At the moment of this writing, it is not yet dawn. On the current calendar, reckoned by the birth of a particular individual, Jesus Christ, it is June 20, A.D.. 1986. On the Mayan calendar, reckoned from August 13, 3113, B.C., it is 10 BEN, 9 KAYEB,, meaning that we are in Baktun 12, katun 18, year 14, vinal 18, day 9. Or we could say it is kin 1862599, which is the number of days elapsed from the initiation point of the Great Cycle, or less than 10,000 kin from the conclusion of the Great Cycle.

image OR JUNE 20, 1986 A.D.

Any way it is sliced, the Great Cycle or the 5200-tun/thirteen-baktun-diameter synchronization beam through which our planet is passing, is about to draw to an end. As we indicated in the previous chapter, during the passage through this beam the advanced DNA lifeforms on this planet undergo an acceleration, strangely mimicked by the acceleration to which we subject atomic particles in our large atom smashers. It is this process of acceleration, and ultimately of synchronization, that we refer to as the wave harmonic of history. This wave harmonic is a minute but exquisitely proportioned fractal of the galactic evolutionary process. Therefore, the conclusion of the cycle in A.D. 20l2—kin 1872000,—bodes nothing less than a major evolutionary upgrading of the light-life—radiogenetic—process which our planet represents.

However, to speak of the end of the cycle in the morphogenetic field whose calendar is dominated consciously or unconsciously by the presence and vision of the historical figure called Christ is to raise the spectre of Armageddon—a Second Coming preceded by an awesome final conflagration that bodes extinction. And indeed, this is precisely the scenario that seems to be working itself out through the Christ-based time frame that now dominates the world. Armed camps with inconceivable world-destroying firepower unleashed through the probing of the atom—initiated and originally supported by the most brilliant scientists of the twentieth century—this is the climactic Armageddon-like moment at which humankind and our planet have arrived.

So trapped and immersed are we in this script that there is little in the public imagination that escapes it. Popular cinema and video future visions portray either a post-nuclear war; barbarism, or a technological society so regimented as to be a living nightmare. Even movies about the future of space travel are gripped by colossal, galactic war-visions—Star Wars. No genuine alternative to the terror of living in an armed global nuclear plant has yet inspired the popular imagination—or that of the world leaders. Armageddon, it seems, shall prevail.


When we look at the source of the Armageddon script, the Book of Revelations, we find that it is both unrelentingly righteous, making black-and-white distinctions between the saved and the damned, and at the same time, as visionary a text as can be conceived. Most curiously, however; the number symbolism of the Book of Revelations possesses a profoundly Mayan overtone. The fact that Christ is the thirteenth in a group numbering twelve disciples is paramount. Then there is the incessant emphasis on the number seven repeated in any number of ways as the mystical underpinning of the entire revelation. And finally, there are the 144,000 elect, the same number as there are days or kin in a baktun.

Remembering that the baktun is a multi-dimensional harmonic term and that we are currently in the thirteenth cycle, Baktun 12, we may begin to wonder if there is not some deep bond between the Christian Revelation and the Mayan Factor that has been ignored or avoided in the orthodox ruling circles of the neo-Christian West. Could the New Jerusalem, New Heaven, and New Earth, be the same as the entry into the unimaginable realm of the new cycle, the post-galactic synchronization following A.D. 2012, Mayan calendar date

If there is any single marked contrast between the orthodox Christian and neo-Christian, i.e., scientific, viewpoint and that of the Mayan Factor; it is in the matter of beginnings and endings. The current mental frame or paradigm is so saturated in a big-bang beginning and an equally big-bang ending that the notion of the cyclical nature of things is most difficult to grasp. While many, if not all, non-western perspectives emphasize a cyclical interpretation of things, hence avoiding any ultimate damnation, the Mayan Factor beckons because it most precisely attunes the present moment to the harmonic reckonings of a larger; history-encompassing cycle about to end. And yet, this ending is most clearly not an ending but an invitation to ascend to an even more vast scale of operations.

Let us seize the opportunity presented by the cresting of the Armageddon myth to insert the evaluation presented by the Great Cycle. From the perspective of the Mayan Factor, the peaking of the Armageddon myth coincides with the cresting wave not only of the thirteenth cycle, Baktun 12, but of the entire wave harmonic of history itself. No wonder the times are so momentous. If the purpose of the passage through the Galactic Synchronization Beam has been to accelerate and intensify the development of life and consciousness on this planet as focused through the human species, then nothing typifies this process so well as Baktun 12. Let us take a closer look, then, and see what we may yet learn.

Called the Baktun of the Transformation of Matter, Cycle 13, Baktun 12, represents both the creation of a structure of incredible complexity—global industrial civilization—and at the same time, an immanent movement of such synchronizing transcendence as to be almost inconceivable. When we look at the whole Harmonic Module of thirteen baktuns and 260 katuns and see that we are already approaching the end of katun 259, it seems almost impossible to imagine that in some 25 years the world could be ready for an order of life and civilization altogether different from what now exists. And yet, if we contemplate the step-by-step process of change which has characterized Baktun 12 thus far, we shall see that the very next step, the step of transformation itself, is precisely what shall induce the disposition to galactic synchronization.

Let us first set out the frame of Baktun 12, a morphogenetic field of chaotic richness. Spanning the years A.D. 1618-2012, Baktun 12 not only possesses its own discrete wave cycle but at the same time embodies the culmination of the wave motion of the whole of the 13 baktun cycles, the Great Cycle itself. Since the critical crest of a wave motion occurs toward the conclusion of its total cycle as the culminating subcycle, Baktun 12 is peculiarly charged with an acceleration of exponential potency. This is why it is referred to as the Baktun of the Transformation of Matter. Everything from the initiation point in 3113 B.C. is a buildup to this climactic cycle of transformation and, ultimately, of synchronization.

In this readout of Baktun 12, katun by katun, the interconnected development of scientific materialism, the Industrial Revolution, and the global expansion of a materialistic acquisitive way of life leading to the critical present moment should be obvious. Equally obvious should be the extent to which an irreversible transformation has already occurred. Everything in the transformation is complete except the final step: synchronization of the entire field of global resonance. It is toward the occurrence of this synchronization that this abacus of history is put forth.

First, we shall present the read-out of the katun cycles of Baktun 12, showing the overlay of the thirteen-katun AHAU cycles. Like the first Baktun cycle, which it mirrors, the last cycle is characterized by an overlay of seven katuns of one AHAU cycle and the full thirteen katuns of the final AHAU cycle. The nineteenth Ahau cycle, 1499-1756, which Baktun 12 completes is that of 1 MEN—"To Gather Whole the Mind of the Earth", while AHAU cycle 20, is 1 LAMAT, 1756-2012, "And Seal it with the Star-Seed Harmony". These poetic words are clues to the actual process occurring in the fitful cauldron of material exploration which Baktun 12 represents.

Here then is the schematic of Baktun 12, with the AHAU cycle correspondences, the 13 number and 20 Sign correspondences described in Chapter 4, the harmonic number indices, and the morphogenetic pattern qualities:




Looking at the entire baktun as the creative intensification of a particular morphogenetic field as well as the climax of the total wave harmonic commonly known as history, the dialectical action of two qualities colors the whole process. The first is the alchemical impetus to transform matter through the interconnected stages inclusive of scientific revolution, industrial revolution, democratic social revolutions, culminating finally in nuclear action. This is what characterizes the overall movement of the twenty katuns constituting the transformation of matter.

Dialectically counterpointing this overt transformation of the material plane is the overlay of the unified planetary intention: the creation of a coherent terrestrial field of consciousness. This second process is the function mirrored in the AHAU cycles, MEN and LAMAT. It accounts for the tendencies toward global expansion and communication, romanticism, space exploration, and the urge toward a unified global consciousness brought about through a critically inspired necessity for synchronization.

The tension between the qualities—the one of material transformation, the other of a planetary consciousness harmonically attuned—actually represents the climax of the entire 5,125-year historical process. While the tendency toward material transformation functions as the outer morphogenetic sheath producing the current, dominant paradigm of scientific materialism, the counterpointing tendency accounts for the actual paradigm which emerges through the tension—the paradigm of a resonant unified field of planetary consciousness.

This new and culminating planetary paradigm will be apparent by A.D. 1992. Indeed, in reviewing the entire baktun, it should be kept in mind that this baktun is a perfect mirror of the first baktun in that its first and last cycles, 71MIX, A.D. 1618-1638, and 13 AHAU, A.D. 1992-2012, are characterized as galactic activation katuns. This means that there is an unbroken interval of 3S4 years, A.D. 1638-1992, of unrelieved movement toward material transformation, resulting in the seemingly disastrous and dynamically chaotic materialism of global industrial civilization. And yet it is precisely at the climax of matter, A.D. 1987-1992, fateful moment of materialism's full ripeness, that the highest and culminating purpose of the entire historical cycle reveals itself.

In order to better grasp this self-engendered climactic moment that now engulfs the morphogenetic field of scientific materialism and its manifestation as global industrial civilization, let us take a katun-by-katun look at Cycle 13, Baktun 12. In so doing, the coming paradigm will only be the more natural to accept, and the current one the more obvious in its passing. Both are functions not only of the same baktun cycle but of the overall process of synchronization which characterizes the entire 5,200-tun, 5,125-year passage of Earth through the advanced galactic acceleration process. As we shall see, the journey which we have undertaken leads to a far more vast and yet more immediately accessible domain than all of our radio telescopes can encompass. Here, then, begins the narrative of the twenty katuns of Baktun 12.


Katun 0: 7 IMIX. Galactic Activation. Planetary Ruler: Solar Neptune.

Stage 7. MEN Cycle. Harmonic Index 1728000. A.D. 1618-1638.

Morphogenetic Pattern Set.

Katun 0 represents the seventh katun of the MEN Cycle—"To gather whole the mind of Earth". This seventh stage completes the developmental phase of the AHAU overlay cycle. Begun in A.D. 1499, the MEN AHAU Cycle lays the stage for Baktun 12. The period of A.D. 1499-1618, of course, represents the tumultuous period of the European Renaissance—the beginnings of global expansion, the initial impulse toward scientific materialism, the heyday of alchemy, the splitting apart of the Christian church, and the final transformation of the "medieval" mind, dialectically transiting from a paradigm of spiritual hierarchy to one of secular materialism. While this process is most obvious in split-Christianity, its effects are actually global and account for the decadent receptivity which allows European power to spread slowly but ruthlessly over the globe.

As a galactic activation katun, 7 IMIX, represents the powerful focussing of energies that catalyze the scientific materialistic world view. Ruled by the solar Neptunian force, the highlights of this katun include the publication of René Descartes' Meditations in 1618, Kepler's Harmonica Mundi in 1619, Francis Bacon's Novum Organum in 1620 and New Atlantis in 1627, Galileds Discourse on Two Worlds, in 1632, and finally Descartes' epoch-making Discourse on Method in 1638. Within a twenty-year span the key tenets and ideas behind the scientific method and revolution are galvanized and set in place. Culturally accompanying this profound ideological event are the triumph of antihierarchical, secular Protestantism, the handmaiden of scientific materialism; the Thirty Years War begun in 1618; the arrival of the Mayflower in 1620; the development of colonial companies by France and England; and just to keep everything straight and accounted for, the invention of the slide rule in 1632 and the adding machine, by Blaise Pascal, in 1637.

Katun 1: 8 IK. Planetary Ruler: Solar Uranus.

Stage 8. MEN Cycle. Harmonic Number 1735200. A.D. 1638-1658.

Morphogenetic Pattern Receives Inspiration.

The underpinnings of the scientific revolution firmly set and secular, acquisitive Protestantism launched, the second katun cycle commences with the self-enforced isolation of the Japanese, who, having taken some European ideas, prepare for a two-century incubation before bursting forth as one of the global industrial leaders. In China, the fall of the glorious Ming Dynasty (1644) and the rise of the Manchurian Ching Dynasty, the last of the great Imperial Chinese dynasties, assures that Chinese civilization will remain tradition-bound until well after the initiation of the Industrial Revolution.

In competition with the Iroquois League of Nations, the Protestant foothold in North America continues to take root, while Latin America, under the vassalage of Spain and Portugal, is already sprouting a genuinely Colonial culture. The whole "New World" is ironically being fed by the Benin Empire in Africa, which provides collusion with slave-trading European interests. The Mughal Dynasty in India and the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East mark the late stages of the medieval Islamic world. In Europe, the dichotomous mind-matter, atomistic tenets of scientific materialism receive further inspiration from the pen of Thomas Hobbes. His Leviathan (1651) discourses on man's natural selfishness, a necessary foundation for capitalism, while his De Corpore (1655) describes a void universe through which particles move blindly. Musically, the new universe of coordinate geometry and mathematically predictable particles is reflected in the development of the fugue.

Katun 2: 9 AKBAL. Planetary Ruler: Solar Saturn.

Stage 9. MEN cycle. Harmonic Number 1742400. A.D. 1658-1677.

Morphogenetic Pattern Receives Consecration.

It is through the genius of Sir Isaac Newton that the new field receives its full consecration. 1664-1666 is the period of Newton's research on the law of gravity—a must for a materialist paradigm—followed in 1666 by his work on the spectrum and optics and in 1671 by his invention of the reflecting telescope. The culminating consecration of the new morphogenetic field is the establishment of Greenwich Observatory in 1675, establishing the present uniform planetary time zones and meridians. In the same year, 1675, Roemer calculates the speed of light and, building on coordinate geometry, both Newton and Leibnitz develop modern calculus. Leibnitz is the first major European to be impressed by the I Ching and its binary mathematics, to which he was introduced by Jesuit missionaries returning from China.

While the British expand their seagoing supremacy farther into America and India, several notable emperors appear on the scene, including Kang Hsi of China, 1662-1722, and LouisXIV of France 1661-1714. While Versailles expresses the new secular rationalism on a grand scale, Kang Hsi powerfully consolidates the essense of conservative Chinese civilization in the Forbidden City, Beijing.

Katun 3: 10 KAN. Planetary Ruler: Solar Jupiter.

Stage 10. MEN Cycle. Harmonic Number 1749600. A.D. 1677-1697.

Morphogenetic Pattern Seeds Daily Life.

While the refinements of Dutch realist painting triumph as the visual norm of the new Protestant merchant class in Europe, the isolationalist Edo (Tokyo) Dynasty of Japan foments and furthers its new merchant class. In Russia, Peter the Great turns Russian interests to greater attunement with those of colonially expanding Western Europe. The climactic text of Sir Isaac Newton's Principia Mathematica is published in 1687, establishing as dogma the underlying tenets of the new scientific paradigm, i.e., that science deals with "observed regularities" that apply throughout a universe that runs like a clock. The staples of this mechanistic point of view lie in the laws of motion and gravity. By 1696, these principles give birth to the first steam engine.

In the New England colonies of North America, the Salem witch trials offer a Protestant counterpoint to the Inquisition in Spain; both reinforce the male rationalistic conquistador/puritan mind-set of the new, scientifically materialistic, morphogenetic field.

Katun 4: 11 CHICCHAN. Planetary Ruler: Solar Asteroid Belt.

Stage 11. MEN Cycle. Harmonic Index: 1756800. A.D. 1697-1717.

Morphogenetic Pattern Becomes Secondary Instinct.

The rigidly mathematical principles of scientific materialism having been worked out and enunciated and the globe being rapidly colonized under a uniform standard of time, measurement, and acquisitive material need, this katun sees the great expansion of the British slave trade with the Benin of West Africa and the rise of the Sikhs in India as a hybrid amalgam of Hindu and Islamic influences. 1697 also marks the final defeat and subjugation of the last of the feudal Maya in Central America. The application of the principles of scientific materialism produced the first iron-smelting mill in 1711, thus readying the way for heavy industrialization.

The publication of Newton's Opticks, in 1704, is followed in 1705 by Halley's confirmation of the 76-year periodicity of the comet named after him. The next return, in 1781, is to be marked by the discovery of the first "modern" planet, Uranus.

Katun 5: 12 CIMI. Planetary Ruler: Solar Mars.

Stage 12. MEN Cycle. Harmonic Index: 17640000. A.D. 1717-1736.

Morphogenetic Pattern as Base of Revelation.

As the British imperial hold in India grows stronger with trading concessions wrested from the Mughals in 1717, the development of silk machines and the beginnings of coal mining back home augur the initiation of the Industrial Revolution. In 1720, the Manchu Dynasty of China spreads its influence into Tibet, which, nonetheless, continues to remain isolated from the winds of change swirling through most of the rest of the world. Tibet remains the only major hierarchical center to hold to principles, stemming from the preceding morphogenetic field, until its collapse in 1959.

To supplement and expand the authority of the new scientific vision, thinkers like Voltaire and Ben Franklin are some of the first exponents of what comes to be called the "Enlightenment", the philosophical revelation and artistic expression that accompanies the ascendency of a secular rationalist world view. The triumph of rationalism notwithstanding, Franklin becomes the first Grand Master of the Masonic Order in North America in 1733.

Katun 6: 13 MANIK. Planetary ruler: Solar Earth.

Culminating Stage 13. MEN Cycle. Harmonic Index: 1771200. A.D. 1736-1756.

Morphogenetic Pattern Establishes Skill Base.

With the full deployment of coal mining and related crucible metal for steel smelting as well as textile technologies, Newton's England becomes the first base of industrial world civilization. This fact, coupled with England's unchallenged global naval and military power, assures that industrialism is to be the base for the development of a planetary civilization—the prerequisite for the attainment of a genuine planetary mind and consciousness. Attending this development, urbanization of the world also commences with increasing numbers of traditional rural folk pulling up their roots and resettling in the industrial slums of the great cities.

In France, in 1751, the group known as the Encyclopedists produce the first edition of the Great Encyclopedia, the prototype of all modem rationalist encyclopedias. In 1755, however, the great Lisbon earthquake stuns the minds of the optimistic rationalists, for Earth, excluded from the provinces of life and rationalism, can only produce irrational effects.


To Seed the Whole with Star-Seed Harmony

Katun 7: 1 LAMAT. Planetary Ruler: Solar Venus.

Stage 1. LAMAT Cycle. Harmonic Index: 1778400. A.D. 1756-1776.

Morphogenetic Pattern Realized as Cosmic Law.

The ground having been established for the possibility of a unified global civilization, the start of the twentieth and final AHAU cycle of the 5,125-yearGreat Cycle is powerfully initiated by developments not only in the technological field—Watts' steam engine and carbon dioxide—but even more definitively in the economic and political arena. The new technologies and world view demand systems of governance commensurate to them. And so laissez-faire capitalistic economic thinking is born at this point, as well as industrial democracy, with its unprecedented socio-political structures that supercede the agrarian monarchies. The Lunar Society in England, as well as the Masons and Free Thinkers in America and Europe, forge ahead in pioneering new ways of assuring the spread of the new thought and technology. Borrowing from the Iroquois Federation, the Declaration of Independence and the beginnings of the American Revolution inaugurate the next critical phase of the transformation of human society and of the material bases of the Earth itself.

Katun 8: 2 MULUC. Planetary Ruler: Solar Mercury.

Stage 2. LAMAT Cycle. Harmonic Index: 1785600. A.D. 1776-1796.

Morphogenetic Pattern Established as Principle of Communication.

Completed with the Constitution in 1787, the American Revolution establishes the model for overthrowing the old and asserting democratic power. In 1789, France follows suit with the first overthrowing of established monarchy. In England, The Times newspaper begins printing in 1788, establishing the norm for communication in the new industrial world.

In addition to hot-air balloons in 1783 and the great expansion of the cotton industry during the 1780s, in 1789 Lavoisier establishes the critical, rationalist principles of modern chemistry. As the crowning achievement of the era, in 1781 Herschel discovers the planet Uranus, the first "modern" planet, whose symbolic attributes include rulership over electricity and revolution. Finally, in 1795, Hutton wrote his Theory of the Earth establishing the modern science of geology.

In the meantime, artists like William Blake in England and the Japanese woodblock artists of Tokyo begin to find new forms of expression to articulate the wonder and psychic dimensions of the new secular order. In Germany, composers like Beethoven and writers like Goethe and Novalis herald the dawning of Romanticism as the artistic expression of the Industrial Age.


Katun 9: 3 OC. Plantary ruler: Lunar Mercury.

Stage 3. LAMAT Cycle. Harmonic Index: 1792800. A.D. 1796-1815

Morphogenetic Pattern Established as Social Principle.

With the settling down of the new American democratic society and its turn toward a banking/industrialist economy—that of the Hamiltonians—the concept of wars for independence spreads to colonial areas of Latin America. By 1811, the Latin American wars for independence are being fanned by democratic liberationists, Hidalgo, Marti, and Bolivar. Such wars notwithstanding, the United States of America inaugurates its crosscontinental neo-imperialist push with the purchase of the Louisiana Territory in 1803. The War of 1812 between the U.S. and Great Britain proves America as a power to be reckoned with. In Europe, Napoleon emerges from the French Revolution as the first of the modern egotists, spreading his vision of liberation across Europe in a series of devastating wars.

Scientific and technological improvements during this period include vaccination in 1796, the discovery of the Asteroid Belt in 1801-02, and the railroad locomotive in 1804, the latter assuring the first new form of industrial transportation. Lithography emerges as a rapid means of graphic communication for the new communication form, newspapers. The romantic vision of the nocturn—the powerful repose of night—in painting, poetry, and in music seems altogether fitting as the cycle of galactic energy for the baktun enters its ten-katun lunar exhalation phase.

Katun 10: 4 CHUEN. Planetary ruler: Lunar Venus.

Stage 4. LAMAT Cycle. Harmonic Index: 1800000. A.D. 1815-1835.

Morphogenetic Pattern Established as Dominant Artistic Vision.

Already fired by the contradictory forces of popular revolution and revulsion against the irreversible tide of material progress with its pitting of individuality against mysticism, and represented by geniuses like Goya, Blake, Beethoven, and Goethe, the romantic temper becomes the stylistic norm. In Japan, which is cultivating its own secular mercantile society, this trend is reflected in the work of artists like Hiroshige and Hokusai. By this time, the Industrial Revolution is an established fact. The new industrial towns spread across England, the nostalgia for the medieval era, the romantic rallying point of the Greek War for Independence, the Populist Revolution in France in 1830, and the development of industrial architecture all spur the romantic, artistic imagination. In anticipation of the needs of the new urbanized society, scientific research in electricity continues apace; Ampere and Ohm develop the theory of electrical currents, while the elements of photography are being worked out by early pioneers.

Katun 11: 5 EB. Planetary Ruler: Lunar Earth.

Stage 5. LAMAT Cycle. Harmonic Index: 1807200. A.D: 1835-1855.

Morphogenetic Pattern Experienced as Inescapable Human Nature.

The socio-economic foundations of the global industrial order fully established, this stage represents a fitful step into advanced materialism exemplified by European imperialist expansion, as well as the carrying out of the American doctrine of Manifest Destiny and the Mexican-American War. The great Chinese empire is finally opened up for European exploitation, and despite the Taipei rebellion, through concerted efforts Europe maintains the upper hand. The development of Morse code and the telegraph as well as the emergence of photography assure the continuing acceleration of popular means of communication, thus establishing the notion of "mass media".

The discovery of Neptune, planet of the collective unconscious, in 1844; the emergence of the Ba'hai in Persia; and the philosophy of Karl Marx in Europe announce the potential for non-imperialist globalist visions. The revolutions of 1848 highlight the friction caused by the rapid spread of new technologies—the sewing machine, concrete, anesthesia—and their incapacity to be accommodated by proper social planning. In 1851, the first world's fair/technological exhibition hall opens in London, and Foucault demonstrates the rotation of the Earth.

Katun 12: 6 BEN. Planetary Ruler: Lunar Mars.

Stage 6. LAMAT Cycle. Harmonic Index: 1814400. A.D. 1855-1874.

Morphogenetic Pattern Reaches Full Maturation of Cyclic Path.

During this period, the tenets and principles put forth in the very first katun of this baktun attain to a level of unprecedented material power and expansion. Under Queen Victoria, England gains control over India, and in the same year, 1858, China fully becomes the pawn of European interests. In 1864, Japan opens itself to the West, while the 1867 Meiji Restoration assures that Japan is to pursue a course of rapid industrialization.

1855 marks the first development of synthetic plastics and celluloid, followed by the emergence of Bessemer Steel furnaces, dynamite, the typewriter, and conclusive experiments in electricity and the theory of electromagnetism. Materialist science also triumphs with Darwin's Origin of the Species in 1859, and Mendel's genetic theory in 1865. The rise and spread of Russian imperialism is countered in North America by the American Civil War, which, finally, is the leverage to open all of America to industrialization. The completion of the European rail system in 1870, the Franco-Prussian War in 1871, and the impact of photography upon popular art set the stage for Impressionist painting and intensified individual experimentation in art.

Katun 13: 7 IX. Planetary Ruler: Lunar Asteroid Belt.

Stage 7. LAMAT Cycle. Harmonic Index: 1821600. A.D. 1874-1894.

Self-Transcendence of Established Morphogenetic Pattern Begins.

Here, with the mystic seventh stage of the LAMAT Cycle corresponding to IX, the sign of the Sorceror, deeper invisible forces begin to subtly reshape the dialectics of the morphogenetic field. This era marks the dawning of "Modernist" culture; the work of the great electrical geniuses Tesla and Edison, the electrical technologies of light, telephone, and phonograph, the emergence of motor transport and the machine gun in 1885, advances in steel engineering, and the building of the Brooklyn Bridge, Statue of liberty, and the Eiffel Tower are counterpointed by the teachings of Ramakrishna and Madame Blavatsky. The Chicago World's Fair and World Council of Religions in 1893 represent further openings toward global consciousness. At the same time, labor problems, strikes, the philosophy of anarchy and terrorism, and the final defeat of the American Indian in 1891 following the rise of the Ghost Dance religion further entrench and dispose the industrial powers toward policies of coercion and colonialist repression.

Katun 14: 8 MEN. Planetary Ruler: Lunar Jupiter.

Stage 8. LAMAT Cycle. Harmonic Index: 1828800. A.D. 1894-1914.

Higher Principles of Morphogenetic Pattern Pervade the Field of Thought.

Here we have the full emergence of Modernist culture: skyscrapers; cinema; X-rays; airplanes; automobiles; and the theories of radiation, the electron and proton, relativity, quantum theory, continental drift, and psychoanalysis—all elements pointing to unprecedented accelerated change and, ultimately, the foundations of a non-materialist world view. The 1894-95 Sino-Japanese War, followed by the 1906 Japanese-Russian War establish Japan's industrial and military power in the Western Pacific basin. In 1911, Sun Yat Sen seeks to rehabilitate and "modernize" China.

The final collapse of the Benin Empire in West Africa in the 1890s seals the bondage of Africa to European powers, leaving only the stagnant Ottoman Empire as the last outpost of non-industrialized, non-colonialized world civilization. Yet, despite rapidly advancing levels of material progress and scientific knowledge, the contradictory forces within the field precipitate what is to become known as World War I, "the war to end all wars".

Katun 15: 9 CIB. Planetary Ruler: Lunar Saturn

Stage 9. LAMAT Cycle. Harmonic Index: 1836000. A.D. 1914-1933.

Galactic Impulse Toward New Cycle Is Felt.

Accompanying the devastating effects of World War I, the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, the subsequent conservative fascist re-entrenchments in Europe, and the economic collapse of 1929 are the initial developments in atomic theory and technology, including the Geiger Counter and cyclotron, the development of the Big Bang theory in 1927, and the discovery of neutrons in 1932. Technologically, the field of mass communications is greatly assisted by the development of radio and the "talking" movies. Clearly, during this era, global industrial civilization is at a crossroads. Grave questions concerning relentless industrialization are raised by the growing economic crisis. Gandhi in India and Roerich worldwide through the Pax Cultura movement articulate visions that question and go beyond industrialism.

The 1930-31 discovery of Pluto, ruler of the underworld and transformation, however, augurs the continuing drift into deeper levels of materialism and, ultimately, the transformation of matter itself. Complementing the crisis of industrial civilization are the first impulses toward a holistic world view Jan Smuts', Holism and Evolution (1924), Buckminster Fuller's synergistic philosophy, Walter Russell's synthesizing wave principles in The Universal One (1927), and Carl Jung's comprehensive psychology of the unconscious.

Katun 16: 10 CABAN. Planetary Ruler: Lunar Uranus

Stage 10. LAMAT Cycle. Harmonic Index: 1843200. A.D. 1933-1953.

Morphogenetic Pattern Attains Climax of Power.

There is no question that events during this Katun mark the most irreversible moments of the entire baktun, sealing the destiny of the remainder of the cycle. The economic collapse and depression of world capitalism is artificially overcome by the turn to a war economy of unprecedented magnitude. Though catalyzed by the fascist revisionists, World War II and its ultimate instrument, the atomic bomb, is no surprise. Einstein first advised Roosevelt concerning the Bomb in 1939, the same year that radar was invented.

The development of plutonium, the first artificial element, in 1940, followed by the first nuclear reaction in 1942, the Manhattan Project in 1944, and the detonation of the first atomic bomb in 1945 are the critical stages sealing the destiny of the planet. After the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the conclusion of World War II, military research becomes the paramount factor in the economy of the most powerful nations, the USA and USSR. Coincidentally, in 1947, the US Air Force begins its Blue Book study and investigation of UFOs and Britain attains nuclear power. This is followed in 1948 by Russian nuclear power and the U.S. counter-development of the H-bomb, thus inaugurating the arms race. The trend toward total war is offset by the founding of the still-to-be-fully-utilized globalist organization, the United Nations. Global radio is supplemented by television in 1948, thus assuring the implementation of a philosophy of consumerism to maintain the acquisitive mind-set and economy of the Western industrialized nations.

Katun 17: 11 ETlNAB. Planetary Ruler: Lunar Neptune.

Stage 11. LAMAT Cycle. Harmonic Index: 1850400. A.D. 1953-1973.

Morphogenetic Pattern Shows Beginning of Dissipative Structures.

With the atomic-fueled Cold War as a backdrop, this era is initiated by the powerful discoveries of DNA (1953), the Van Allen radiation belts (1958), and tectonic plates (1964). The new information technologies are established with the emergence of computers in 1955, while the space age is launched with Sputnik in 1957, the first manned space flight in 1961, the first Moon landing in 1969, and the first Earth satellites and launching of planetary space probes in 1971. Providing context for these events was the introduction of Teilhard de Chardin's concept of Earth's mental envelope, the noosphere, in 1955, and Oliver Reiser's Psi Field in 1966.

In the meantime, led by Japanese technology, the cultural ferment of global industrial civilization is triggered by the spread of Asian philosophies—Zen, Hinduism, and Tibetan Buddhism—and the emergence of popular electronic culture—rock-n-roll—in 1956, which becomes a global phenomenon with the emergence of the Beatles in 1964. The war in Vietnam, a popular anti-war movement, the civil rights movement, the rise of Third World powers, and the spreading prevalence of psychedelics and other drugs also contribute to the dissipation of traditional structures in the global industrial field. Student riots in Europe, Mexico, and the Eastern bloc countries complement the unrest of the Chinese Cultural Revolution.

The emergence of the ecology movement in 1970 signals the first popular response to the deteriorating condition of the environment due to industrial abuse. This is countered in 1971 by the world's largest underground H-Bomb test, the Amchitka blast which detonated the equivalent of ten billion tons of TNT, 6,000 feet beneath the sea off Amchitka Island in the North Pacific Aleutians.

Katun 18: 12 CAUAC. Planetary Ruler: Lunar Pluto.

Stage 12. LAMAT Cycle. Harmonic Index: 1857600. A.D. 1973-1992.

Morphogenetic Patterns Reach Maximum Entropy—Begin Transformation.

The development of oil politics (OPEC), marked by continuing war in the Middle East, the emergence of global terrorism, and the entrenchment of the superpowers in MAD (Mutual Assured Deterence) nuclear policies, augur the final stalemate and collapse of petrochemical and armament-dependent world economy. The entropic disintegration of global industrial civilization is accompanied by space exploration which sees probes of Venus in 1975, Mars in 1976, Jupiter in 1981, Saturn in 1983, Uranus in 1986, Neptune in 1989, and Pluto in 1992; the rise of sophisticated global communications systems; and the decisive seismic and volcanic shifting of the Pacific tectonic plate through the 1970s and 1980s.

Culminating in the globally chaotic and irrevocably transformative events of 1987-92, including the resonant frequency shift of 1987, the concurrent collapse or regrouping of the major governments, and the emergence of the resonant field paradigm and a corresponding unified global communications network operating with bio-regional command bases, this era is pivotal in preparing for the conclusion not only of the baktun but of the entire 5,200-tun synchronization beam. During this era—the storm of transformation—the entire wave of history crests. Maximum acceleration and random entropy give way to ever-widening circles of synchronization.


Katun 19: 13 AHAU. Galactic Activation Planetary Ruler: Solar Pluto

Stage 12. LAMAT Cycle. Harmonic Index: 1864800. A.D. 1992-2012.

Morphogenetic Pattern Completes Self-Transformation.

As the 260th katun of the entire great cycle, the 52nd and last galactic activation cycle, as well as the first such galactic activation cycle since the inauguration of the scientific materialist philosophy in 1618-1638, this katun marks the final transformation and reversal of the total field. The emergence of non-materialistic, ecologically harmonic technologies, long-prepared-for by thinkers like Tesla, Fuller, and Russell, to complement the new decentralized mediarchy information society, and the understanding of the resonant relation of psychic and solar force fields and their effects on the understanding of health and disease are the chief illuminating contributions of this era.

The mobilization of global social forces for demilitarization and deindustrialization, though hampered by reactionary elements including the rise of China, are nonetheless successful by the time the cycle closes in A.D. 2012. At this point, the synchronization process of the entire Great Cycle reaches new peaks and the globalization of human society takes unprecedented turns toward galactic attunement.

The closing of the cycle is marked by a festive climate, a synchronization of mythic forms, and a tone of spiritual regeneration hitherto unknown in the historical phase. Signalled as the Mayan Return, the Mayan Factor provides the final touch as the planet attains conscious articulation of its light body, thus entering its next evolutionary stage and assuring thereby that the galactic community receives a new member.

0. 1. IMIX. Harmonic index: 1872000 A.D. 2012.

Galactic Synchronization—Synchronization with the Beyond

To speak of galactic synchronization, synchronization with the beyond, is to surpass all fantasy and all of our wildest dreams. ETs, UFOs, the "space brothers"—these are not alien entities, but emanations of being itself. And being is, in its essence, light, radiant energy. From light we come and to light we shall return. During the time that we have spun our historical tale, we have been participating in the unfoldment of a larger being. But by the very nature of the phase of the 5,125-year/5,200-tun galactic synchronization beam in which we have been involved, we have lost sight of this fact.

Spun through the increasingly accelerated phases of the thirteen cycles of this beam, our planet has arrived at an advanced stage of conscious synchronization of component elements. This has been brought about by the most complex forms of DNA, inducing an artificial leap—the sprawl of civilization—which in actuality has had but one goal—the quickening and transformation of matter. This is the critical significance of the thirteenth cycle, Baktun 12, A.D. 1618-2012.

Once this critical transformation of matter was attained on July 16, 1945, two basic processes were set in motion. One involved the materialist aggrandizement of power represented by the entrenchment of the prevalent global industrial-social order; the other involved the dissonant quickening of the resonant field of the planet resulting in a wide spectrum of effects from UFO sightings and increased psychism to tectonic plate shifts and terrorism.

The reason for the intense subjective effects experienced by the human psyche lies in the overall impact of radioactivity and electromagnetic pollution on the infrastructure of DNA, causing increased randomness and entropy of behavior. But this response of DNA experienced as socially disruptive behavior in the human realm, inclusive of rises in the incidence of cancer and new diseases like AIDS, is actually only a complement of what is occurring in the larger host organism, Earth.

The resonant body of Earth, the vibratory infrastructure that literally holds together the sense-perceptible body of Earth, is in a condition of intense "fever" called resonant dissonance. Remembering that the planets function as gyroscopes holding the frequency pattern of their particular orbits, we see that environmentally impactful events since 1945 have actually set in motion a dissonant vibratory wave affecting the overall spin of the planet. If the dissonance is not checked, then, similar to an uncontrolled nuclear reaction, the end-result would be the development of a wobble in the spin and a consequent shattering of the planetary form. The Earth could be broken up into smaller bodies not unlike the Asteroid belt.

In order to accommodate the increased dissonance of frequency, wave adjustments are set off at the crystal core of the Earth until a new harmonic resonance of slightly higher frequency is attained, thus accommodating the dissonance and stabilizing at a new level of resonance. If this new level of resonance can be attained before further destructive impacts are inflicted upon the planetary field—whether as increased carbon dioxide or further nuclear testing—then the planet will have successfully charted the 5,200-tun synchronization beam.



As can be seen, the acceleration of DNA through this beam is played out to the very last possible moment before a critical synchronization occurs. This synchronization, taking place at the peak of maximum acceleration and dissonant entropy, requires the interface of the infrastructure of DNA with the vibratory accommodations occurring through the self-organizing and self-healing processes of the Earth as a whole field.

To talk about the interface of the infrastructure of DNA with the vibratory accommodations of the Earth is to evoke the purified spiritual intentions of a synchronized collective of human beings who understand that their responsibility to the planet is taking precedence over all other allegiances and concerns at this particular time. Such an evocation is in the nature of a planetary mystery, a rite of passage that synergizes hitherto scarcely suspected force-fields into radiant manifestation. This is what is meant by "harmonic convergence" occurring at 1863022 and 1863023, August 16-17, 1987. Through such an event, the Armageddon script is short-circuited, yet the possibility of a New Heaven and a New Earth is fully present.

It must be kept in mind that from the perspective of the Mayan Factor, the acceleration of activity climaxing in the thirteenth cycle, Baktun 12, is but a phase in the larger playing out of the galactic resonant field. The 64-code-word field of DNA—the factor that is quickened and synchronized during passage through the 5,200-tun synchronization beam—is but the central parcel in a resonant plot of frequencies whose code form is 260 units. At this point in our densification into matter, not only have we lost sight of the total DNA field of which we are operants, but even more have we forgotten the larger matrix, the galactic harmonic module which completely enfolds us.

To understand even better the cathartic moment that now engulfs our entire being upon this planet, let us turn to a consideration of technology and transformation. For if it is the purpose of the Mayan Factor to lead us to the path beyond technology, it is also its purpose to transit us through the eye of the hurricane, the transformation of matter which technology has induced. To pass through the eye of the hurricane is to engage the counter-spin transcending history, the return ride on the Zuvuya of timelessness whose harmonic waves concentrically radiate from beginninglessness to endlessness—the single source, the always-now of being.