Chapter 28

Once filming was finished for the night, Jas left Dylan alone with the remaining nine contestants to carry the party on. The fridge was fully stocked and the women circled him like sharks. Everyone had taken note of Georgia’s tactic and each of them took it in turns to ‘have a quiet word’, which meant getting Dylan alone for five minutes and making the rest of the group wild with jealousy about what they could be up to. Jas hoped there would be lots of snogs to spice things up.

She half-wished she could stay and see what happened next but the cameras installed around the villa were always on and it would make for great viewing tomorrow. Besides, she had her own party – and Luke – to get back to.

At Villa Rosa someone set the playlist from their phone up to the speakers by the pool. Beers were cracked open and handed around as the crew laughed and toasted another successful filming week. Jas was enjoying herself. She felt relaxed. The sun, scenery and pace of life in the glamorous Ibizan hills were far removed from the busy vibe in London, not to mention her complicated life there.

Monica picked up on her mood. ‘You look the happiest I’ve seen you in months,’ she said, clinking her bottle of Corona against Jas’s.

‘I feel much more peaceful,’ Jas admitted. ‘Like I can take on anything!’

‘There’s the spirit! You can’t let that bastard Richard win.’

‘I know. I actually feel so much better about the situation. Like, I’ve finally come to the conclusion that whatever mess there is between us, it will soon be sorted out one way or another. I definitely don’t want it dragged out any further, but I’ve also realised that I just have to accept I can’t control everything. And, in the meantime, guess what? I’ve got the job of my dreams. Look where we are! People fantasise about this.’

Monica hugged Jas closely to her. ‘Babe, I can’t tell you how happy I am to hear you say that. I was worried the old Jas was disappearing, but I knew deep down that nothing could break you. You’re the strongest person I know.’

‘Aw, thanks, Mon.’

‘By the way, Luke hasn’t been able to keep his eyes off you the whole time we’ve been speaking. And don’t look now because he’s making his way over.’

Jas beamed. ‘How do I look?’ she whispered.

‘Ten out of ten as always. Incoming!’ And, with that, Monica spun Jas around quickly so she was face-to-face with the familiar, handsome face of Luke.

‘Sorry to break up the love-fest.’ He smiled. ‘Were you two having some best-friend moment that I’ve just ruined?’

Jas turned around but Monica had disappeared. ‘Looks like you’re not interrupting anything! Having a good time?’

‘Oh, yeah. It’s pretty hard not to have a good time here. It’s paradise.’

‘I know what you mean. I love the hustle and bustle of London and Manchester but it’s only when you get away for a decent amount of time that you realise how full-on city life is.’

‘Agreed. That’s why I keep going back to Cheshire and Brighton. It’s nice to get away, go somewhere quieter where people are actually polite to each other! Although Brighton is so hipster these days it’s basically turning into London with pebbles.’

‘At least you have a beach. That’s one thing London and Manchester certainly don’t have! I’ve barely spent any time at the beach here.’

‘Why don’t we fix that, then?’

‘Fix what?’

‘Let’s drive down to the beach. I’ve got my rented car here and I’ve only had half a beer. I’m good to drive. I found a lovely little stretch of beach this morning I reckon will be very beautiful in the moonlight.’

Jas didn’t need to be asked twice. She didn’t want to miss an opportunity for alone-time with Luke on a moonlit beach before he flew back to London. It would be weeks until she’d see him again.

‘You’re on, Hawkins. But if you think for a second I’m going skinny-dipping, you’ve another think coming.’

Luke snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her close to him. ‘What a nice thought,’ he murmured.

Luke pulled up his rented 4x4 in a car park that looked out over the sea. Steps led down to the beach. It was indeed utterly beautiful in the fading light and much more secluded than Jas had imagined it would be. And colder. She was still wearing her revealing red playsuit and hadn’t thought to take a jacket when she’d raced upstairs for her handbag. The second they were on the shore, she was shivering.

‘Come here.’ Luke pulled her in. His body was like a furnace. She snuggled against him. ‘Do you want to go back up? I have a jumper in the car you can wear.’

‘Not yet. It’s so stunning here.’

‘Worth shivering for?’ Luke said, and before Jas could reply he was kissing her, softly at first then more passionately. Her arms were tucked into his chest for warmth but she reached them around his waist and pulled herself tighter into him. She wanted to feel him close against her. The kisses grew more intense and his hands stroked her hair, her back, and squeezed her bum. Her hands explored him, feeling every glorious, sexy muscle beneath his t-shirt.

‘Still cold?’ he asked when their lips finally parted.

‘Worth it,’ she murmured, drawing his head down for another delicious kiss. She stroked her hands over his chest appreciatively, then started rubbing his groin slowly.

Luke groaned. ‘Jasmine Whiteley, you are trouble,’ he said in between kissing her neck.

Jas was feeling so frisky she didn’t want to wait a second longer to take things further with him again. What setting could be more romantic?

At that thought, her phone started ringing in her handbag. ‘Oh, God, it’s Lila. Impeccable timing as always. She’s house-sitting for me. I’d better answer just in case it’s serious.’

‘Why don’t you take the call and I’ll go and get my jumper from the car? I’m pretty sure I saw a blanket in the boot too.’ He kissed her on the lips again before heading off. Jas was grinning from ear to ear but the phone was still ringing loudly.

‘This better be good, Lila. It’s nearly ten o’clock.’

‘Charming! I was only phoning ’cos you haven’t contacted me all week. I could be dead for all you know.’

Jas rolled her eyes. ‘I’ve been busy. It’s called a job. What’s going on anyway, little one? You behaving yourself ? How’s Meg? And I trust my flat is still in one piece?’

‘Speaking of jobs, I’ve got a new one, you’ll be pleased to know. A grown-up one. And, to answer your questions, the flat is just as perfect and obsessively clean as when you gave me the keys. The plants are all watered and nothing is dead yet. Meg’s grand. Going on about mixer taps and wooden flooring for the loft extension. Where are you anyway? It sounds windy.’

‘I’m on a beach, freezing my arse off. Don’t ask. Let’s go back to that job you mentioned.’

‘Oh, yeah, I’ve got a nine to five now and a proper salary. I’m the new receptionist at Curtis Stoddard in the City. How great is that?’

‘Lila, that’s fantastic, I’m so proud of you! I think a serious job is exactly what you need.’ Then Jas frowned. ‘Wait. Curtis Stoddard? You know that’s where Richard works, right? Eurgh. Well, maybe if you just keep your head down he won’t even notice you’re there’

‘Notice I’m there? He was the one who got me the job.’

Jas might have been shivering on the outside but suddenly it felt as though her blood was running cold. Even the sight of Luke reappearing in the distance, clutching a blanket and jumper, didn’t stir anything in her.

‘What do you mean?’

‘It’s nothing to worry about. He texted me to tell me they were hiring, made sure my application went straight to the top of the pile and put in a good word for me. Look, I knew you’d get mad so that’s why I phoned. You were going to find out anyway now we’re working in the same building. It’s nothing.’

‘Stop saying it’s nothing! What do you mean, he texted you? Why was he texting you?’

‘He’s my brother-in-law, Jas, you weren’t the only one who knew him. We ran into each other at Print Room a few weeks ago. That’s it.’

Jas dropped to the ground and sat cross-legged on the sand. She didn’t understand what she was hearing. ‘And what … now you’re best friends? You do remember what he did to me, Lila, don’t you? You remember how broken I’ve been these past few years?’

‘Of course I do, Jas. You’re my number-one priority, you know that. But Richard’s just been super supportive and—'

‘Supportive of what? What the hell have you got going on?’ Jas knew it was a nasty comment but she was furious. She felt as though Lila was betraying her by fraternising with the enemy.

Luke approached. As soon as he saw the pained expression on Jas’s face his smile dropped. ‘You okay?’ he mouthed, but all she could do was shake her head.

‘Oh, so you’re the only one with goals, dreams, ambitions? I can’t have any of that because it’s all about you?’

‘That’s not what I meant, Lila. But how do you think it feels to hear that one of the people who is closest to me in the entire world has been in communication with the man who ruined my life?’ At this Luke looked over at her but Jas was so irate she didn’t notice.

Another deep sigh from Lila. ‘You’re currently being paid to live in Ibiza. I hardly think your life is ruined, Jas. And Richard practically gave you the flat. He feels really bad about things, you know. If only you’d give him a chance, you might see that there are two sides to every story.’

She sounded so emotionless and aloof. Hot tears filled Jas’s eyes. Luke wrapped his jumper and his arm around her but Jas took no notice.

‘How – how could you say such things, Lila? You know what he put me through. What he’s still putting me through.’

‘I think we should talk tomorrow. You’re upset. It’ll give you a chance to calm down.’ And with that, Lila hung up. Tears streamed down Jas’s face. How ironic that all this time she’d wanted Lila to grow up and get serious; to land a proper job. In the space of a phone call Jas had learnt that not only had her sister achieved all of that, she had broken Jas’s heart in the process.

‘What was that about?’ asked Luke.

Jas wiped her face, shaking her head. ‘It’s nothing.’

‘Don’t give me that. Talk to me.’

‘Just my sister. She’s hanging out with my ex. They’re texting.’

‘Well, that doesn’t sound so terrible.’ Luke’s attempt to make light of the situation only made things worse.

‘You don’t understand,’ Jas replied, coldly.

‘So tell me. Come on, it has to be serious if it’s got you this upset.’

Jas stood up, letting Luke’s jumper fall to the ground, and started marching back up the steps towards the car, her arms folded.

‘Hey!’ Luke caught up to her and took her hand but she angrily pulled it away and kept marching.

‘Oh, this is mature,’ he said sarcastically. ‘Jas? JAS?’


‘What’s wrong with you?’


‘Then tell me what could possibly make you so upset about Lila being in touch with your ex?’

Jas stopped and turned round to confront Luke, her expression furious. ‘Because he’s not my ex, okay? He’s my husband. There? Happy?’

She didn’t wait to see his reaction. She wanted to get away. She stormed into the car park and yanked at the passenger door of the car, but it was locked. She slammed her fist against the window, causing no damage except to her ego. It hurt her hand, too. Jas didn’t care.

‘You have a husband? You’re married ?’

‘Let’s just get in the car,’ she snapped back at Luke. She knew she was acting like a child throwing a tantrum. It was completely out of character but it felt satisfying to let out all the anger she’d supressed over the months. Years even.

‘Whoa, we’re not going anywhere until you tell me what’s going on.’

Jas folded her arms tightly to her chest, suddenly feeling exposed and vulnerable. She couldn’t bring herself to look at him but knew she had to face up to this now. There was no escaping that.

She bit her lip. ‘Yes, I’m married. But we’re separated, have been for months. I filed for divorce and he’s refusing to give it to me.’ It certainly wasn’t the way Jas had wanted to come clean to Luke but, man, did it feel good finally to say it out loud.

‘It’s been hell. I’m sorry, Luke. I should have told you.’

Luke was shaking his head. ‘How could you have kept this from me?’

Tears were streaming down Jas’s face but this time Luke didn’t offer her any consolation, just stared at her with an expression she couldn’t decipher. ‘I wanted to, but I didn’t want to ruin what we had.’

‘So you lied to me?’

‘No! I mean, yes. But it wasn’t like that.’ Jas moved closer to him but he swerved aside, walking over to the driver’s side of the car and unlocking the door.

‘Get in,’ he said.

Jas got in the car. Luke sped away. He turned the heating on and warmth spread over Jas, calming her down. The tears dried and she sniffed, talking deep breaths as Luke drove on. Jas didn’t know what to say so waited for him to speak first. They sat in silence for what seemed like hours.

‘Why are we following signs to the old town? I thought we were going back to your hotel?’

‘I’m dropping you home. Then I’m going back to my hotel.’

That made sense. But he wasn’t planning to leave things like this, surely?

‘Okay, we can talk in my room.’

‘I’m going back to my hotel,’ he repeated.

‘Oh, no, please don’t leave like this, Luke. I wanted to tell you so many times, but there was never a right moment. I know that sounds ridiculous. That’s why I ended it, because I didn’t want things to get more complicated until my divorce was final. I swear, to all intents and purposes I am single and what I feel for you is real.’

‘Okay, Jas, okay.’ His voice softened. ‘It’s a lot to take in right now. I’m tired. It’s late and I have an early flight. I think we should leave it tonight, let things cool down a bit and talk again in a couple of days.’

He pulled into the parking area at Villa Rosa.

‘We’re here.’

Jas wanted to argue with him but, really, what justification did she have? The least she could do was respect Luke’s wishes. Feeling miserable, she got out of the car.

‘Call me when you land, okay?’ she asked, hopefully. But he’d already sped out of the driveway.