The Mayan numerical system is based on a binary progression that moves exponentially forward, using 20 as its base. The entire system of infinitesimal binary harmonic progressions is recorded with only three notations: a dot, indicating units; a bar, indicating five units; and a variation of a shell form, indicating zero, place, or completion. It is binary because numerically, 20 is base value 2. Precisely because it is a vigesimal system, base 20, the Mayan mathematic recapitulates the universal binary progression. Thus, while in the first position, a unit equals 1; in the second, a unit equals 20; in the third, 400; and so on. In the numerical progression for the first thirteen positions, the value of a unit is as follows:














Though in this progression we have included the zeros, in dealing with harmonics it is sufficient to indicate the base number which actually refers to a frequency that can be expressed in any given octave. The universal binary progression inherent in the Mayan system gives it a harmonic, exponential power not contained in the decimal, base 10, system now commonly in use. In the decimal system, base 1, no matter how many times it is multiplied by itself, always equals 1, whereas in the vigesimal system, 2 multiplied by itself yields the infinite binary progression.

Most often it is thought the Maya used this system to record periods or cycles of time. But because the system records a universal harmonic binary progression, the notations may also refer to the binary wave harmonic by which phenomena manifest in space. In other words, the periodicity of movements in time as well as the periodicity of manifestations in space are governed by the same universal wave harmonic operating according to the same universal binary progression. Ultimately, of course, the harmonic of space is indistinguishable from the harmonic of time.

In adopting the system to planet Earth for the purpose of computing basic cycles of time, the Maya modified the system to correspond more closely to the annual revolution of this planet around the Sun. Thus the progression used for recording terrestrial time cycles is the following:

1 : 20: 360: 7,200: 144,000: 2,880,000, etc., where base unit 1 = 1 day. This progression, significantly enough, corresponds to the series of the harmonics of light, where 144 = the harmonic of light, 72 = 1/2 sine wave, and 288 = polar light harmonic. Harmonic 288, incidentally, is the light harmonic of Earth, 144 the harmonic of each pole.

Since the modified Mayan time-count, substituting base unit 360 for 400 in the third position, is identical with the progression of the light harmonic, the so-called calendrical counts recorded so profusely among the Mayan artifacts take on a new dimension. These counts may be read simultaneously as calendrical counts beginning from base equivalent, August 13, 3113 B.C., (= Mayan, as well as light harmonic calibrations.

While the universal binary progression accounts for values of 2, inclusive of the octave, the light harmonic progression is also inclusive of values of 3 and 9, 8 and 9 being the key multiples of the light harmonic, e.g., 72=8x9, 144=8x9x2. 360, the number of degrees in a circle = 40 (8 x 5) x 9.

Along with 20 (4 x 5), the other key number, if not THE key number in the Mayan harmonic system, is 13. As a prime number, 13 is the coefficient or constant of the Mayan harmonic system. Thus it is the base unit governing the sacred calendar TZOLKIN of 260 units, which is the product of the two coefficients of the system, 13 and 20. The basic goveming terrestrial time cycle is also computed as a cycle of thirteen baktuns. The baktun is the name given the fifth position and is a period of time slightly less than 400 years; hence a thirteen-baktun cycle is a period slightly less than 5,200 years. On the modified time-count progression, the baktun is accorded a unit value of 144,000, the value of the harmonic of light. The progression of the present thirteen, light-harmonic/baktun cycles begun 3113 B.C., concludes December 21, A.D. 2012.

The identity of light harmonics with periods of time is of special interest in this consideration of Mayan harmonic progressions. Time is the unfolding manifestation of a light harmonic. A terrestrial time sequence of thirteen such harmonics, or great cycle of thirteen baktuns, comprises the period for a particular manifestation to run through all of its possible permutations before being raised an octave. This means that in the current planetary scheme we shall be jumping an octave early in the next century. In a solar scale based on a progression of the wave form of the prime numbers 1-16, the 13th tone is the only one that creates a distinctly audible overtone matrix, or dimensional break. 13 is the Solar Number, or actually the prime light information wave. It represents the means for interdimensional shift.

To recapitulate: what is termed Mayan mathematics is actually a twofold system of binary progressions based on a vigesimal notation system. The primary system is the absolute universal binary progression, 2 : 4 : 8 : 16: 32 : 64, ad infinitum. It should be noted that this progression includes base numbers for the octave (8), crystal symmetry properties (32), and DNA codons (64). The variant of this system is the relative, temporal/terrestrial progression, 1: 20 : 360 : 7,200 : 144,000, etc. used in calendrical calculations, and also corresponding to the progression of light harmonics.

The mathematical system of the Maya was and still is the clearest and most efficient system for describing the universal wave harmonics governing the manifestations of all space-time matrices. The system assumes a unified field expressed through harmonic binary progressions that, being intrinsically harmonic, also describe the unified spacetime matrix as a field of resonance. Since binary progression describes a universal process, the mathematical and notation systems are also universal.

Even if it did originate on this planet, the Mayan harmonic notational system could only have been obtained through the capacity of a pure resonance of mind with universal order. However, being a pure universal harmonic, the system actually describes the means for universal transmission through resonant powers operating at least at the speed of light. Complete understanding of the wave harmonics represented by the Mayan notational harmonics will unlock the gates to an order of reality, purely resonant and hence non-material, that is so far beyond the complexities of our current material order as to be bafflingly simple.

XAMAN from the North on the right-hand side
white and pure like the Moon in its brilliant fullness
NOHOL from the South on the left-hand side
yellow like the burnished light of the Sun setting fields ablaze
L1KIN from the East where the Sun appears to rise
red like the blood more powerful than Earth's great single sea
CHIKIN from the West where the Sun appears to set
black like the wisdom even more majestic than the night
YAXKIN Center of the sky Sun's zenith
opening where Universal beingness drops its plumbline joining Earth below to Heaven above though invisible and unreal nothing is gone the compass of the Earth was here before the Earth even before the Sun was from the place much farther beyond the compass spoke speaks yet the language of light

Mystic Column 225-40 N Autumn Plate Earth 40 AH