Chapter Twenty-One



Ericka had ripped her pantyhose. The dress had dirt particles and micro tears in the fabric. One of the heels had broken off her shoe. She looked like she’d walked ten thousand miles in her outfit. Her brand new black dress…

Well at least Frankie had sent, or rather thrown, out her bag.

She riffled through the interior and found her phone. She dialed and started walking toward the gate. The limp wasn’t helping her get there any quicker.

The phone rang once before he answered. “Hello?”



“I need you to come to the Demarco’s and pick me up.”

“You told him.”

“I did. Frankie overheard. It didn’t go well.”

“I guess they aren’t helping us.”

“Doesn’t seem like it.”

“I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

The phone clicked off. Ericka walked to the gate. The keeper narrowed his eyes as he opened it and she walked out. There was a sidewalk on the other side, and she started walking. She removed her shoes. Rocks and debris poked her feet multiple times. The pain was a good reminder of her mistake.

She should have kept her secret until they’d found Tony. Then he could have built her up and made her look like she was a hero. Now she’d blown that possibility.

It was a habit. She’d never had a successful relationship.

Moonlight and streetlamps cast an eerie glow on the concrete. She wiped sweat from her brow and hopped when she stepped on a pointed object.

Why hadn’t she waited to tell the truth until she at least had better and more comfortable shoes and maybe someone on the way to pick her up.

Greg arrived and stopped at the curb. She entered the passenger seat and immediately massaged her feet.

“You look nice.”

“I looked better before I was thrown out on my bum, but thank you.”

“How was the party?”

She would have slapped him, but he was the boss. “It was dandy. How about you? How is the party to find Big Tony going?”

“Not as well as we’d hoped. The trail went cold after the Holland Tunnel.”

She leaned her head back on the head rest.

“It was as if the car went in but didn’t come out.”

“Did you check impounded cars to see if it was picked up by the city?”

“Quinn’s been checking all the official ones, but if a small tow company was called the car could have gone anywhere.”

“Junk yards. Should check there for sure. They may not have a list, but they will remember a luxury car.”

“Good idea.” He paused. “I’ve missed you.”

“Funny. I haven’t worked with you long enough for you to miss me.” At least not this go around.

“I didn’t just mean as part of my work team.”

“Oh.” Heat flooded her face.

He looked out the windshield. “I guess I better take you home to change.”

“So, it’s right to work, is it?” He wasn’t even going to address the “I missed you” comment. Figured.

“That would be a good idea. Time is of the essence.”

He drove to her apartment and parked. “I’ll wait on you.”

“You want to come up and wait?”


He locked the car and they walked into the lobby and took the elevator to the third floor. She’d been gone so long they’d had time to fix it. That was nice.

She pulled out her keys and opened the door slipping out of the ruined pumps as soon as the door opened.

“Would you like a drink? I think I have some bottled water and soda in the refrigerator. Although I’m not sure. I haven’t been here in a while.”

She released her hair as she walked.

“No, thanks.”

She entered her bathroom, unzipped and removed the dress, and hung it up on a hook on the back door. It would need dry cleaning and perhaps a few stitches. But it was too nice not to repair.

She pulled on a T-shirt and a pair of jeans then socks and tennis shoes. Not normal FBI attire but for now it would have to do. Wearing a suit jacket and slacks after the dress just wasn’t going to happen.

“I’m ready.”

He was wearing a suit and freshly polished shoes. She hadn’t noticed that when she got in the car. A frown tugged at her forehead. Such distraction could get her killed.

“Well, then let’s go.”

The car ride was quieter than she liked. They passed a theater and a library then several restaurants. She looked at them all, trying to keep her mind off Greg and everything else going on in her life.

“I never found anything about Big Tony. The family is as clueless as we are. But I think there is one person who knows something—Sofia Melina.”

“Mary’s daughter from before she married Big Tony?”

“Yes. I overheard her talking on the phone. She is definitely hiding something. Sadly, I didn’t have time to figure out what it was.”

Greg picked up the phone. “Quinn?” Pause. “Sorry, but I need you in the office.” Pause. “I know it’s late, but I need you to look into Sofia Melina. I also want a tail on her. I want to know everywhere she goes and when.”

Greg hung up. “If she’s involved, we may have found our way to locate Tony.”

Ericka’s muscles finally relaxed.

“After work tomorrow, why don’t you come over and watch a movie?”

Last week she would have jumped at the chance, but now, now she felt like she was betraying Joey. If she closed her eyes, she could still see the hurt on his face.

“You don’t want to, do you?”

“Not tomorrow, but thank you.”

Greg pulled into the parking lot, and they entered a door on the outside of the building. They walked along a long narrow hallway. At the end he used an eye scanner. This building was so complex with multiple entrances. This way was a new one for her.

The door opened onto the floor. Quinn was in their corner with Maggie, both leaning over Quinn’s computer in an intense conversation. How they had made it to the office so quickly was a surprise.

Greg approached. “What do we got?”

“We’ve been scanning Sofia’s financials. Over the past few years her bank accounts have been drained then all of a sudden she had an influx of cash. Like two hundred and fifty thousand dollars’ worth.”

“You think Sofia got paid to turn over Big Tony?” Ericka had stepped forward.

Quinn and Maggie looked at her but this time with no malice or anger. It felt good to be a part of the team.

“Yes, and currently we are following the money.” Quinn tapped keys on the computer.

“Where is Sofia right now?” Maggie asked.

Ericka leaned over Quinn’s shoulder. “She’s still at the party.”

“She is. Then I guess we wait.”

The four of them ordered takeout. Quinn continued to follow Sofia’s money trail. Maggie looked into her history.

“Ericka, come with me. Let’s review what we have.”

Ericka followed Greg. The conference room was covered in papers and photos. She picked up a photo of Big Tony at the airport.

“That’s Demarco headed back to his car after getting the news the meeting was moved. In the background you can barely see his driver.”

Ericka took a magnifying glass. The driver was there, but barely keeping up with his boss.

“We followed them all the way to the Holland Tunnel then they just disappeared.”

“May I see the camera from the entrance?”

“We estimated the time it would take for them to exit.”

“I understand, but I’d like to physically see it.”

He found the place and played the video.

“Now play when they should have exited.” She watched. “The beginning again, now the end.” She scanned the footage. “Stop.”

He paused the video.

“There. They are right there.”

Greg leaned in and narrowed his eyes. “Are you sure?”

“Oh, I’m sure. You see these cars here. They are the same cars they went in with. Also, this is the same make and model of car they were driving just a different color.”

“Color changing cars?”

“It’s a thing, trust me. So, for whatever reason Big Tony didn’t want his movements easily tracked.”

“Now that you found the car, Quinn can try to follow traffic cams and see where they lead. Good work.” He patted her shoulder as he left the room.

Ericka gave a half-hearted salute. She waited to feel the tingle from his touch. It wasn’t quite as strong as it had been before. She wasn’t sure if she was happy or disappointed.

Leaning back in the chair, she stared at the screen.

“Big Tony, where are you and what were you up to?”

Greg had left the conference room. He was leaned over Quinn. No doubt telling him what to look for.

Ericka yawned behind her hand. How long could one party last?

Regret filled her. She could have spent the entire afternoon with Joey. They would have danced. Ate until they burst. Laughed at stupid things. And just talked. She’d had to ruin it by mentioning what she really did for a living. She really was out to sabotage herself.

She rose from the chair and joined the others. Hours passed. Sunrise began at six-thirty a.m., right as Quinn got an alert.

“The officers on site say Sofia just headed out to her car.”

Greg leaned over. “Tell them to follow her but stay at a safe distance. It’s go time. Come on, girl. Lead us to Tony.”