s okay.’

‘I know you’re probably going to send me home, but please don’t, Dylan. I really want a chance to make it up to you.’ And as her tear-stained face looked up at his, she leant in for a kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck and pushing her breasts against his chest. Georgia knew everyone was watching and the collective gasp from the other women was audible.

Jas ushered them all away. ‘Come on, ladies, get back to the pool and let Ken do his job, filming all of this.’

Charlotte looked as though she was about to cry.

‘It’s just a TV show, remember that,’ Jas whispered in her ear.

‘I feel so silly. I’m really falling for him.’

‘I told him to flirt with everyone and get a few kisses in for the cameras, babe. Don’t take it personally. Besides, you saw the way she threw herself at him.’

Charlotte joined Melody and Alex who were desperate to gossip about what they’d just seen. After a few minutes, Georgia and Dylan emerged from the garden and joined the crowd as if nothing had happened.

The evening went on being filmed like any other rose ceremony, with everyone vying for Dylan’s attention and pointedly ignoring Georgia, not that she seemed to mind.

Jas was observing the action when Luke came up beside her. Dressed in shorts and a white shirt, a slight tan emerging, he was so handsome.

‘You look sensational,’ he commented, gesturing to her outfit and kissing her on both cheeks. The pair of them stared at each other. Jas giggled and he bit his lip, looking her up and down appreciatively. Jas didn’t know what had gotten into her but she liked it.

Luke kissed the top of her head. ‘So, is it always this dramatic?’

‘Yup. Surely you know that by now? Do you think Burrell is going to like it?’

‘I think you might be on your way to the TV BAFTAs, Whiteley.’

They smiled at each other.

‘Still on for the party back at yours tonight?’ Luke asked.

‘Well, it is Saturday night.’

‘Cool. It’ll be, um, a nice send-off.’

‘Send-off ?’

‘I wanted to tell you straight away. I spoke to Burrell an hour ago and he wants me in the office first thing Monday. I’m catching a morning flight back to London tomorrow. I’m sorry.’

What? Just when they’d finally got together, he was leaving? But work was work. Jas nodded. ‘I’m surprised Burrell let you stay this long anyway, to be honest. Obviously, I’m disappointed though …’ That was an understatement. Every bone in her body was desperate for more time with Luke. Alone-time, preferably. ‘Guess we’ll have to make the most of our last night?’

He smiled at her and nodded his head.

An hour later it was time for Dylan to distribute his roses. The women lined up in two rows with Dylan standing in front of them. Jas motioned for a production assistant to carry in a high table covered with a white cloth. The red roses were piled on top of this.

Dylan left a dramatic pause and then took a deep breath for effect, just like Jas always told him to do.

‘Today was different,’ he began. ‘It was the first time I’d been off Ibiza in a month, it was my first time in Barcelona and it was a really amazing day.’

Everyone’s eyes turned to Charlotte who smiled at Dylan.

‘It made me realise that I’m not just here for a bit of fun or to be on TV,’ he continued, reaching for his first rose. ‘I really want to meet someone special. Someone I can, hopefully, spend the rest of my life with. As the competition goes on, I need to think carefully about that.’

Another pause.

‘So, without further ado, Charlotte, will you accept this rose?’

The camera zoomed in on Charlotte’s beaming face as she walked up and hugged Dylan. ‘Of course I will,’ she replied.

Woman after woman accepted her rose until Becca, Natalie and Georgia were the last three standing. Only one rose was left on the table.

‘Now for the hard part,’ Dylan said. ‘Ladies, I’ve enjoyed spending time with you all. And this evening has also made me reassess certain preconceptions I might have had about some of you. It gave me a lot to think about – not just my own behaviour, but that of everyone here. Georgia, I think there’s more to you that I’d like to get to know. Will you accept my final rose of the evening?’ The blonde’s face lit up and Becca and Natalie fixed stony stares on her.

‘Yeah, I bet there’s a lot more of her he’d like to get to know,’ muttered Luke, who was grinning openly, loving watching all the drama unfold. Jas elbowed him gently in the ribs. She was surprised, though. Everyone had been convinced Georgia would be on her way out tonight. Georgia joined her fellow lucky contestants, with Alex, Gabriella, Carmel and Mackenzie all turning dagger eyes on her.

Becca and Natalie said their goodbyes to the other girls, hugged Dylan and went to pack. They’d be on the midnight flight and back in London and their old lives by sunrise the next day.