The Mayan Perspective, though often characterized as being obsessed with time, actually does not possess a specific word for time, or words for space or matter. For this reason, the Mayan Perspective is uniquely qualified to be a paradigm that is resonant and matrix-based, as distinct from the current paradigm which is atomistically anchored in calibrations of space, time, and matter.

The following glossary of terms, inspired by and loosely derived from Domingo Martinez Parédez' Parapsicologia Maya (Mexico, 1981), is intended as a Resonant Paradigm Primer. Its purpose is to provide the seeker with a basis for considering a view of reality distinct from the prevailing world view yet within the framework of a post-quantum physicalistic view of reality. This view of reality, like the Mayan, is a paradigm based on wave harmonics and resonant fields. The terms are arranged, as much as possible, to present a coherent cosmological unfolding of this dynamic non-materialistic perspective.

The Glossary is followed by several paragraphs extending the meaning of the Tzolkin by placing it in the context of holonomics—the law governing whole systems.


HUNAB KU, The One Giver of Movement and Measure. The principle of intelligent energy that pervades the entire universe, animate or inanimate.

HUYUB CAAN (HURUCAAN). Heart of Heaven. Heavenly builder, cosmic design principle.

KIN. The Sun. Chief mediator of HUNAB KU for our planetary system. Day: Basic harmonic unit or wave property.

KINAN. Solar Force. Higher spiritual energy. Solar mind as the universally available means of transmitting higher psychic energy on this planet.

TIN KINANTAH. Quality of spirit-transmitting energy, solar-related higher energy accounting for different kinds of psychic or paranormal phenomena.

KINICH AHAU, Lord of the Sun. Galactic overseer, the realized solar mind, or mind of light.

AHAU KINES (Also AH KIN, AH KINES). Solar Lords. Priests of the Sun. Diviners of harmony, seers.

BAAXTEN. Capacity to project energy, as well as the effect of projection of energy.

PAX. Cosmic break or rupture, the power of music.

PIXAN. What manifests within form, "spirit."

TIN UILA LUUN TUL PIXAN. To see a soul, a spirit. To perceive the manifest.

KUXAN SUUM. Road to the sky, leading to the umbilical cord of the universe. Invisible galactic life-blood threads mediated by KIN, the Sun.

CAAN. Heaven.

CAN. Serpent, energy, four. Fourfold energy wave functions: gravitational force, electromagnetic force, strong force, and weak force (the latter two combined create the biopsychic field or psi). (In the I Chin the four energy wave functions correspond respectively to Young Yin, Young Yang, Old Yang, Old Yin.)

NAC. Reverse of CAN: limit, form principle.

CANNAC. Principle that there is no form without spirit and vice versa. Complementarity of energy and form. Also, that which has to be learned.

TUMEN. Cause and effect. Principle of causal relatedness.

CUXTAL. To arrive at oxidation (CAXUM). Life-generating principle.

CANIL CUXTAL. Serpent of life. Energy arriving at oxidation or taking on form, limiting of energy; hence, suffering as primary quality of existence.

WINCLIL. Human being. WINC, tuber, root, LIL, vibratory, hence human. Cosmic vibratory root or resonator.

CI'ZIN. Radiation, ray, psyche. Particular energy projection, personality.

ET P'IZ. Our measure. Law of karma, compensation.

K'OCHIL. What we are born with, what we die with. Karmic residue modifying individual existence.

YACUNAH. Love, at the same time suffering. Inescapable poignancy of existence.

IN LAK'ECH. I am another yourself. Principle of universal love, compassion.

CHAN. Quality of intelligence. Intellect.

CHICCHAN. Reptile. Instinctual mind. Primary intelligence.

CHANES. First children of the Sun. Galactic messengers.

ITZAES. First children of the water. Atlanteans.

HOB, HOOL. Head, idea. Mind or mental faculty.

NENHOOL. Mirror of mind. Everything is reflection of oneself. Principle of NAGUAL, or light-body spirit double.

PANCHE BE. To seek the root of truth. Natural path of existence.

MEN. To believe, to create, to do. Higher mental force, expressing PIXAN, spirit energy, mediated by KINAN, higher solar mind.

H' MENES. Sorcerors, magicians, healers. Those versed in MEN.

H'PULYAHES. Lancers of evil. Misusers of energy.

DZAC. Medicine, poison.

OL, OLAL. Animatedness. Will, quality of spirit (PIXAN) as animated forms of expression.

OL UOLAH. Spirit of will exercised in accord with the law of cause (TUMEN) and effect (ET P'IZ).

LUK'AN TUMEN CAN. Bearers of the serpent. The initiates.

TUCU'T. To think, to venerate.

THAN. Drop of water. Power of the word.

HEL, GEL. Egg, zero, basis of transformation.

CANHEL. Self-transforming serpent. Dragon. Totality of fourfold energy manifest as self-transforming energy-being.

CHE, TE. Tree. TE-OTL. Tree spirit. Divine energy.

YAX. Green. Power of Renewal.

YAXKIN. The Center. Sourceless source. Place of Renewal

YAXCHE. Primal tree. Axis of the universe. Mystic column Human being as channel.

BAAL CHE. Thing of the tree, i.e., animal, animal power.

TOK'ZAH. Acupuncture.

HUP KIIX. To puncture with needles.

XICH. Nerve. Electrical network.

ZUVUYA, ZUYUYA. Circuit by which all things return to themselves. Thirteenth or highest heaven. Planetary point of entry. Language of the KATUNS, the grammar of harmony.

TZOLKIN. Count of days. Sacred Calendar, cosmic matrix. Universal harmonic module accommodating every possible permutation of HUNAB KU—One Giver of Movement and Measure.

Movement—the life-giving principle of energy-is represented by the number thirteen, OXLAHUN. Each number, one through thirteen, is considered to be a pulse-emanation of a specific quality of energy which gives inherent structure and meaning to the possibilities of being. Inclusive of the preceding twelve numbers, thirteen is the force immanent in all things, the number of the highest heaven, the source of galactic information.

Measure—the form-giving principle of energy—is represented by the number four, CAN. To this number are accorded the four primary wave functions: gravity—attraction; electromagnetic—radiation; strong force—(psychic) transmission; and weak force—(psychic) receptivity.

The 4, representing Measure, multiplied by 5, the number descriptive of the primary matrix structure-the center and four cardinal points—yields 20. The TZOLKIN—the Universal Harmonic Module-is actually a matrix created by the permutations of the two key numbers, thirteen and twenty (4 x 5). Thus, the TZOLKIN pulsation-matrix consists of 260 permutation units.

The thirteen vertical columns of the TZOLKIN represent the principle of movement; the twenty horizontal columns represent the principle of measure considered as five rotating sequences of four stations or matrix positions.

Though the Tzolkin is generally considered as the 260-day Sacred Calendar—the numbers one through thirteen repeating twenty times in conjunction with twenty Sacred Signs—in actuality it is much more. Because it is the Universal Harmonic Matrix, it is also the module for the PSI BAN K, the planet memory field. (See Earth Ascending, Maps 1, 2, 3, 9, 29, 30, 31, 32, 40, 41, 42, 46, 47, 48). Eight of these modules constitute the PSI BANK, four per polar field, the four again recapitulating the principle number of measure. Taken as a count of days, sixteen Tzolkin correspond to 11.3 years, the mean number describing the periodicity of binary sunspot cycles from inception of movement to polar reversal. 11.3 times 23, the mean number of years for a total movement of sunspots, yields 260, the number of units in a Tzolkin, the Universal Harmonic Module.

Taken as a grand calendar, the Tzolkin describes the MAYAN GREAT CYCLE, or Hologram of Time. This Cycle corresponding to 5,125 Earth years, runs from the Earth year now reckoned as 3113 B.C. through the Earth year now reckoned as A.D. 2012. It consists of thirteen baktun cycles of twenty katuns each for a total of 394 years per baktun. It also consists of twenty AHAU Cycles of thirteen Katuns each, totaling 256 years per cycle.

In speaking of the Great Cycle, the word calendar should be taken advisedly. Hologram of Time is much more in keeping with the Mayan Perspective. That is, just as the Tzolkin is the Universal Harmonic Module accommodating all permutations of movement and measure, so the Great Cycle should be understood as the hologram of civilizational possibility, providing the harmonic calibrations that link terrestrial evolutionary process with the galactic program. The purpose of the Hologram of Time is that intelligent manifestation constructs the MYSTIC BODY OF THE PLANET. This Mystic Body of the Planet is the 52-UNIT BINARY TRIPLET CONFIGURATION or LOOM OF MAYA contained within and giving unique structure to the Tzolkin, the Universal Harmonic Module.

Since the Hologram of Time, the 5,125-year Great Cycle, is no different than the key module of the planetary Memory Field, the Psi Bank, the Hologram of Time can be seen as the field in which certain universal memory patterns are played out. The skillful playing out of these memory patterns results in the successful construction of the Mystic Body of the Planet. This Mystic Body is the aspect of KINAN, the Solar Mind, or Higher Mental Force as it unifies itself with one of its children, in this case, planet Earth.

It should be carefully noted that in terms of the Great Cycle, the planet is about to enter the 260th Katun (A.D. 1992), which is also the 52nd Katun of the Mystic Body, a Katun manifesting the thirteenth pulsation-ray, and ruled by the twentieth Sign AHAU, the Solar Mind. The understanding of the hologram of time, resonant structures, and planet memory patterns in general is critical if the Mystic Body is to be completed and KINAN or Higher Mental Force is to be established on planet Earth.

Understanding the Hologram of Time and resonant structures in terms of the Tzolkin is not difficult. As the Universal Harmonic Module, the Tzolkin is no farther away than our genetic composition and the functions of our own body—WINCLIL—cosmic vibratory root.

Because each of the eight modules of the Tzolkin Psi Bank Matrix can be divided into eight equal parts, the entire Psi Bank matrix accommodates the 64 (8x8)-unit generative field of the DNA, the planetary genetic information bank. Furthermore, thirteen, number of movement, corresponds to the thirteen chief articulations of the body: shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, ankles, and, corresponding to the mystic column, the neck and spinal column. To four, number of measure, correspond the two arms and two legs, while to the twenty (4x5) correspond the twenty digits—ten toes, ten fingers. The 52 units of the BINARY TRIPLET CONFIGURATION correspond to the 52 meridian points—26 each side of the body.

Since the code structure of the 64 DNA codons is identical with the binary code language of the I Ching, an intimate relation is established between the eight-part Tzolkin/Psi Bank key and the I Ching understood as the code of life. The reason this connection exists is that the Tzolkin is the self-existing Universal Harmonic Module containing the matrix templates for DNA and I Ching. These systems—Tzolkin, DNA, and I Ching—are all memory-generating patterns whose codes are defined by simple number relations. To unlock the memory patterns contained in these codes is the primary task of the present moment in human history. By unlocking these memory patterns, human intelligence may arrive at an initial understanding of the construction of the Mystic Planet Body—KINAN—by A.D. 1992, the time the 260th katun is entered and the thirteenth pulsation-ray is manifest in the Sign AHAU.