Chapter Twenty-Three



Flashing lights blinded Greg as soon as he entered the full club. Moments passed before his eyes adjusted.

He was too old for this.


Some scantily clad girl, heavily painted with rouge and red lipstick, offered him a toothy grin and a glass with a clear liquid. He took it then set it on a nearby counter. He wasn’t risking putting anything in his mouth. Not in a place like this.

Then he saw her.

Sofia was on the balcony headed toward a beaded curtain.

Greg pushed through the crowd to the base of the steps. He took two at a time. Once on the balcony he turned sideways to avoid gyrating bodies until he reached the curtain. He peered through the strands. Just beyond the entrance was a hallway of closed doors.

He stepped through, put his back against the wall, and scooted, pausing at each doorway before moving on. He heard several voices that he didn’t recognize, before he heard an angry female.

“I told you he took the money and you have to find it.”

“He claims there is no money. And I can’t find any trace of it.”

“Then you didn’t look hard enough!”

“Maybe you should come back and help me.”

“Don’t touch me!” The female’s voice rose to a shout.

“I believe I’ll do with you as I please.”

There was a sound like a slap.

“I’ll be leaving. I did my job. I told you how to find him. I gave you extra by telling you about the money. The rest is your problem.”

Sofia stalked out of the room. Greg pretended to head into a room, and she walked right past him.

Her companion soon followed. He was tall, skinny, and bald. A birthmark stretched across his face. The rest of his skin was tanned from his heritage as well as hours in the sun.

It was Raul Rosa. Jose Rosa’s oldest son.

If Sofia was talking about Big Tony, his friend was definitely in trouble.




Ericka climbed into the driver’s seat and waited in the car, drumming her fingers against the steering wheel. This thing with Joey was making her nuts.

Leaning back against the head rest, she counted the lights that winked off the car roof. Why was love so hard?

She lowered her chin right as Sofia came rushing out of the building. She pushed the bouncer aside and stomped to her car. She fumbled with her keys then shoved them into the lock.

Ericka needed to make a decision—follow Sofia or wait for Greg. Her heart hammered in her chest. She hated sudden decisions.

What was taking Greg so long to return?




“Follow Sofia and bring her to the warehouse. Maybe she can be of some use yet.”

Raul ordered a man to do his bidding just as Greg slipped from the beaded curtain. He put his phone to his ear as he headed toward the door. Maybe he looked like he fit in.

Ericka was waiting in the running car in front of the club. “Get in!”

She took off before his door closed. She weaved through traffic like a crazy person. Maybe he needed to get her an advance driving class.

“Did we lose her?”

“I don’t see her.” Greg called Quinn. “Pull up traffic cams at West 32nd Street and Broadway. Look for Sofia’s red car.”

“On it, boss.” There was a short pause. “She just turned left onto 6th Avenue. Now left onto West 30th Street. She’s staying on East 30th.” After a few seconds, Quinn said, “Now she turned onto Park Avenue. She’s headed for Grand Central Station. Wait, wait. You aren’t the only one following her. There’s a large black SUV right on her tail.”

“We’re going to lose our only lead.” Ericka slammed her palm into the steering wheel.

“Quinn!” Greg thought they were going to die. If he didn’t give him a lead soon then Ericka was going to make one.

“I see her. She parked. She’s headed in.” Quinn sounded as panicked as Greg felt.

“And you see the cameras inside?”

“There are too many people. I think I’ve lost her.”

Greg could imagine Quinn frantically searching. Ericka wasn’t helping with all her pressure.

“What did he say? Greg?”

“He lost her.”

Ericka didn’t slow their speed. She swerved, the tires skidding across the black asphalt, and landing perfectly in a parallel spot. It felt like his rear end was in his throat.

He wouldn’t be letting her drive again anytime soon.

Ericka unbuckled and jumped from the car as he struggled to catch his breath. Maybe adding her to the team had been a bit impetuous. She was as reckless as she’d always been.

The black SUV parked across from them. A gentleman was on the phone. His hands were moving erratically. He seemed to be speaking in rapid fire Spanish. Maybe he’d lost Sofia as well.

That meant they still had a chance. Now Greg needed to find Ericka before she did something rash. If she would just remember they were a team.