Chapter 33

The next two days were hell for Charlotte. Knowing that Dylan would be having alone-time with Alex and Gabriella, she tried to keep her mind off them all by busying herself as much as possible. She Skyped her parents as well as Maya and Rafi, went for long runs and swam lengths around the pool, took herself off to the beach and found yoga classes in Ibiza Town.

Things only got harder for her when she returned from dinner with a couple of crew members the next night and was at the door of her room when she heard Alex and Dylan laughing together. They were arriving back from their day out and heading into the cinema room with a bottle of wine.

Charlotte obsessed about that all night, convinced not only that they’d be having sex, but that Alex would be crowned the winner and then be jetting off to the Maldives with Dylan for their romantic ‘mini-moon’ in a few weeks’ time.

On Thursday morning, Charlotte woke up early to go for a run. As she searched in her beach bag for her headphones she found a small, squidgy toy – a stuffed pig that belonged to Ruby. Charlotte remembered putting it in her bag after they’d been at the pool together a few days ago and she was clearing up. She’d forgotten all about it but figured the little girl would surely be missing it, so decided to drop it outside the guest accommodation where Dylan stayed as she went out for her run. It was barely 7 a.m., he definitely wouldn’t be up this early.

Dylan’s own private villa was right next to the girls’, with just a thin path separating them. As Charlotte sauntered down it there was silence except for the sound of birdsong. It really was a beautiful spot. Charlotte was going to miss it but she concentrated on the thought of being home, back with her family and friends. Two months was a long time to be away. Approaching Dylan’s door where she planned to drop the toy, Charlotte was deep in thought about what presents to bring home for Rafi when she stopped dead in her tracks. Then she thought better of it, not wanting an encounter, and stepped smartly behind a tall shrub. For who should be creeping out of Dylan’s villa at 7 a.m., barefoot and wearing a black mini dress, hair dishevelled and last night’s make-up still caked around her eyes, but Gabriella.

Charlotte held her breath and hoped Gabriella hadn’t seen her dive for cover. The tall, skinny redhead looked around to check if anyone was watching her take the very blatant walk of shame. With her silver high heels held in one hand and black evening clutch bag in the other, she scuttled back into Villa Valencia. Charlotte threw the toy pig towards the door and ran away as fast as she could, also hoping no one had seen her. She raced down to her usual track and ran through the shock of what she’d seen, her eyes prickling with red-hot tears. So, Gabby had spent the night with Dylan. Was it just last night or were they secretly shagging every night? And for how long? All this week Charlotte was convinced Alex was the one to beat, but was Dylan really sleeping with both of them?

Charlotte tried to run off her anxieties but needed to talk things through, so sought out the one other person in Ibiza she could trust. Jas.

She found her in Villa Rosa working on her laptop, though she immediately ran over to Charlotte when she saw that she’d been crying and gave her a hug.

‘You don’t want to be with a man like that anyway,’ Jas insisted when Charlotte filled her in.

‘It’s so gross,’ she replied. ‘God knows who else he’s been sleeping with, especially from what I saw of the other contestants. Mackenzie, Georgia … and who knows who else!’ Charlotte didn’t want to be judgemental but she was growing sick of being so nice all the time. ‘Surely you know everything that’s gone on, Jas? You film it all.’

‘You know there are no cameras in the bedrooms, babe, I don’t know what goes on in there. And you know that even if I did know, I’m not allowed to tell you.’ That was true. Charlotte knew she and Jas had grown close over the past weeks but Jas had every other contestant’s best interest at heart too and had all their trust, not to mention abiding by the rules of the show that stated she wasn’t allowed to tell contestants anything so secret as who might or might not be sleeping with each other.

‘I feel so stupid,’ Charlotte continued. ‘I know he’s been kissing us all but, honestly, it didn’t even occur to me before this week that he was actually having sex with any of us. I didn’t think he was like that.’

Jas said nothing, which Charlotte only took for further proof that Dylan had been sleeping around. She figured that even if Jas was allowed to say anything, she would be too polite. And she wouldn’t want to upset Charlotte.

‘Listen, honey, I know it’s hard. But just remember that, no matter what you feel for Dylan, you’ve only known him eight weeks. That’s all. And clearly, if this is how he is, then he isn’t the man for you. If it’s shown on TV that he’s been sleeping with a bunch of women, he’s the one who will be judged and you’ll always be the lady who turned him down.’

‘That’s true.’

‘And you’re down to the finals, which means loads of air-time so who knows what will come of that? I know fame isn’t what you came here for, and you hate attention, but everyone will love you. Don’t think about him, think about you and what this will do for your career.’

‘Thanks, Jas.’ But Charlotte really couldn’t care less about being famous. She just didn’t want her heart broken on national TV.

Even though it was only the following night, it felt like a lifetime to Charlotte before the final rose ceremony. By this point she only wanted it over with so she could go home and see her family.

Even though she’d been nervous before every previous rose ceremony, she was always excited about the prospect of seeing Dylan again and before the ceremony, or indeed any date with him, she’d spent ages getting ready, a smile plastered on her face. Now, she couldn’t feel any further from that. Those images of Alex swishing out of her room talking about how ‘lucky’ she was going to get, then of her and Dylan sloping off to the cinema room, and the sight of Gabriella emerging from his villa that morning, were all scorched into Charlotte’s mind.

As it was the very last ceremony, the three finalists were told to wear their most glamorous gown. Charlotte’s outfit was a floor-length slinky Topshop Unique dress, which she paired with gold heels and red lipstick, her hair elegantly straightened. If she was losing, she was determined to look fabulous doing so. As she arrived for the champagne ceremony, as expected Gabriella was wearing a long, golden and dramatic designer number that probably cost a small fortune. Even Charlotte had to admit she looked beautiful in the gown, which made her pale skin glisten. Alex was dressed in a short, bright pink shift dress with leather trimming, and platforms that showed off her bronzed legs.

It was a few minutes before the winner was to be announced and Charlotte had popped to the toilet to freshen up her lipstick. As she emerged, she walked straight into Dylan.

‘Hey,’ he said. ‘Wow, you look sensational, Charlotte.’

‘Thanks.’ They stood in awkward silence. Dylan was just as distant with Charlotte as she’d planned to be with him. Where usually he’d greet her with a huge hug and talk was easy, now there was a definite air of tension between them. Why was he being funny with her? It made Charlotte angry. She was the one who should by rights be giving him the silent treatment. But anything was better than this awful tension, so she broke the silence.

‘So, how was your day? Get up to much?’

‘Er, yeah, Mum and Ruby and I went down to the beach with Gabby.’

‘Oh.’ The mention of that name was like a stab to Charlotte’s heart.

‘What about you, what have you been up to?’

‘Oh, nothing much. I went for a run. Hung out with Jas a bit.

‘Ruby was asking about you today.’

‘Oh, yeah?’

‘I think she missed you.’

‘She doesn’t even know me.’

‘I think I missed you, too.’ Dylan took Charlotte’s hand but she pulled it away.

‘Speaking of Ruby, I dropped off her toy outside your door yesterday morning. You know, the stuffed pink pig? I must have taken it by accident after we were in the pool the other day.’

‘That was you? I thought it was one of the crew. Thank you. That must’ve been early, what time was it? Why didn’t you knock and come in?’

‘About seven. I saw that you had company.’ Charlotte hadn’t intended to bring this up, let alone snap at him like that. As soon as she did Dylan blushed. He looked ashamed, and quite right, too.

‘Charlotte, let me explain …’

She shook her head. She didn’t want to get into this. Charlotte hated confrontation.

‘You don’t need to explain Dylan. You’re a single man. You can do what you like.’

‘You’re really angry with me. This isn’t how I wanted our night to go. Can I just explain?’ But he didn’t sound that sorry or, frankly, as if he cared that much. Something in his tone sounded like he was pissed off with her, which only made Charlotte angrier.

‘I think I should go back out so we can get this over with. Why put either of us through any more?’

This was it: Dylan’s last chance to beg her to stay, to say how sorry he was, that the night with Gabriella was a mistake and Charlotte was the one he loved.

But instead he shook his head. ‘I’m confused.’

It wasn’t good enough. ‘You know what, I’ll make it easy for you.’ And with that, Charlotte walked away, back out to the lights and the cameras.

The three women lined up, looking straight ahead as crew members set up the cameras to their perfect shots. All three contestants had already packed their bags. Two of them would be on a plane back to London that night. The winner would leave with Dylan and his family first thing tomorrow.

Dylan finally emerged, holding his last rose, and began his closing speech. While he spoke, he looked at Charlotte. ‘This is the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make. I came into this competition thinking it would be easy. That there would be a clear frontrunner. I mean, how could I possibly fall for three such amazing women? Well, you’re in the final because I can see myself with all or any of you. Charlotte, you have the biggest heart of anyone I’ve met. And you don’t even know how beautiful you are, inside and out.’ She met his gaze at this, fiercely resisting a strong urge to run over and kiss him. Was this his way of making everything okay?

He turned to Alex then. ‘And, Alex, you astound me. I’ve learnt more from you than anyone else here. But …’ He faltered for a moment.

‘I’ve also come to realise that some people have surprised me in bad ways. After all, how well can you truly know someone after only eight weeks?’

What did he mean by that?

‘And as much as I have strong feelings for all of you, there’s one person who has really shone out.’ With that, he knelt down on one knee in front of the person nobody had expected to win.

‘Gabby, will you accept this rose and be my girlfriend?’

She flung her arms around him. ‘Oh, my darling, yes, yes, yes!’

Even the crew were shocked. Charlotte made eyes at Jas, who mouthed ‘What?’ to her. But Charlotte wasn’t that surprised. Not now.

Alex stormed out, pushing a camera aside as she did so. Monica went running after her. Gabriella burst into tears and rested her head on Dylan’s shoulder. He looked over at Charlotte, though she had no idea why. He’d just made his choice, Gabriella was the one he wanted to be with. Remembering the cameras and keeping her composure, she gave Gabriella a hug, though all she felt was a bony, cold back.

‘Congratulations, Gabby. I hope you two are very happy.’

Gabriella turned around, arms raised to embrace her, but said in Charlotte’s ear, ‘You gave it your best shot but did you really think you had a chance?’ Then she pulled away, giving Charlotte a look of pure hatred before smiling sweetly at Dylan.

Charlotte was utterly taken aback. She smiled politely and gave Dylan a quick hug, but as she made to walk away he grabbed her hand. Their eyes met for a fraction of a second before Gabriella noticed and batted his hand away, pulling Dylan towards her and posing for the cameras surrounding them.

Charlotte went to change for her flight, leaving the winning couple to their big moment. What a fool she felt. She’d promised herself before she came into this whole experience that she wouldn’t have her heart broken – and that was exactly what had happened. She’d really thought she had a chance with Dylan and, even tonight, retained a sliver of hope that everything would be okay. She could feel the tears rising. Ken the cameraman followed her as she walked back to her room, managing not to break down until the door was safely closed behind her.