The original publication of The Mayan Factor in 1987 was an ignition point of incomparable degree, both personally and for the planet.
The Mayan Factor contained outrageous hypotheses that have since been vindicated: galactic beams, now an immensely popular and well-documented topic in astrophysics, and the crystal-cored Earth (New York Times, April 4, 1995).
Yes, contemporary geologists and seismic scientists through types of ultrasound technology have concluded that the center of Earth is not a lake of magma, but a massive, solid, iron-quartz crystal in the shape of an octahedron. And the beams? They seem to be coming from everywhere, often charged with neutrinos and photons, the immaterial or weightless subatomic particles. What modern science lacks is the paradigm to understand the relation between the galactic beams and Earth's crystal core.
According to The Mayan Factor, the octahedral crystal—two tetrahedra joined together—is the radio-gyroscope holding the harmonic resonance of Earth in its orbit. The crystal core catches or traps the galactic beams attracted to Earth by mutual resonance. These beams are actually patterns of information meant to be stored and processed by the crystal core, as the lodestone of Earth's evolving intelligence program. Present-day science cannot understand this because it is a science in the wrong time. Mayan science can grasp this because it is in time and in tune with the galaxy.
Because of this, The Mayan Factor is more relevant than ever before. Its publication in the spring of 1987 was the fulfillment of a prophetic script of inconceivably vast dimensions. The very fact that the first copies I received from my publisher arrived on Good Friday, April 17, 1987, was in itself meaningful. For it was on Good Friday, 1519, that Hernan Cortes set foot in Mexico, concluding the cycle of Thirteen Heavens, initiating the cycle of Nine Hells. Mayan Factor Good Friday, 1987, signalled the coming completion of the cycle of the Nine Hells.
The Harmonic Convergence, presaged by The Mayan Factor, was the definitive conclusion of the prophecy of the Thirteen Heavens and Nine Hells, 22 52-year cycles in all, or 1144 years, from AD 843 to AD 1987. According to this prophecy, if 144,000 persons could respond to the call of meditating at dawn, on August 16 and 17, 1987, the world would be renewed and humanity would enter a 'new age.'
The call was answered. The sociopolitical makeup of human civilization began to change immediately following Harmonic Convergence, the cornerstone of The Mayan Factor's original popularity. On October 19, 1987, exactly 65 days after Harmonic Convergence, and in accord with the timing cycle upon which Harmonic Convergence was predicated, the New York stock market took its biggest dive in history.
Within three years, the Cold War came to an end. Early in 1990, many newspaper editors in the United States were asking the question: "Did the Harmonic Convergence really bring the world closer to peace?" This trend culminated in the Washington Post's May 4, 1990, full-page story, "The Harmonic Convergence Revisited."
Since that halcyon era when Mr. Gorbachev was more popular than George Bush, the world has taken a bad turn for the worse—or so it would seem. The materialist civilization critiqued by The Mayan Factor is now boldly stepping up its own apocalyptic demise and spinning out of control faster than it can rewire itself. What is going on? What comes next?
According to the Mayan long count, during the solar-galactic year 1992-93, the Blue Cosmic Storm Year, Earth entered the final, 260th katun of the thirteen baktun count (20 katuns per baktun). This final 20-year cycle, the Cosmic Sun katun, was to mark entry into the 'new solar age,' heralding the 'Mayan return,' and the era of Universal Peace which was the promise of Harmonic Convergence.
Instead of breaking the chains with the past, the course of materialist civilization took a deadening turn. An unprecedented and unprincipled hegemony of world power had taken control, bringing on the dreaded 'end times.' This power play occurred in mid-1990, precisely the point at which the dialectic of history had dissolved in the rubble of what had been the Berlin Wall. When the phoenix of post-history should have been rising from the ashes of the Cold War, a sinister plot, long incubating, was calculatedly hatched and imperceptibly woven into the collective mind of the human race.
This plot was publicly disguised as George Bush's 'New World Order.' It was originally conceived in 1974, when George Bush was the director of the CIA. The plot was dependent on the Russians being the first to throw in the towel. Once this occurred, the plot was set in motion. The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990, was the pretext. Within weeks, the G-7 (the group of seven most industrialized nations) held its first public meeting in sixteen years, Le, since its inception as a covert operation by the CIA in 1974.
Five months of unprecedented media brainwashing of the American public—and, via CNN, of the world at large—in preparation for Operation Desert Storm was the perfect screen for placing the G-7 and its policy of 'monetary politics,' at the helm of world political control. The G-7 was George Bush's master plan. The success of the Gulf War and the acquiescence of the majority of the American public in this endeavor sealed the fate of the planet in an evil dumb-show in which the only option is enforced enslavement to an out-of-control machine.
With the dialectic of history over, the monolithicG-7 tyranny of monetary politics and its domination of the electronic media has created a visionless wasteland of monstrous proportions. Truly, humanity appears to be settling for a fate in which it is little more than the sex organs of the machine. But these are the end times. From the point of view of The Mayan Factor, it is the end of time, of artificial machine time, of the time controlled by the twelve-month Gregorian calendar and the sixty-minute hour.
Back in the latter part of 1990, during the buildup to Desert Storm, many newspapers linked the Gulf War with Armageddon and Babylon: "Iraq: the modern-day Babylon," or "Babylon arises: Evangelists link Saddam to Armageddon." The haunting of Babylon was lost in the euphoria of the 'victory' of the Gulf War. But the truth of the matter is that with Babylon 100 miles from Bagdad, this war was a signal of the beginning of the end. And though it might not be at all apparent on the surface, everything that is now unfolding is the apocalypse, but it is a Mayan Apocalypse that is coming down. In the Mayan Apocalypse, which is the apocalypse of apocalypses, there is a living path of prophecy that is open and available to all.
As I was to discover, Pacal Votan was the prophet, and I was the messenger. The Mayan Factor is really Pacal Votan's first instruction concerning the meaning of the Mayan calendar as a yardstick and gauge for measuring the significance and nature of the cycle of human history, from Babylon to Hollywood—and back. The lens for viewing this history was the tzolkin, which, much more than a sacred 260-day calendar, is a fractal chip of the original galactic beam.
Pacal Votan had always been with me. Look at page 43 of the original edition of my first book, Mandala, published in 1972. What was an illustration to a text on the principles of sacred art became the cover motif of The Mayan Factor. Carefully guided by this mysterious personage, 'galactic agent 13 6656,' I found that my life was to be stripped to the bone in order to recover memory of my original mission. My life had to become a path devoid of any other purpose but to complete the decoding of the message of Pacal Votan.
By 1989 I surrendered totally to this mission, following obediently with my life partner, Lloydine, wherever the signs led us. On March 12, 1989, at Palenque, at the tomb of the discoverer of Pacal Votan's own tomb, I was united for the first time with Alberto Ruz Buenfil, the son of the eminent archaeologist responsible for bringing knowledge of Pacal Votan to the world. A short while later, after I gave a brief address at the Temple of the Inscriptions in honor of this ceremonial opening of Palenque, Pacal Votan came to me, affirming that his message was to return in a form available to everyone.
From that moment on, my life spiralled into a density of new knowledge and understanding of the keys of time. What followed was the discovery of the 12:60/13:20 timing frequencies (December, 1989); the magical creation of Dreamspell, the Journey of Timeship Earth 2013, the fourth-dimensional proofs and operating codes of galactic time (1990-92); the initiation of the Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement (1994); and finally, the full living prophecy of Pacal Votan, Telektonon, Earth Spirit Speaking Tube, the Talking Stone of Prophecy (1993-95).
Looking back on the eight years since Harmonic Convergence, and especially the five years since 1990, it is impossible to separate my life quest and discoveries from the circumstances leading to, and the backdrop for, the G-7's world takeover. When Lloydine and I were in the Museum of Time in Geneva, Switzerland, having a major breakthrough experience concerning the nature of time and the artificial timing frequency, we were also acutely aware of the Cold War ending.
Our research into, and experience of, living the Mayan timing cycles prepared us to immediately grasp the profound error of mechanical time. Based on the division of a circle in space into twelve parts, the mechanical clock had the same root as the twelve-month Gregorian Calendar (1582): Babylon, where the priests of the calends substituted a division of space for a measure of time and created the first twelve-month calendar.
It was totally obvious to us that the institutionalization of this error in time, compounded over millennia, was now plunging humanity headlong into a biospheric catastrophe. It was also obvious to us that only humanity is following this erroneous artificial timing frequency, 12:60, and only humanity, through use of an artificial medium, money, and the ruthless philosophy of 'time is money,' is trashing the planet—and refusing to own or take responsibility for it.
The immediate solution was to return to a natural timing frequency. Step one: change calendars, replace the illogical Gregorian with the biologically accurate calendar of thirteen moons, 28 days per moon. The calendar change would fulfill the Harmonic Convergence prophecy which said that there would be a new age, but only by leaving the civilization of materialism and returning to nature. The calendar change now showed us how humanity could return to nature—first by returning to the natural timing frequency coded into the Thirteen Moon Calendar.
Back in the early 1990s when Lloydine and I proposed our analysis of the error in time, along with the solution of replacing the Gregorian calendar, virtually everyone thought we were crazy. The fruit of our discovery and analysis of 12 :60 artificial time and 13:20 natural time was the creation of Dreamspell, the Journey of Timeship Earth 2013. As a full demoostration of the codes of 13:20 time (13 moons, 20 fingers and toes), Dreamspell is a complete explication of the fourth-dimensional mathematics that underlie the Mayan calendar. Throughout its text, Dreamspell states that only by entering the new time of the Thirteen Moon Calendar can the Dreamspell Journey of Timeship Earth 2013 truly be undertaken. The target date for entering the new time was, of course, July 26, 1992, Blue Cosmic Storm.
The Time Shift of July 26, 1992, was observed by various groups worldwide, but was even less understood than Harmonic Convergence. Following the Time Shift from our retreat in the Hawaiian Islands, we observed the evil course of the G-7 empire extending its tentacles of monetary and media control to all regions of the planet. Of particular interest to us was the way in which 'money' had come to be accepted as the paramount value in the media and in human affairs. The conclusions to our research on time and calendars had placed us outside the spectrum of money and monetary values altogether.
We had been commanded by the Galactic Federation that, since 13:20 time is art and not money, Dreamspell was to be a gift, completely outside of the commercial world; we were to give it away. This only created more confusion in the United States, bastion of the G-7. But the Spanish edition of Dreamspell fell on somewhat more fertile soil. On August 22, 1992,8000 Dreamspell kits were given away in one event in Monterrey, Mexico, to groups from virtually all over Latin America.
On July 25, 1993, the Day-Out-of-Time, concluding the Blue Cosmic Storm Year, a visitor from Mexico gave me a small text that a certain Mayan healer wanted me to have. The title of the text was "De Tulan el Lejano" ("From Distant Tollan"). I knew Tollan as one of the names of the Mayan place of origins. The text claimed to be a "lost Mayan codex," rediscovered, translated, and printed in Havana, Cuba, in 1978. My skepticism regarding this text swiftly disappeared when I began to read it on solar-galactic new year's morning, July 26, 1993, the first day of the Yellow Magnetic Seed Year, Kin 144.
I cannot even begin to describe the power of the dramatic changes in consciousness that I immedately underwent, and that have since stayed with me, altering my own self-perception and understanding of my life mission. Everything from the text and my own self-knowledge pointed directly to Pacal Votan. Within several weeks, I knew that our retreat in Hawaii was over and that we were to surrender everything and return to Mexico. This was in September 1993. We arrived in Mexico with a new word, "Telektonon"—a command, and a prophecy.
The essence of the prophecy Telektonon states that without replacing the Gregorian Calendar with the Thirteen Moon Calendar, the human race will forfeit its future by bringing on a biospheric collapse. The prophecy has special warnings for Mexico, and we communicated these warnings as the coming of the Mayan Apocalypse. Sure enough, New Year's Day, 1994, the Mayan uprising in Chiapas began, hardly more than a hundred miles from the tomb of Pacal Votan. "As Mexico goes, so goes the planet" was the warning. Of course, Mexico at that time was ruled by Carlos Salinas de Gortari, Harvard-educated pawn of the G-7, whose neoliberal economic policies were to bring Mexico up to 'First World standards.' De Gortari was warned, but did not listen. Not long after leaving office at the end of 1994, de Gortari became a fugitive from his own country. The course of Mexico has since plunged downward on a trail of political assassinations, economic collapse, peasant uprisings, and earthquakes and natural disasters.
Once the prophecy Telektonon was complete, we were commanded to take it to South America, and then, through the creation of the Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Plan (Autumn 1994), to the rest of the world. Converted into messengers, we followed the command of Pacal Votan and without credit cards or resources of our own, but with the love and support of many people who believed in this message, we have prevailed. The message of Pacal Votan has been taken from Mexico and Latin America to the Islamic High Council of Cairo, to Moscow, Johannesburg, Hong Kong, and Tokyo. Today there is a worldwide Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement that is crackling through the vacuum of the 12:60 nightmare. All of this is due to Pacal Votan and the continuing unveiling of The Mayan Factor, the overlooked factor in history.
The prophecy Telektonon speaks of Pacal Votan's Ark of Stone, and of the Lodestone of Prophecy. These are actually references to Earth's crystal core. The Earth Spirit Speaking Tube, among other things, is the telepathic hookup that each of us may have with the crystal core, once we have successfully entered into the new time of thirteen moons. Yes, the reward for entering the path of thirteen moons is the return of universal telepathy.
Within Earth's crystal core, the interdimensional hoard of knowledge, 'the wizard's lore,' is stored and kept. Here the resonanceis maintained between Earth and 'heaven,' the planet Uranus, Earth's harmonic twin. From the crystal core, Pacal Votan, 'time's special witness,' was divinely commanded to witness humanity's fall into history and, as the end times approached, to provide The Mayan Factor, the prophetic antidote to history.
In the prophecy Telektonon all is made known—apocalypse means to stand naked, revealed. According to the prophecy Telektonon, the G-7 is actually the Beast of Seven Heads which lays its mark on all but the 144,000 of the 'elect.' The description of the Beast of Seven Heads occurs in Chapter Thirteen of the Book of Revelations. Chapter Thirteen corresponds to the thirteenth baktun, which began in 1618, 36 years after Pope Gregory XIII's calendar reform which imposed the Gregorian calendar on the conquered indigenous peoples of the planet.
It is the thirteenth baktun that is completely captured by the Babylonian time of the mechanical clock and unnatural calendar, creating the 12:60 civilization, culminating in the 'bombs over Babylon"-hegemony of the G-7, the Beast that enters your mind through television and leaves its mark on you with a credit card. But once the Beast is identified it can be slain. The holy victory march to return to sacred time has already commenced. The G-7 has been served notice that its unholy reign is over. A new order of time has arrived, bringing with it a new human covenant in which humanity can be harmonically converged at last. The new covenant of biospheric rights implying a new genesis for humanity will be affirmed and proclaimed at the First Planetary Congress of Biospheric Rights in Brasilia, Brazil, March 1996.
Someday, perhaps, there shall emerge a telepathic text entitled "Myths of the Emergent Galactic Cultural Warrior of Light," and in that rich overlay of adventures marking the end of the second millennium, there will be the tracery of the living prophecy in the voice of Pacal Votan:
"From the dedication of my tomb, long count, to the closing of the Baktun,, came the seven generations of prophecy which you are now all living. Thirteen years of the forgetting were followed and sealed by the prophecy of the Thirteen Heavens and Nine Hells. From Quetzalcoatl to the Harmonic Convergence, this prophecy rolled, followed by three years of approaching peace and three deep years of darkness. Then came the return of the light, in that seventh year, which became the first of the seven years of prophecy . . . the Mayan Apocalypse, the rendering of The Mayan Factor as a reality to all those who could not hear nor heed my call for a return to true time. . ."
As I have told myself many times in the past three years, "Yes, this is all true." It is no invention. My life has been instrumented for this truth. Pacal Votan really did build a sacred tomb, a monument of time release—yes, exactly 1260 years elapsed from the closing of the tomb, AD 692, to its opening, AD 1952. And from the dedication of the tomb to the end of the cycle of thirteen baktuns, AD 2012, is exactly 1320 years. 12:60, 13:20, coded in stone in a tomb connected by a speaking tube, Telektonon—without which it never would have been discovered.
The Mayan Factor is the beginning glimpse of a galactic knowing, a science from the other side, a connection so vital and necessary for our survival and our evolution that it begs careful study. It is the background and historical context for both Dreamspell and Telektonon, the living path of prophecy, the path beyond technology.
José Argüelles, Messenger of the Command of Pacal Votan
Kin 193, Red Spectral Skywalker, 'The Old Smoker of the Temple of The Cross,' Palenque, Self-Existing Moon 16,
White Electric Wizard, Third Year of Prophecy, 'Victory Pacifies'
For more information on the worldwide work of José and Lloydine Argüelles; Planet Art Network—the unification of artists planetwide for coordination and synchronization of planetary art events; Planetary Calendar Councils—the 13 Moon Victory base grounding nodes and the Galactic Cultural Strategy, contact:
Planet Art Network
P O. Box 6413
Portland, OR 97228
(503) 219-9928