The writing and production of The Mayan Factor would not have been possible without the love so totally infused into it.

First and foremost to be credited is my mother-in-law, Maya, who read the manuscript as it came out, chapter by chapter, cheering me on when few were doing so. Naturally, the daughter of Maya, my wife Lloydine, must be thanked for radiating continuously the source connecting me to the Earth as the Earth is connected to the stars. The children in my life, too—josh, Tara, Heidi, Paul, and Yvonne—and the circles they make with all of their friends, must also be mentioned for the truth of the love they offer so unconditionally. Finally, in this domestic vein, it would not be fair if I did not mention those psychic nodes of inter-dimensional warmth, the dog, Genji, and the cats, Sponsor and Onyx, living proof that we are not alone.

In addition to the people mentioned in the first chapter who offered me clues, information, and insight in the piecing together of The Mayan Factor, a few other individuals stand out who, during the fermentation and production process, were beacons of light. Their belief in me and the work were a profoundly sustaining nourishment. These include: Stan Padilla, quiet seer whose artistry and prayers are circles of protection purifying the channel of vision; Brooke Medicine Eagle, whose sisterhood is the twinkling essence of human regeneration; Don Eduardo Calderon, trickster of the dream body, who assisted in opening conduits of terrestrial memory; His Eminence Tai Situ Rinpoche, for bridging the worlds; Rupert Sheldrake, for engaging the field; and Ted and J. J., copractitioners of cosmonogamous loyalty.

Of course, The Mayan Factor would be but another manuscript sitting in a file were it not for the genius of Barbara Clow of Bear & Company, who, upon receiving this text, promptly saw the need to give it to the world. Her husband, Gerry, also deserves mention for his steadfastness and humor in this whole process, as well as Angela Werneke for the care she has taken with visual presentation.

Lastly, in this regard, are the beings of the spirit world whose guidance has been of enduring compassion, seeding my wisdom-wonder rapturously as I have exhausted my doubt that it could be so.

To all of these, and infinitely more, the gratitude of boundless being is offered unconditionally from a heart whose greatest joy is the simplicity of the moment.

Evam maya e ma ho! (All hail the harmony of mind and nature!)