Maskull: ". . . but one thing puzzles me".
Panawe: "What's that?"
Maskull: "How it happens that men here are ignorant of tools and arts, and have no civilization and yet contrive to be social in their habits and wise in their thoughts".
Panawe: "Do you imagine then that love and wisdom spring from tools? But I see how it arises. In your world you have fewer sense organs, and to make up for the deficiency you have been obliged to call in the assistance of stones and metals. That is by no means a sign of superiority".
The conversation between Maskull, an Earthling, and Panawe, an Arcturian, in John Lindsay's fictional fantasy, Voyage from Arcturus, underscores the debate concerning the nature and purpose of technology, commonly understood as the material extension of our body and sense organs. What we think of as history or as historical progress is virtually synonymous with the history of technology. The same could be said of civilization. Indeed, the tendency is to view the improvement of creature comforts via some form of technology as the index of civilized life. A dangerous and subtle materialism is implicit in this definition of things. But what relation does technological improvement have to genuine creativity, or, for that matter, spirituality?
On the one hand, this line of thought places us in the untenable position of proclaiming the superiority of suburban automobile and television existence to that of the aborigine in the outback, daubed with ochre and cinnabar and chanting ageless resonances to the still-living rocks. Of course, it is heretical to voice the thought that the sensory awakedness of the aborigine is preferable to twentieth-century technological comfort, which, in actuality, is a closing off of the sense fields and a narrowing of the perceptions we have of life. Indeed, is it possible that the trap of technological development lies in our creating an environment in which all we receive is the limited frequency feedback of our own artificially devised improvements? What if the trap of civilization is a sensory shutdown that gravely impairs our ability to receive fresh information?
This situation would be compounded if the seductive frame of artificially induced environments might also condition our ability to appreciate new sensory input. We might then find the predicament of the collective human organism to be akin to that of a caged animal suffocating on the toxic residue of its own waste products. Indeed, when we survey the reality of the world at the present moment, this description seems a propos.
These considerations, however, still beg the question: what is technology? If it is so potentially disturbing to ourselves and our host environment, planet Earth, why did we develop technology in the first place?
To answer this question, and to recall the subtitle of this book—Path Beyond Technology—it is necessary to put forth a very simple equation:
Pre-History = Pre-Technological
History = Technological
Post-History = Post-Technological
In this equation, the Mayan Factor accounts not only for a comprehensive description of the middle term of the equation, but also for the relation between the first and third terms, the pre-and post-conditions of history/technology. From the perspective of the Mayan Factor, history, the exponential spread of communication in the form of material technology, is contained by and a function of the 5,200 to 5,125-tun-diameter galactic synchronization beam. Indeed, technology as we now understand and define it could be described literally as a tool of the synchronization beam.
Technology, then, is a direct measure of the acceleration and synchronization of DNA in relation to the manifestation of the light body of the planet. This means that coincident to the increase in technological application and its feedback is a commensurate quickening of the DNA infrastructure. This quickening of the DNA infrastructure is paralleled by the activation of the planet light body, a process that remains imperceptible until the virtual conclusion of tile acceleration process.
Through the first 12 baktun cycles the acceleration gradually increases, becoming dramatic in the final baktun cycle and climaxing in the 259th katun. Synchronization becomes stabilized only in the 260th katun, the final cycle. An index of the exponential climax of the acceleration process is the increase in human birth. The birth of the five billionth human was heralded on July 7, 1986. Yet it was only twelve years ago that the human population reached four billion.
Prior to entry into the synchronization beam in "pre-history," the human organism by and large remained in a symbiotic relation with the environment. Fire and chipped stone aside, it was agriculture that hastened the technological imperative that was to be quickened by the beam. As we entered the beam, the tendencies toward material improvement, task specialization, social stratification, and territorial expansion became affirmed as the dominant evolutionary impetus. The view of nature ultimately affirmed by history is anything but symbiotic, rather, it is that of master and slave.
As the rate of technological innovation increases through the 5,125-year cycle, so the human organism spreads its vast artificial communications and social systems in a tighter web over the surface of the planet. For several millenia, despite less technologically advanced barbarian populations that inhabited its border regions, civilization defined itself by the acquisition of fresh territory. By the onset of global industrial civilization, horizons began to dim. Yet, just beyond the self-destructive, artificial grandeur of global industrial civilization is the attainment of the goal: a condition in which acceleration of change phases into synchronization of wholeness.
Assuming the capacity to attain critical synchronization prior to environmental selfdestruction—the Armageddon bypass—then we may enter the 260th katun in A.D. 1992-2012. Ruled by the exalted thirteenth pulsation-ray and marked by the sign AHAU, presence of the solar mind, this katun cycle will initiate the ascendance to the post-historic and hence post-technological condition in which the human organism "returns" to its symbiotic harmony with nature.
In no way should this return be seen as an abandonment of civilization, understood as the process of human spiritual refinement, but rather as a passing to a more evolved stage of our existence. Lest this view be construed as a neo-romantic utopian fantasy, let us review the relation of the wave harmonic of history to the galactic harmonic and consider the fundamental postulate of the Mayan Factor: what light is to life, so the 260-unit Tzolkin is to the 64-unit DNA.
This postulate defines radiogenesis: radio refers to the information-bearing capacity of light and all spectral-radiant energy; genesis to the capacity of light to transform itself into the palpably plasmic and mobile phenomenon called life. From the perspective of the Mayan Factor, the relation between light and life is not a linear, causal one—i.e. first there is light, then there is life—but one in which life is embedded in a matrix of radiant energy possibilities. This is literally depicted in the Tzolkin, where the 64 units representing the DNA code occupy the central grid corresponding to the 32 units on either side of the mystic column accommodating the loom of Maya in its crossover pattern.
Let us assume that the remaining units around the central 64-unit grid represent stages of light and radiant energy unfoldment that simultaneously precede, follow, and at the same time interpenetrate the evolution of DNA. Since the 64-unit gameboard of DNA is contained within the larger radiogenetic gameboard of the Tzolkin, we may consider that DNA itself is a bridge from one domain of light or radiant energy to another. By fractal analogy, the stage called history, through technological acceleration, mimics this function of DNA as a link between two radiant realms. In the radiogenetic proposition, the term "history" represents an intensification of the capacity of DNA to artificially (technologically) bridge and hence leap from one level of radiant symbiotic understanding and fulfillment—pre-history—to another—post-history.
Allowing fractal harmonics their full play, the stage of accelerating technological leapfrog can be plotted within the 64 central units of the Tzolkin, the whole of which is understood as a representation of the entire radiogenetic gameboard. During passage through the 5,200-tun beam, it is as if the technology-extruding DNA is completing a circuit through the 64 central units of the gameboard. Though it is not apparent until the circuit is complete, once the 64 units have been traversed, the whole game board—let us say—lights up. The lighting up of the same board refers to the final circuit-completing synchronization of DNA, corresponding to the date A.D. 2012, Enter post-history!
A further distinction between the technological middle and the pre-and post-phases is the distinction between myth and history understood as qualitative conditions of consciousness. Myth defines the capacity for simultaneous, multi-referential resonance that merges being with being; history is the tendency to limit, measure, and materialize in a uni-referential direction that separates being from being.
From the perspective of myth, the rays of light slanting through the leaves in the forest are the nourishing fingers of the dawn bringing solar morsels to our waiting cells. A response to the light in the form of a chant and an offering of smoke from a circle of stones, inviting the presence of ancestor beings and the great ones who guide all things, completes the experience. To the historic consciousness, in contrast, the light slanting through the trees, though representing a mystery to some, tells us that another day has arrived, and, depending on our needs and interests, whether or not we will need a coat and hat—whether or not it will be a good day for sunbathing.
In other words, the mythic condition constructs from the experience a sacrament or ritual that affirms the bond between light and the greater forces, ultimately the forces of light. The historic mind uses the experience as information that determines practical creature-comfort goals. However, the creature-comfort-seeking aspect of historic consciousness is in actuality the feedback effect of the impulse of DNA to extrude technology. Hence historic consciousness is but a by-product of the larger technological bridging process, moving us from one natural symbiosis to another—from one realm of light to another.
To gain an even deeper level of understanding, let us put forth one more equation: Myth = DNA x Light. In this equation, myth or the mythic condition is the self-sustaining capacity of DNA to directly utilize light-the spectrum of radiant energy—to attain its ends. In the mythic condition, therefore, the psychic resonance between organism and radiant energy is direct and provides both primary nurturance and primary reality. This resonance is dependent upon and intensifies a superior sensory capacity for radiant interactiveness. The experience of the senses—eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body—is not only primary, but attuned to nuances that both convey information and expand delight. In this condition, the need for artificial inducements to pleasure become obstructions to the untrammeled purity of sensory experience per se.
History and the historic condition, by contrast, represent the counter-spin capacity for DNA to artificially maximize its potential in relation to the totality of its host body, the planet, in our case, Earth. This accounts for the extrusion of technology—artificial extensions of the sense organs—to facilitate completion of the larger DNA circuit.
Naturally, to the individual cells of the larger organism, humankind, the greater purpose of the DNA circuit is, at best, dimly perceived. Consequently, most of the individual members tend to rely upon and become addicted to the sensory feedback that depends solely on the artificial technological extensions and environment. For this reason, at the far end of history where we find ourselves today, nature is hard-put to compete with television-in the words of the World War I song, "How can you keep 'em down on the farm after they've seen Paree?"
The historical intensification of DNA, the phase measured, accelerated and synchronized by the 5,200-tun beam, is only a transition. In attaining its goal of total technological relation to the host body, however, there is a shutdown of the sensory receivers, an immersion of the senses in their own artificial feedback loops. If the circuit is to be completed, there is a profound need to reawaken the sense fields to their own natural capacities. As anyone knows, it is no easy thing to break such artificial dependency loops. The immersion of an individual in such loops defines neurotic, addictive behavior; the immersion of a collective organism in such loops defines paradigm paralysis. Herein lies the drama of our times, the tension that accompanies the transformation from acceleration to synchronization. Fortunately, in this difficult process, Earth is a helper.
The critical tension which we are experiencing in our morphogenetic field is due to the inner contradictions of a paradigm bound by its own beliefs. Dominated by a white, male, neo-protestant priesthood defending its scientific "objectivity" through planetary political power plays—this paradigm paralysis is in reality a reflection of the dissonant shifting of the Earth. The technologically extruding DNA intensification called history, culminating in the sensory shutdown that forebodes Armageddon, is paralleled by Earth's own shifting field. We are not the sole authors of our experience, but players in a galactically amplified field whose principle character is Earth herself.
As a harmonic gyroscope holding the third solar orbit, Earth has its own subtle and powerful relationships to maintain within the plasmic field called the solar system. Responsive to the galactic harmonic, the imperceptible shiftings of the Earth interconnect with the shiftings of the other planetary bodies, and above-all, with the Sun itself. Just as the DNA has been quickened in response to the 5,200-tun synchronization beam through which we are passing, so Earth, too, as a whole resonant field is affected.
All the while the human DNA-pack has been asserting its capacity for artificially rearranging the environment according to its presumed needs, Earth has been experiencing a parallel development. Unwittingly, however, as the believers in the dominant paradigm have intensified their own materially limited and mechanistically contrived understanding of things, the resonant ripening of the Earth has increasingly escaped the attention of the ruling mentality. But this is of little matter, for consciously or unconsciously, all member organisms of Earth have been crafting the planetary light body. The passage through the 5,200-tun synchronization beam has been the culminating moment thus far of Gaia's galactic journey from primal solar spin-off to radiantly conscious light body. Little do subordinate humans realize how close they are to the moment when the genetic game board of their reality becomes the illumined design of galactic destiny.
Here is a picture of what has been happening. Slowly, over the aeons, at Earth's core, the iron crystal lodestone of her harmonic gyroscope has been emanating the resonant frequencies that keep it in orbit. These resonant frequencies have a particular shape or form, for form follows frequency. This is why Plato described the Earth as being like a leather ball sewn together from twelve different pieces, creating a dodecahedron or twelve interfaced pentagons. The vertices between the twelve pentagonal pieces define the structure of the resonant body of the Earth as the frequency emissions reach the surface.
As the core resonance continuously emanates out to the surface of the Earth and beyond, an etheric geomagnetic grid comes into being, forming the foundations of the planetary light body. Attuned through the frequency patterns of their DNA infrastructure, animal migration patterns and human settlements tend to conform to the lines and nodal points of the grid. Of course, this grid is warped and reshaped by tectonic plate activity, variable shifts in terrain and atmosphere, and solar-galactically triggered fluctuations in the electromagnetic field of the planet itself. Nonetheless, anchored at the poles, amplified at times by (to us) unforeseen and imperceptible shifts in the galactic program, the continuous pulsation of the grid slowly shapes the infrastructure of the planetary light body.
Now, just as the DNA received a counter-spin, technology-extruding impulse as the planet entered the 5,200-tun synchronization beam, so the resonant core of the Earth also received an impulse amounting to a jacked-up intensification of frequency. The neural pathways of the terrestrial grid that correspond to the resonant structure of the core became extra-active, corresponding to the more excited vibratory activity of the human DNA infrastructure. The restlessness of the human organism that is manifest in shipping lanes, causeways, silk routes, imperial walls, railroad tracks, freeways, airways, and radar amplified and eventually obscured the continuous pulsation of the grid. At nodal points temples, ziggurats, pyramids, cathedrals, pagodas, mosques, palaces, houses of parliament, airports and power-plants were erected, ultimately with little conscious regard for the Earth's invisible nexus.
As the final thrust into artificiality, the global Industrial Revolution swung into high gear, and the resonant frequency of the core of the Earth intensified to an unprecedented degree. What this intensification of frequency points to is an imminent stabilization at a higher frequency through a counter-spin movement that occurs just before exit from the synchronization beam. Indeed, the feedback signals to prepare for the counter—spin-the spin away from "history" corresponding to the return to post-history—have already been received in the form of nuclear radioactivity, industrial atmospheric disturbance, and random electromagnetic bombardment.
If you spin an ark (a specially constructed form in the shape of a simple ship's hull) clockwise, it will continue spinning until it stops. But if you spin it counterclockwise, it will slowly and ungraciously come to a halt, and then begin spinning clockwise. The Earth's passage through the synchronization beam is analogous to the counterclockwise spin. As the counterclockwise spin comes to a halt there is an increase in the wobble, a shake-up effect occurs, then—following a pause—the more harmonically congruent clockwise spin commences.
So we arrive at the moment when technology becomes transformation. This is initially experienced as a crisis, a crisis to which the dominant paradigm power holders are blinded. Though the present, scientifically materialistic power-holders believe that the world is the way it is because they have made it so, in actuality they are playing out roles specified by the harmonic wave phase of which the present era is a function. The belief they hold about the world, the dominant belief subscribed to and accepted by the governing institutions of the present world order, define the prevailing paradigm.
Belief in this paradigm, the scientific materialistic world view, can be described as a mental house. As we saw in Chapter 6, the foundations of the current mental house were laid in the seventeenth century during the initial katuns of the 12th baktun. By 1756 the walls of the mental house—belief in technological progress and industrial democracy—began to be erected. Between 1874 and 1953, the electromagnetic roof of the current mental house was emplaced. Finally, between 1953 and the present moment, the era of the launching of humankind and its artificial sensory intelligence probes into "outer space," the mental house began its internal dissolution. In this regard, it should be recalled that the notion of paradigm shift was first introduced by Thomas Kuhn in 1964.
Corresponding to this developmental frame is the climax in the counter-spin of the Earth's resonance. The signal for this climax was first received in 1945 with the detonation of atomic weapons. As a member of the solar-galactic order, Earth's response was first manifest in the UFO activity, which by 1947 could no longer be ignored. Without denying the psychic validity of the many people who have had encounters of the third kind, let us here define UFOs as Unified Field Organizers, an intelligent release of galactically programmed, psychically active, radiant energy simultaneously attracted to and emanated by Earth's resonant etheric body. They are referred to as Unified Field Organizers because they are a manifestation of Earth's intrinsically unified resonant field. Since this field is actually in solar-galactic resonance, UFOs also operate in conjunction with the harmonics of this field. In fact their "operations" are completely a function of resonant harmonics. Thus, the rapid shifts in direction attributed to UFOs are due to shifts in harmonic overtone alignment.
Following the discovery of DNA and the detection of the radiation belts in 1953, and the verification of tectonic plates in 1964, the internal dissolution of the current mental house had begun. All of these discoveries—DNA, radiation belts, tectonic plates—were necessary for the beginning of understanding of the coming paradigm, the new mental house of the unified resonant Earth. In the meantime, UFOs continued to accompany the era of massive nuclear testing, and with radar, television, radio and microwave radiation, the overall electromagnetic field of the planet entered a period of heightened dissonance. The etheric or light body of the planet intensified by this "bombardment," increased its signals through the morphogenetic field. In the wake of these signals came renewed interest in psychic phenomena, UFOs, psychedelic drugs, interspecies communication, and the ecology movement.
The counter-response of the dissolving mental house was space exploration, the extension of the materialist acquisitive paradigm into "outer space." The great era of space exploration, the "conquest of space," began with the Moon Landing on July 17, 1969, followed by probes to Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and finally by January 24, 1986, Uranus. Two major inexplicables presented themselves through these "probes." The one was the finding of the officially suppressed, so-called Face of Mars on July 25, 1976; the other, the highly regular markings on the Uranian moon, Miranda, as well as the solar-oriented polar tilt and incredibly intense and erratic elecromagnetic field of Uranus.
While these findings presented paradigm-defying enigmas to the frame of the current mental house, space technology itself was still vaunted as the pinnacle of scientific achievement. Thus, it was particularly noteworthy that four days following the Voyager flight by Uranus, on January 28, 1986, the space shuttle Challenger exploded some 73 seconds following take-off. While follow-up investigations tried to pinpoint the "technological failure" contributing to the Challenger disaster, the next three NASA space launchings all exploded just following take-off. As if that were not enough, the European space launch Ariane also exploded shortly after take-off. This was all in a period between late January and mid-May, 1986. What was going on?
In resonance with the shifting foundations of the tectonic plates and over-saturated with electromagnetic dissonance, the roof of the current mental house had literally begun to collapse. Like flies picked off by a child in impish concentration, the space probes were flicked from their trajectories—by what? The answer is, by erratically triggered waves of dissonance set off by unwitting human desire to control and jam the electromagnetic field.
The Chernobyl nuclear disaster, occurring April 25-26, 1986, and the buzzing of the Brazilian Air Force by thirteen UFOs on May 23, 1986, were two further resonant field signals announcing the simultaneous failure and limits of technology and the rapid disintegration of the current mental house. Speaking with the voice of events whose origins and effects escape the modern consciousness, the resonant core of the Earth, attuned to the galactic harmonic, is readying for a harmonic convergence: the point at which the counter-spin of history finally comes to a momentary halt, and the still imperceptible spin of post-history commences.
By the time these words are read publicly, the event, Harmonic Convergence, will be but a few months away. Other events of a shattering, thought-provoking nature shall have recently occurred, demonstrating that not only the roof but even the walls of the current mental house are in a shambles. All that will be left is the dissolution of the foundations, the bedrock of scientific materialism that asserts the uniqueness and superiority of man in the universe. Meanwhile, the counter-effects of the new mental house, operating through the intensified resonant grid of Earth's light body, for the first time will become manifest as the networked thrust toward a unified moment of collective synchronization, Harmonic Convergence.
Through the trans-national grass-roots infrastructure of the new mental house and in collaboration with a cooperative global media conglomerate—a radio co-op—increasing numbers of humans are experiencing the reality of the global brain. The action of local collectives—art spores—operating through attunement to the knowledge that purpose is not an individual possession, will in all actuality be stringing beads of unified intention upon the planetary grid system.
And then it shall occur—Harmonic Convergence—the exponential acceleration of the wave harmonic of history as it phases into a moment of unprecedented synchronization. Like a shuttle on a loom shifting with lightning-like speed, the resonant frequency of the Earth grid will shift. In the shift, the foundations of the mental house imprinted with the names of Descartes, Newton, Galileo, and Copernicus will dissolve. Rippling ever more deeply through the consciousness of an aroused minority of the human race will be the realization of a larger, resonantly attractive force; a supersensible synthesis of mind and nature, hitherto undreamed of, will dawn. The experience of reality as a unifying matrix—a synaesthetic blending of the senses brought about through light-sound sensory experience—will provide the first vibratory layers of the foundations of the new mental house.
This internal experience of unification—synaesthesia—will be understood as the inseparability of mind and nature, and in the power generated by the indissoluble unity of this experience, the edifice of modern civilization will disintegrate. As the climax and failure of the technology of the old mental house becomes increasingly apparent, obviously not without its difficulties and challenges, and amidst the chaotic backdrop of the collapsing old economic and political order, the transit to post-history shall begin. At the same time that the new mental house will be laying its foundations, the cumbersome, inert, mechano-chemical structure of the old will have to be dismantled. This synchronous activity—formulation of the new and cleansing and purification of the old will—be the single driving force as the final katun is entered, A.D. 1992-2012. Known as the Campaign for the Earth, the emergence of the psychically unified, media-connected, locally operative planetary society will slowly take form, emerging by A.D. 2012 as the evolutionary design plan of universally interactive intelligence.
While it is best to let forthcoming events tell their own story as the five-year span, A.D. 1987-1992,of the world revolutionary event of Harmonic Convergence unfolds, let us turn to the Mayan Factor for a structural description of the counter-spin harmonic of post-history. How can we envision post-history? What does it mean to speak of the crafting of the planet light body? How is the radiogenetic keyboard of the planet light body experienced at the human level?
Let us imagine that we are not extra-but super-terrestrials examining the resonant fluctuations of planet Earth. Our means of inspection is the 260-unit radiogenetic keyboard, the Tzolkin. Our focus is upon its 64 central units. Inscribed in this 64-unit matrix is the code and game plan of human destiny, the path beyond technology. Because of the design of the binary flow pattern, the Loom of Maya, this 64-unit matrix is referred to as the "Crossover-Polarity Zone." In other words, just as the chief feature of DNA is a double helix pattern by which a field is created for the crossing over of information from either molecular strand to the other, so the Loom of Maya pattern can be envisioned as a crossing over, to either side of the mystic central column, of the two symmetrical flows comprising the pattern of galactic activation.
The movement of this pattern of four units to the right and left of the central column defines the 64-unit symmetrical field. The 64-unit "keyboard" is the genetic matrix of transformation which unifies the entire 260-unit Tzolkin. The remainder of the Tzolkin, aside from the neutral-valued twenty-unit mystic column, breaks down into 144 units of a four-phased radiant energy body, and 32 units of an eight-part crystal symmetry body. The total of twelve (four radiant energy and eight crystal symmetry) fields of the Tzolkin contain the code information describing the pre-and post-genetic radiance of galactic unfolding. The thirteenth field of the Tzolkin is, of course, at the center and represents the DNA.
Modeling the pre-and post-technological formula defining history, DNA is the transformational matrix holding together primordial and synthesizing phases of radiant and crystalline energy activation. By its centrality in the overall matrix, the function of DNA is to vitalize the entire galactic activation pattern. As a fractal of the galactic whole, and of the geometry of DNA itself, the function of history/technology is to vitalize equally the radiant energy fields that define pre-and post-history.
How does this occur? The answer lies in following the pattern. This pattern, anchored by the fourteen galactic activation units on either side of the mystic column, describes the vibratory infrastructure not only of DNA, but of the universal light body. Holonomically registered at the cellular, individual organism, planetary, solar, and galactic levels, this vibratory infrastructure can also be read as the structural matrix supporting the wave harmonic of history as it passes through the 5,200-tun synchronization beam. Without the activation of the two-way flow during passage through the synchronization beam, the planetary light body would not be crafted. This two-way flow is the Zuvuya, the coming from and returning to Hunab Ku, the galactic core.
No different than the matrix of the etheric grid of the planetary light body, the structural matrix supporting the wave harmonic of history is a fractal of the universal galactic constant. The conscious activation of the Earth grid from its resonant core to its outer electromagnetic sheath is holonomically paralleled by the history-bridging, technology-extruding activation of DNA. Indeed technology is the scaffold surrounding the etheric grid of the planet. At the same time, it can equally be said that the galactic amplification of the resonant planetary grid defines the movement called history.
Remembering that "history" is the 5,125-year-diameter, technology-extruding phase of vibratory DNA acceleration, the bridge between the primordially radiant phase of prehistory and the resonantly synthesized phase of post-history, let us actually map out this historic passage on the 64-unit genetic keyboard.
As demonstrated in Earth Ascending, this 64-unit grid can be superimposed on the planet body. The horizontal dividing line corresponds to the equator. The vertical far lefthand row corresponds to the meridian running through the Great Pyramid in Egypt, some 30 degrees east of Greenwich. The numbering of the 64 units according to the number pattern of the Ben Franklin magic square of 8 defines the actual pattern of movement uniting the genetic keyboard.
Following the numbering of the magic square, we see that the movement connecting numbers 1-16 and 49-64 is in the upper half of the grid, while the movement connecting the numbers 17-48 occurs completely in the lower half of the grid. Applied to our equation, numbers 1-16 correspond to pre-history, numbers 17-48 to history, and numbers 49-64 to post-history.
This means that the passage of Earth through the galactic synchronization beam corresponds to the movement through the entire lower half of the 64-unit genetic keyboard, the historic, technologically activated phase of genetic unfolding. When we speak of the counter-spin of history coming to an end and the return spin, the final synchronization of post-history commencing, we are referring to the passage from numbers 48 to 49. Since these 64 DNA code numbers also correspond to I Ching hexagrams, the passage from history to post-history is marked by the passage from the Well, 48, to Revolution/Moulting, 49. But this is revolution without guns; it is revolution by and for the Earth.
Initiated by the revolution of the Earth's resonant field, the final 26-year synchronization phase of the Great Cycle, A.D. 1986-2012, corresponds to the movement from 49 to 64. Once acceleration phases into synchronization—harmonic convergence—the increased harmonic frequency of the planetary field translates into a "speeding up" which is almost timeless. The result is a compression of "time" through the final quarter stage of the genetic keyboard. Conclusion at number 64, adjacent to number 1, the joining of alpha and omega, corresponds to passage from the synchronization beam, A.D. 2012, to New Heaven, New Earth, and entry into galactic synchronization.
But we may ask, amidst this profusion of numbers, where are the Maya in all of this? After all, what we are reading is a decoding of a multiple resonant system which they left behind—the Tzolkin, the Mayan Harmonic Module. Yes, where are the Maya when the world is ready to cash in its chips? What are the prophecies connected with the numbers, which, as we already saw in Chapter 6, dovetail with the numbers of the Book of Revelations? Is there a Mayan Second Coming, a Mayan Return? Is Kukulkan/Quetzalcoatl/Pacal Votan planning to check up on how things went once he and his galactic cohorts finished their harmonic calibrations on Earth, the third harmonic gyroscope out from the local star, the Sun?
Cosmic surfers that the ancient Maya were—and are—we cannot presume to know either their full capacities for what we would call interdimensional travel, or their whereabouts. True, the shamans of Highland Guatemala, the Daykeepers as they are called, keep the tradition, the knowledge that binds the Lightning in the Blood to the harmonic flow of galactic wisdom, and a few like Humbatz Men and Domingo Parédez translate that wisdom for us, while still others gather with the medicine people of the Americas for a last telling of the passage between worlds. But these are the remnants, the noble few who keep the beacon of incomprehensible timelessness aflame in their hearts.
Where are those whom we dubbed the galactic masters? What may we say of them following their departure at the end of Baktun 9? Or are their presences already here among us as the fateful days toward Harmonic Convergence march relentlessly? While we move forward, are the Maya coming back from the future on the return Zuvuya, ready to assist us in the playing out of the final katun of the Great Cycle? If the Tzolkin is a c1ue, a cosmic calling card left for a planet of humanoids, are there other clues elsewhere in our solar system?
The two chief planets referenced in the great, all-encompassing Mayan harmonic number, 13 66 560, are Venus and Mars. While our space probes showed Venus, so closely associated with Quetzalcoatl-Kukulkan, to possess a dense, vaporous, cloud-filled atmosphere too thick to see through to the bottom, Mars was waiting with at least one distinct clue—the Face of Mars, a massive humanoid face looking skyward a kilometer-and-a-half long. The fact that the face is looking straight up to the heavens is uncanny, and leaves the immediate impression that it was executed precisely for those like ourselves blundering into the universe with our nature-conquering pride and rocket-propelled sensing devices.
Though the Face was encountered on July 25, 1976, an even more uncanny clue, shot through the Mayan Zuvuya of time's trickery, was the unexecuted proposal for a monumental sculpture, a mile wide, had it been built, of a face looking skyward, to be entitled, The Sculpture to Be Seen from Mars. Uncanny, because the sculpture was proposed 29years prior to the Viking probe in 1947—the Year of the UFO—by Japanese-American artist, Isamu Noguchi.
The coincidences—synchronicities of the most profound sort—involved in coming to terms with the Face of Mars and Noguchi's Sculpture to Be Seen from Mars are far too vast for the rational mind to comprehend, too immense for the little hook of scientific materialism to grasp, too inscrutable to be contained by the paltry net of the doctrine of the "non-prevalence of humanoids in the universe." But from within the resonant code of the Maya, masters of light and galactic travel, synchronizers of the wave-fractal that mobilizes molecules and engineers planets according to the same index, the Face of Mars, The Sculpture to Be Seen from Mars, and, yes, the chevron and oval markings of the Uranian moon, Miranda, are all of a piece, nodes in a resonant intergalactic web activated only by the mind wise enough to surrender the old paradigm and accept the new in unconditional terms.
Pacal Votan and the holders of the lineage of the Quetzalcoatls of old and beyond foresaw all of this. Instantaneously releasing themselves through chromo-molecular transport into the farther reaches of the galaxy whence they had come, the Mayan sages nonetheless also prepared for a return. When? Well, most certainly during the last of the 52 galactic-activation katuns, A.D. 1992-2012, the katun signified as 13 AHAU, the most exalted number, the sign of Solar Mastery. But even in the immediate present, their return is imminent, for the moment soon arrives when the wave engendered by the Christian figurehead, Cortés, in A.D. 1519 will be turned around. That moment is August 16-17, 1987. Called Harmonic Convergence, August 16-17, 1987, kin 1863022 and 1863023, is the first Mayan-return entry point, a temporal planetary Tollan at which time their presence will be perceived by some as an inner light and by others as feathered serpent rainbow wheels turning in the air. Accompanying the resonant frequency shift, the luminous wave-forms of Quetzalcoatl will re-enter the atmosphere.
Signifying the commencement of the phase shift, when the rate of acceleration exponentially phases into synchronization, Harmonic Convergence will not only signal a return of Quetzalcoatl, but the elimination of Armageddon as well. To some it may even be as another Pentecost and second coming of the Christ. Amidst spectacle, celebration, and urgency, the old mental house will dissolve, activating the return of long-dormant archetypal memories and impressions. Synchronized with the descent of the new mental house, these "return" memories and impressions, corresponding to actual collective archetypal structures, will saturate the field and create the impulse toward the new order and lifestyle.
The chief feature of these return memories is the theme of return itself. Not just the return of Christ and Quetzalcoatl, but the return of all the gods and goddesses, heroes and heroines that have ever dwelled within the human imagination. For myth is no less real than history. And what is called the imagination is the function of the resonant structure called mind. Is it not this same mind of ours that we hold responsible for science and for myth? For on the Mayan Zuvuya, mental event, memory, and actual happening are all nodes in the same circuit. What some would call sacred geometry and others depth psychology are unified by their being informed by the same resonant structures. In this regard, Plato and Pythagoras, Goethe and Jung are numbered among the Maya, as are all those who readily accept the doctrine of harmony in whatever form it has been transmitted to them.
The Mayan return, Harmonic Convergence, is the re-impregnation of the planetary field with the archetypal, harmonic experiences of the planetary whole. This re-impregnation occurs through an internal precipitation, as long-suppressed psychic energy overflows its channels. And then, as we shall learn again, all the archetypes we need are hidden in the clouds, not just as poetry, but as actual reservoirs of resonant energy. This archetypal energy is the energy of galactic activation, streaming through us more unconsciously than consciously. Operating on harmonic frequencies, the galactic energy naturally seeks those structures resonant with it. These structures correspond to bio-electrical impulses connecting the sense-fields to actual modes of behavior. The impulses are organized into the primary "geometric" structures that are experienced through the immediate environment, whether it be the environment of clouds seen by the naked eye or the eery pulsation of a "quasar" received through the assistance of a radio telescope.
As the acknowledgement of our responsibility as humans of this planet reaches a critical mass, the moment of archetypal overflow will be triggered, releasing the fetters of the old paradigm and imprinting the new upon a critical mass of humans in one moment of resonant baptism. Then the past, the forgotten, and, yes, even the "what-is-to-come," will become conscious. The "return" is actually a making conscious of what has been storing up, and at the same time an increase in knowing. We shall see that events which the old paradigm refused to acknowledge had been turned into forms of fear in our mind. In that fresh moment of seeing, harmonic convergence, we shall know that fear no longer. For in consciousness is light. This is what is meant by the return of Quetzalcoatl. For others this moment will be the vision of the feathered rainbow serpent wheels turning in the air—144,000, predicted by prophecy of the Zuvuya. Combined with the natural condition of things at the moment, a new zeal will be born into that ill-fated creature, "twentieth-century man." Through this zeal a signal shall come tumbling forth, releasing from the matrix a Campaign for the Earth, the opportunity for human self-redemption.
The Campaign for the Earth is the plan or design for the transit from one mental house to the next. By A.D. 1992, the plan initiated on Harmonic Convergence will have stabilized the world, though by no means shall everything be tamed. Like a gyroscope having gone into a temporary wobble and then restabilized, so Earth, on track once again, will chart its elliptical wave around the Sun. Inspired and illumined as a mobilized consciousness in resonance with itself and within the membranal walls of its solar system, Earth will be but a single synchronization away from entry into the Galactic Federation.
As the initial move back toward the central evolutionary stream from which plumb line the late Industrial civilization represented a notable aberration, the Campaign for the Earth will be activated by archetypal characters, humans playing out impressions reimprinted by galactic frequencies on Harmonic Convergence. Not only that, but many humans will also learn that they are playing out variations on the same imprinting. Common memory will possess the planet once again. Chief among the returning common archetypal memories and impressions will be those of King Arthur and the Kingdom of Shambhala. The archetypal resonance calls for a circle, a round table of twelve knights and a king—the magic thirteen once again—to restore the Kingdom of Avalon. Avalon is Earth, and the kingdom is our conscious resonant stewardship of this fair Earth. As a clan pledged to warriorhood, the Knights of the Round Table will be reborn as the willingness to mobilize and sacrifice on behalf of the cause of the Earth; which is the cause of the light. All true warriorhood is bound by service to the light.
While the Arthurian Round Table recapitulates the Mayan thirteen, the myth of Shambhala, the mystic kingdom of Central Asia, is an echo of the Nine lords of galactic destiny, the Mayan lords of Time, called in Tibet the Nine Great Lha. The Kingdom of Shambhala itself is the ninth and central feature in a valley surrounded by eight great mountains. Its inhabitants, inspired by the teachings of the Kalachakra Tantra, the Wheel of Time received through their Kings, all attained to a condition of collective enlightenment, whence they -were no longer visible upon the Earth.
But, according to teachings left behind, a return is promised to help rid the world of the scourge of the ''Three Lords of Materialism." This return is in the form of the release of a collective archetype known as the Warriors of Shambhala. The purpose of the return is to establish the Kingdom of Shambhala on Earth. But then, how different is this from the return of Avalon, from the injunctions of Christ regarding entry into the Kingdom of Heaven, or the return of Quetzalcoatl to restore a new reign of thirteen heavens? Each archetypal variation is strung out like a bead of insight upon the Mayan Zuvuya. As multiple resonance, myth opens the gates to a reality that is profoundly inter-dimensional.
The great return of Harmonic Convergence, then, is like an awakening from cultural trance. It is the opportunity for all to engage the Mayan Factor, and, in a word, to receive the galactic imprint. Though at first we do not appear to be Mayan, by the time we reach the moment for galactic synchronization our way of life shall be in every regard a modeling after the lifestyle of the Maya who preceded us in Central America. Only we shall find ourselves as planetary Maya, possessing a brilliantly simple and sophisticated technology based on the matching of solar and psychic frequencies which harmonize the "ratio of the sense-fields." Creating a non-polluting technology, we shall allow ourselves to subsist comfortably in small bioregional groups, strung together as information nodes on a communications system that has finally dispensed with wires. And lastly, availing ourselves of the leisure time to which our genetic hardware had originally disposed us, we shall collectively come to know as one. In that knowing, our life shall pass into the greater life. The mystery of the unknown which has always beckoned us, by the light it contained in its question, will expand us into levels of being and knowing undreamed of by the strifeworn ego of the old mental house.
As the index of the rate of planetary acceleration, technology will indeed have transformed itself. Through synchronization, this transformation will show us that with all of our bio-electromagnetic hardware and galactic light-body programming, it is we ourselves, Maya returned, who in our own bodies are the best and most sophisticated technology there is—we are the path beyond technology.