Chapter Sixteen



Greg studied the flight manifest. “They’re sure he never got on the plane to Vegas?”

“Yup. He had a ticket for the flight, but it was canceled at the last moment.”

“Maggie, you and Quinn get down to the airport and see if anyone remembers Big Tony and if he mentioned anything about his change of plans.”

“What about his driver? I heard he never drives alone and only uses one guy.” Maggie had a good point.

“You’re right, but contacting his driver would reveal that we’re hunting for Tony.”

“Doesn’t matter anyway. According to everything we can find the driver is missing too. His wife reported it about a week ago.”

Greg was getting more and more frustrated. Every time they seemed to find a lead the door slammed right in their face.

“New plan. Maggie and I will go to the airport. Quinn, you look at footage of the airport and see if you can find Big Tony’s car as he leaves the parking garage. If the driver disappeared, then in all likelihood they were together when it happened.”

“Got it.”

Greg drove. Maggie rode shotgun. She wasn’t a big talker. It gave him way too much time to think. Ericka had checked in a few times over the last couple of days. Her initial survey of the house had brought nothing useful, other than employment. Now she was there as a nurse. Since she lived there, she might find something useful, but her location limited their communication. He just had to wait for her to text him or call him.

Patience wasn’t his strong suit.

Nor was not worrying. He couldn’t stop worrying about her being in the presence of Joey Flirting Demarco. The young Demarco was notorious for all the girls he’d loved and left. Although that had been mostly in college. Still, the idea that he wasn’t above doing it meant he could easily do it again.


She was available, so what could Greg say about any of it? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Parked in the garage, Greg and Maggie went inside the terminal and straight to the ticket counter.

She flashed her badge first. “NYPD. I’m Detective Maggie Hart and this is Sergeant Greg Kane. May we ask you a few questions?”

“I guess.” The lady twisted a strand of hair around her finger. She seemed completely uninterested as she tapped keys on her keyboard with one long nailed finger.

“Do you remember ever seeing this man?” Maggie flashed Tony’s photo.

“Nope.” The ticket handler turned away.

Greg called Quinn. “I need footage of the ticket counter, please.”

Greg’s phone pinged. “Thank you.”

The lady in front of them wasn’t in the video but the teller next to her was.

Greg turned his focus. “Ma’am, we’re with the NYPD, and we’re looking for the whereabouts of this gentleman. He’s been missing, and we’re trying to find him.”

The lady looked at the video. “Yes, I remember him. He got a text at the last minute that his meeting had changed to Jersey. He made a few choice comments, which is why I remember it so well, and then he left.”

“You’ve been very helpful.” Greg handed over his card. “If you remember anything else, please give us a call. I’m sure the family would appreciate it.”

She went back to her computer after shoving the card in her pocket.

Greg and Maggie walked away.

“Jersey. That gives Quinn a direction to look at least. He should be able to follow traffic cams and get an idea where they were headed exactly.”

Maggie was on the right track. Now, if Ericka could just hold out until one of them found more information on Tony all would be well.