By means of the current 5,200-tun galactic synchronization beam, the Great Cycle, we have been focussing upon the climax of an evolutionary phase, one in which a planet gets hooked up with a technologically extruded circuit of self-reflective consciousness through a species called humankind. Yet, as Mayan measures go, a 5,200-tun Cycle is a relatively brief one. Also, because we seem to be the center of the drama, it is easy for us to lose sight of the fact that our perspective is certainly not the only—nor necessarily the best—one for coming to terms with our situation.
As we have seen, Mayan science recognizes different coexisting levels of being, different coexisting dimensions of consciousness, which together pass through phases of interactive development during discrete evolutionary cycles. These dimensions of consciousness include: CHICCHAN—the reptilian brain or autonomic limbic system—the metabolic, vegetative physical garment; OC—the emotional-conceptual, strategizing, horizontal intelligence; MEN—the higher mind, the analogical vertical intelligence resonant with the evolutionary purpose of the planet; and AHAU—the solar mind, the mind of light, the realm of the evolutionary guides of the planet, whom the Maya call the AHAU KINES, the Solar Lords.
The emergence of humankind—Homo sapiens—represents a particular stage in the evolutionary cycle of a star system, a stage in which the purposive integration of the four levels of consciousness becomes a distinct planetary possibility. The stage, Homo sapiens, has a duration of 26,000 tun or five great cycles of 5,200 tun each. The 26,000-tun cycle is roughly equivalent to the so-called Platonic Great Year. The 5,200-tun cycle, which has been the focus of our book, is but the fifth or last stage of the current evolutionary cycle. What we are experiencing is the climax of our particular species and evolutionary stage—the very last 26 years of a cycle some 26,000 years in length!
What this advanced condition of humans represents is the skilled and witting use of physical, third-dimensional space suits to ply and tame a planet's physical plane. CHICCHAN and OC are highly interactive in the use of this space suit. The light body or etheric double, what the Egyptians call the KA, is the fourth-dimensional electromagnetic probe that instruments the third-dimension physical body. It corresponds to an outlet of MEN. Finally, there is AHAU, the solar mind, which is purely electromagnetic or fifth-dimensional and knows no time. It is activated by the galactic Zuvuya and processes inter-dimensional information on behalf of the planet. On our planet, the realm of the solar lords or guides constitutes the etheric body of the planet and is resonant with both the planet's electromagnetic field and its inter-dimensional, gyroscopic control at the crystal core of the Earth.
At the beginning of the present evolutionary cycle, almost 26,000 years ago, at the peak of the last Ice Age, the solar lords, the AHAU KINES, were endowed, courtesy of the Galactic Federation, with the evolutionary seed-pack for the activation of different stages of the present cycle. The elements of the seed-pack are the purely electromagnetic forms of the archetypes of the evolutionary cycle. As the synchronization of third-with fourth-dimensional need—the physical with the light body—reaches certain stages or levels of development, a triggering of suitable archetypal forms occurs.
The mythic name for the fifth dimensional planetary realm of the solar lords, the AHAU KINES, the custodians of the archetypes of the evolutionary cycle, is none other than Shambhala. Directly interfacing with the Galactic Federation, positioned in relation to the north magnetic pole of the planet, and in particular attunement with Orion and Arcturus, the Kingdom of Shambhala entered the third and fourth dimensions during one particular stage of the present cycle.
This manifestation corresponded to a time following the birth of Lord Buddha (born of Queen Maya at, the Great Cycle's midpoint), when King Suchandra of Shambhala requested that the Buddha give the teachings of the Wheel of Time, Kalachakra. These teachings Suchandra brought back to the Kingdom, where they flourished under the reigns of seven great dharma kings. After the reign of the seventh, actually a queen, Visvamati, the Kingdom returned to the inter-dimensional realm, where it remains up to this moment, pregnant with spiritual warriors ready to rain down upon the materialistic deserts of the present-day world.
In the meantime—before, during, and after this interlude—the AHAU KINES, the Lords of the Sun, have remained ever-vigilant and attuned. It is due to their influence, which descends from time to time in the form of electromagnetic seeds called archetypes, that human concern has been elevated, directed, or channelled through the religion of the Sun, the great planetary solar cult. Indeed, especially through the initial stages of the present and last 5,200-tun cycle, the planetary solar cult was the highest means for the mobilization of social energy. Above all, at the initiation of the present cycle in 3113 B.C., the cult of the solar lord, RA, in Egypt was elevated to a place of supreme prominence. Commemorated and consecrated in the secret thirteenth chamber of the Great Pyramid, the cult of RA was intended to pierce like a ray of pure light at the initiation of the cycle for the purpose of evoking in humanity a constant memory of the higher evolutionary purpose.
The planetary solar cult was powerful in mobilizing the initial energy of the present civilizational cycle, whether in Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, China, Mexico, or Peru. However, once the impact of the technological extrusion began to be translated into increasingly materialistic terms and forms, the power of the planetary solar cult began to diminish. As the influence diminished, humans began to rely more on their third-dimensional space-suit bodies, and less on their fourth-dimensional etheric or light-body doubles. As a result, contact and communication with the AHAU KINES, the great solar lords and guides, retrogressed. The advent of great teachers or avatars, most prominently the Buddha, Christ, and in the Americas, Quetzalcoatl, was for the purpose of keeping the higher evolutionary memory alive.
But, as we have seen, by the completion of the twelfth cycle, Baktun 11, the light of the planetary solar cult had dimmed to such a degree that the mental shadow called matter thrown by the eclipse of the solar religion was deemed the most appropriate beginning place for the new science. Hence, in a fever of shadow-begotten insight, the science of mechanistic materialism was born. At the time of the final Spanish conquest of the Maya in A.D. 1697, the eclipse was total. In its nocturnal intensity the principle of solar rulership in human affairs faded from the memory of increasing numbers of humans. This aftermath of the eclipse became known as the Age of Materialism. From it, the ultimate technological extrusion, global industrial civilization, was spawned.
As the triumph of man's infatuation with his own material inventiveness, global industrialization has had the singular effect of intensifying the blindness of modern humans to the actuality of the Sun as an intelligence to be factored into our every activity. The smoke churned by the dark mills of Satan, literally as well as metaphorically, has caused a forgetfulness of our solar heritage that has now brought us to the brink of self-destruction. Until we understand that the fatal fascination with our technological inventiveness represents a turning away from the forces of light and an actual disregard of our own potential as universal co-creators, we shall not escape the consequences of our ignorance. For the truth is that we turn to gadgetry, not willing to own up to the power that lies within our own internal circuitry, a bio-electromagnetic circuitry which is directly connected, through the Solar Lords, the AHAU KINES, to the Sun. So it is that we have come to labor in the pits of materialism. Cut off from the fifth-dimensional guides, blind even to the existence of the fourth-dimensional light body—the "soul"—identifying exclusively with the third-dimensional physical garment, materialistic humanity charts a shadow-course through a darkness of its own making.
Mythically, the Faustian development of global industrialization represents a turning away from the light—our guiding, inner "soul-light"—to pursue the immediate power gains of a facile technological mastery over our material means. In truth, this turning away is a surrender to the force of darkness, called by the ancient Mexicans, Tezcatlipoca, the Dark Lord of Time. It is Tezcatlipoca, the trickster counterpart of Quetzalcoatl, who, disguised as Cortés, arrived in Mexico in A.D. 1519 announcing the entry into the present 468-year "hell-cycle." Emboldened by the example of men like Cortés, aided and abetted by the raw might which technological mastery has brought certain of us—we have endeavored to build an entire civilization in ignorance of the principles of light and solar rulership.
It is significant that one of the last of the truly imperial monarchs of Europe prior to the triumph of the Industrial Revolution, Louis XIV, was called the Sun King. By the time the extravagant Louis XIV was in his grave, coal was being mined in Arthur's ancient Albion. And when it came time to express the awesome power of Faustian man's dominion over nature, it is equally significant that it was through artificial release of the power of the atom, the power that we believe generates the Sun, that we created our own stop sign, the atomic bomb. But to what end? Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Chernobyl are mute witness to the oblivion to which our disregard of the Sun and the true principles of cosmic order consign us. And yet nuclear weapons are stockpiled in unceasing number, each one a deadly projection of our solar blind-spot.
Yet with the moment of technological transformation upon us, and with some five years prior to entry into the last katun of the 260-katun /5200-tun synchronization beam, we may still revive and awaken to the gift of the Sun. After all, the 260th katun of the Harmonic Module is the katun ruled by 13 AHAU. Thirteen, the movement immanent in all things, is the most powerful of the galactic pulsation-rays. Exalted in the sign of Solar Mastery and consciousness, AHAU, the culmination of the twenty signs, we should anticipate that the 260th katun would be an era of spiritual regeneration, heralding a planetary golden age. Indeed, despite the dehumanizing materialism of the age, we possess the knowledge and the timing to transform the 13 AHAU Katun, A.D. 1992-2012, into the New Solar Age, one far surpassing the solar golden ages of Egypt or, even more recently, of the Classic Maya. For this would be a genuinely planetary golden age, an age auguring conscious entry into the Galactic Federation. Assuming the best, assuming that Harmonic Convergence is the twist in the collective DNA that dissolves the old mental house and projects the foundations of the new, what will this be like? What is the path beyond technology? How is it that the "how of AHAU" is, in and through ourselves, connected to the Sun? First of all, let us paint a new picture of the world, one that includes our past but reframes it in a solarized context.
According to the Mayan Factor, we live at the bottom of an electromagnetic ocean. What we call the physical plane Earth is itself the ocean floor, while we, like squids or semi-blinded denizens, swarm about our little ways; only dimly aware that we swim and move across the bottom of a vast, multi-dimensional electromagnetic ocean. How odd we must seem to those who swim and delve in currents far above us, and what can we say about those beings who are beyond the surface? What must they see?
But to live, to survive in the dense, yet fragile bottom of the electromagnetic sea, we ourselves must be possessed of bio-electromagnetic circuitry. In truth, through our exquisitely woven sensory radar, we are capable of far more nourishment and direction from the electromagnetic field than we now allow ourselves. Indeed, at present we have capitulated all of our electromagnetic powers to privately owned or badly managed state utility companies to whom we must pay for what is naturally ours. Yet, as Nikola Tesla proved in his laboratory in Colorado Springs, a single human being can co-generate an electromagnetic field of incredible intensity, while remaining calm and in resonance.
The elements of the circuitry connecting the third-dimensional physical garment to, and inclusive of, the fourth-dimensional light body are well known. First, there is the sensory radar—the five sense organs and "mind;" then, there are the neural canals which carry electrical impulses from sense organ to central computer, the brain, for processing; finally, there are the psychophysical centers associated with the glandular system called the chakras and their network of subtle energy flows. The circuit is completed by the subtle currents that flow as resonant transmission from the chakra system directly through the Kuxan Suum, the galactic fibers, to the main currents of the electromagnetic ocean which connect us to the plane of the solar lords and guides and thence to the Sun and the galactic hub.
The information-bearing currents of the higher—the fifth, sixth and seventh—dimensions of the electromagnetic ocean, flowing to and from the solar plexus, also have entry points at the crown of the head, the throat, the heart, the sexual organs, and the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Thus, we see that the third-dimensional garment of the physical body, like any decent space suit, has its connecting points that provide the fourth-dimensional light body, coexisting with the physical body, its electromagnetic respiratory nodes.
The AH KINES, "Servant-Warriors of the Sun," are those humans who fully realize the dream light body within the physical body and—understanding the circuitry of the human organism—use the light body to navigate the electromagnetic waters which we call the universe. Through attunement of their sensory radar and skilled use of the Kuxan Suum, the "galactic umbilical cord" that emerges from the solar plexus, the AH KINES, the realized ones of the past and present, are able to become star-mediums, channeling galactic information directly into the terrestrial ocean floor of the great electromagnetic sea. In this way, they hop Zuvuyas and keep the sacred count. Possessing the same circuitry, we may do the same as the fabled AH KINES. Each one of us, returned to post-historic simplicity, may directly channel the alternating currents of the galaxy to suit our situation.
For this to occur, all we need to do is reverse our view. It is not the physical body that is primary, but the light body. The auto-kinetic physical body, like leaves to a tree, is the projection of our inner attainment. The light body, with its sensory radar, neural canals, central computer, chakra and subtle nervous system, and ultraradiant fibers, is the true skeleton of the physical body. Operating on the same 260-unit pulsation template as the Sun—the Mayan Harmonic Module—the functioning of our light body is amazingly simple. Yet disregard for it is what consigns us to what we call the realm of the beasts.
Using the template of the Tzolkin as the blueprint of the light body, we immediately identify the loom of Maya as the electrical currents—the one positive, the other negative—that are the universal polar currents of any electromagnetic field. Using the physical body as a bio-electromagnetic battery, the universal electrical currents cross over each other in endless pulsation. This process occurs at the micro level with every nervous discharge and synaptic crossing. Indeed, what we call information is the "mental" processing of these discharges. It also occurs at the macro level and the entire physical unit, which each organism embodies, can be viewed as a single bio-electromagnetic battery accommodating the powerful crossing over of the two universal currents of energy.
The thirteen vertical columns of the harmonic template represent the thirteen major articulations of the body, which also divide the main neural canals running from feet and hands to brain, joined at and mediated by the central column. This central column—the mystic seventh column—represents the neck and spinal column as well as the alignment of chakras. On either side of the central column, the next two columns represent the shoulders, then the elbows, and finally the wrists. Continuing outward, the fourth columns out represent the hips, the fifth the knees, and finally the last columns out, the sixth, represent the ankles. These are the joints that articulate the flow of the neural canals to the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet, key entry points of subtle energy currents. The twenty Sacred Signs find their numerical counterpart in the twenty digits—the fingers and toes of the hands and feet.
The sense organs are also represented by the thirteen columns. The middle is the central channel—the greater mind opening to the universe, vast, fluid and open. Then following on either side, are the two columns each representing the local mind and the senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and, finally, touch. Clustered along the sides of the central channel, and represented by the ten units each of the loom of Maya, are the neuro-cerebral radar receivers of the sense organs. The 26 galactic-activation points constituting either current of the Loom of Maya represent the 52 harmonizing points recognized in the pressure-point massage technique of Jin Shin Jyutsu. In truth, our present techniques of massage and psychic healing do not go far enough in their understanding and, hence, in their application of what we can rightly call bio-electromagnetic medicine.
Using the Harmonic Module as the template of the circuitry of the light body, and understanding the light body to be the true skeleton of the physical body, we can assert that the diseases and plagues which ail us—cancer and AIDS—are not cellular in cause but instead are the direct result of radical blockages in our collective bio-electromagnetic field. These blockages are the immediate result of immersion in and addiction to various feedback effects of our deleterious technological environment. The cure to these late Industrial Age diseases, therefore, is not to be found in chemicals or radioactive treatment, but in a radical shift in disposition accompanied by the development of a genuine bioelectromagnetic medicine that accounts for the power of the mind, the reality of the light body, and the natural, organic restoration of intrinsic resonance as key factors in healing.
The clue to how this can be accomplished is again through the harmonic template, the 260-unit Tzolkin. As much as the Tzolkin gives us a blueprint of the individual light body that animates each one of us, it also describes the patterned flow of solar energy and intelligence, the ceaseless stream of universal creative spiritual energy itself. This, too, has been known by the AH KINES, the realized ones, for which reason they practice and are experienced in the arts of healing as well as those of resonant creative expression—music and song, color and form—all of whose harmonics are ruled or at least mediated by the subtle and all-pervasive frequencies of the Sun. Indeed, insofar as all of our senses are informed by the solar-activated electromagnetic field, we may find heliotropic octaves in perfume and solar sunspot frequencies in what we taste. All this is literal and not just metaphorical, for the bio-electromagnetic battery of the individual human organism through its sense organs plugs directly into the planetary and solar electromagnetic batteries.
This is no new idea. The greatest visionaries of the era of scientific materialism have been attuned to the use of the senses in the attainment of light-body realization. Toward the beginning of the thirteenth baktun, in 1627, Francis Bacon's super-utopian New Atlantis speaks of the "miners of light" and describes a world filled with perspective houses, sound houses, perfume houses, and taste houses in which the refinements of the senses are synthesized and multiplied. The overseers of all of these activities are known as the Merchants of Light—the same as the AH KINES. Seeing past the industrial stage of civilization, Bacon asserts the unity of the senses as the basis of a benign and harmonic world order ruled by the Society of Solomon, called New Atlantis.
And Blake, too, speaks of the ending of the current industrial hell as being achieved by "an improvement of sensual enjoyment." But, Blake continues in his memorable Heaven and Hell, "First, the notion that man has a body distinct from his soul is to be expunged." It is this notion that body is distinct from soul, extemalized as the belief that man is distinct from and superior to nature, that is the cause of the primary blockage experienced by the collective light body during the current mental house. It is the root cause of the diseases and terrors that plague us, from cancer and AIDs to fear of permanent death and nuclear winter.
The improvement of sensual enjoyment is inseparable from the capacity to realize our own electromagnetic potency. Through the circuitry of the light body we can directly hook up to the solar power house. The electromagnetic pulsations picked up by our sensory radar system, channeled by our neural canals, refined through our chakra system, and mediated by our higher planetary guides—the archivists of the archetypes—are one and the same with the pulsations of the solar body, the Sun, our local star.
The key to our flowering at this final stage of our evolutionary cycle lies in the simplicity of being in resonance. Even more, it is through remaining in resonance that the solar-psychic frequency, mediated by the terrestrial electromagnetic battery, is maintained; that the light body is nourished; and that we may discover the knowledge and energy necessary for our own individual maintenance. To say that we are knocking on the doors of magic is only to acknowledge our own lack of belief in what we are actually capable of through our own instrumentation, the sensory body. What has been demonstrated by shamans and wizards, yogis and spiritual masters, is—after all—everyone's evolutionary birthright.
But we are conditioned beings, trammeled by our own ignorance. For this reason the new scientists, "synaesthetic engineers," must erect houses of perspective and sound, perfume and taste, so that human organisms, long unaccustomed to the natural birthright of their sense-fields, may learn again to navigate the electromagnetic ocean. In the circuitry of the light body are to be found those resonant laws of levity to offset the effects of bogging down in the neural ruts caused by following the material-bound laws of gravity too long. The law of levity is as real as the law of gravity and has everything to do with release from attachment to self-importance. For in the end, the joke is on those who cannot rise above themselves to dally in the vast luminosity which the narrow chinks of selfhood withhold from entering the sense-body's neural cavern.
In this process, control of the mind is paramount, for it is from the mind that the erroneous projections concerning our actual nature continuously stream. The clue to the process of mindfulness lies in the mystic column representing the greater mind. It is empty, an open channel, completely unencumbered. As long as the individual mind, represented by the two columns on either side of the mystic central column, remains open; empty, and free, accessing the greater mind, awareness is maintained and we act with natural spontaneity, entering a field in which we are ownerless. Like children endowed with the wisdom of the universe, we channel and receive our solar-galactic inheritance.
It is from this open, empty condition of mind that the new technology is sprung. Using the body as an electrically charged battery or tuning fork, the environment appropriate to the light body may be constructed. Solar cells, amplified and focussed by crystals, will be the electromagnetic field catchers. The energy caught will be channeled for heat or kinetic purposes, and will also be a source of superior sensual enrichment. Regulation of the energy will be through attunement to psychic frequencies. In this way will be achieved the dream of Nikola Tesla, "free energy."
As Tesla observed, the resonance of the Earth functions like oscillations of a giant electromagnetic battery. The key features of this battery are the two shells of the ionosphere, the lower lunar and the upper solar shell, respectively 60 and 70 miles above the terrestrial bottom of the electromagnetic ocean. It is the currents of the ionosphere in direct resonance with the solar and lunar fields which moderate the wind and atmospheric currents of the lowest layers of the electromagnetic ocean. Oscillating at approximately 7.8 cycles per second, the ionosphere is in resonance with the human brain, which—when oscillating at 7.8 cycles per second—reflects a condition of samadhi or meditational absorption. This common neural-ionospheric frequency is a prime key unlocking the new technology.
Far beyond the ionosphere lie the next two components of the Earth's electromagnetic battery, the radiation belts—the lower, positively charged, proton lunar-galactic belt and the upper, negatively charged, electron solar belt. It is these belts, like a cellular membrane, that mediate the larger electromagnetic currents connecting the Earth to the Sun and the other systems of the galactic hub, Hunab Ku.
In polar resonance with the outer radiation belts lies the Earth's memory blanket: the PSI bank, the global brain, the noosphere, the realm of the archetypes of the evolutionary cycle, the mystic Kingdom of Shambhala. Corresponding to the interaction of the higher collective mind, represented by the sign MEN, with AHAU, the solar mind, the functioning of the planetary mind and memory field is inseparable from the planetary mediation of the electromagnetic energy of the vast galactic ocean. If we understand that energy and information are no different from each other, then we take a tremendous step into the light. The great streams of cosmic radiation that pour into the planetary field represent varieties of information. Encoded within the planet's memory bank and in resonance with the inter-dimensional chamber at the Earth's crystal core, this energy may be released through creative acts of ritual and ecstatic mystic attunement. The power to which such acts of attunement give rise—the power of poetry, dance, or music-is literally the same power as that which animates celestial phenomena like rainbows. In truth, we are woven of the stuff of the stars.
In the terrestrial field, "natural" discharges from the electromagnetic battery are numerous: the auroras emanated by the radiation belts and co-generated from either magnetic pole are chief among these discharges both in their beauty and the awesome energy which they convey. Lightning, spawned by the interactions of the ionosphere with the currents of the upper atmosphere and geomagnetic pulsations, is a further manifestation of the power of the Earth's electromagnetic battery. Interwoven with these phenomena are the radiant-energy being-emanations called thunderbirds, guides, or spirit beings of various sorts.
Resonating in common frequency with the ionosphere, our body, too, has its "lightning in the blood," and is defined by two polar currents and two polar generators. Regulated by the sex organs and the pineal glands, these two poles in resonance are capable of generating discharges that are the individual organismic equivalent of the auroras. When these discharges are consciously effected in resonance with the electromagnetic field as mediated by solar cells and crystals, the energy release may result in the "lighting up" of our environment. Directing these discharges to heat or kinetic needs, we may overcome the need for mechanistic contrivances and at the same time charge ourselves with a pleasure generally unknown in the present culture. In this way, we may begin to construct our houses of the senses that are at the same time temples of the solar body within and without. As Sir Thomas Browne wrote long ago, when the present science was yet in diapers, ''We live as if by an invisible Sun burning within."
Thus constructing our houses of the senses, we shall come to know that our higher mind is the Sun. The new solar age shall dawn. Born will be the world view that is a textured interaction of resonant fields of greater and lesser magnitudes. Understanding energy and information as the transductions of universal constants plotted through the simple operations of wave harmonics, we shall create that technology which is planetary in scope and individual in operation. Forming ourselves into group cells bonded through techniques of sensory fusion artfully constructed, we shall learn as never before the skills of navigating a universe as multiple in its dimensions as it is rich in its sensations.
As New Maya, having surrendered our cramped view of things and having crossed the threshold of history to post-history, thus receiving the imprint of the new, ultimately there will be no one exempt from the understanding of how to operate his or her own light body. For it will be understood that full utilization of Earth's electromagnetic battery is dependent upon the full participation of every last organism upon the planet. As the individual becomes more collective, the collective becomes more individual. As more merge their individual consciousness into the electromagnetic battery of the planet, so the bestowal of solar insight and intelligence will affect more individuals in their daily operations. In this way, the total synchronization augured by the 5,200-tun beam may be rapidly realized and galactic entrainment achieved by A.D. 2012, on the beam.
The summons to compassionately incorporate all individuals, functioning up to their full bio-electromagnetic integrity into group cells each plugged into the Earth's electromagnetic battery, is a summons commanded by the Sun itself, AHAU KINICH, called by the Egyptians, RA, the supreme Solar lord. Therefore we should not be surprised to find that after A.D. 1992 the emissaries of the Sun, the new bio-regional AH KINES, will be taking their positions among us in the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. In this way, the end of the 26,000-tun evolutionary cycle will be prepared for, and just as Menes unified Upper and Lower Egypt at the beginning of the Great Cycle, so the electromagnetic unification of the north and south planetary poles will mark its triumphant conclusion.
While I have described the general scientific aspects of the new Solar Age, it is also necessary to consider the spiritual creative lifestyle that will be mobilized through application of the new psycho-solar resonant field technology. Indeed, without spiritual creative foundations, the new Solar Age would flounder and become another abuse of cleverness. Organized into small cells, bio-electromagnetic spores, by A.D. 1992 the life of humans will begin to resemble more the extended family styles of the prehistoric phase than the attenuated and disintegrative nuclear families of the Late Industrial era. The emphasis on individual integrity will be balanced by individual and collective participation in the new fields created by the houses of the senses. Every cell will be a projection of the individual body, for one and the same circuit will animate individual, group cell, and planet light body. One function of the new science will be to assist in the exact location and alignment of cell-groups with planetary points to augment the resonance of the greater whole.
At the center of each local community will be a solar temple, a simple yet elegant construction for contemplation and energy regeneration. Adjacent to the solar temple will be houses of energy and information: solar-crystal light-sheds surrounding a computer-based nerve and education center, connecting the local bio-electromagnetic spore with every other cell group on the planet. Interspersed among gardens, where intensification agricultural techniques and light industry are practiced, will be radiantly constructed houses of the senses. And finally, spreading out in organically radial patterns, will be the residential neighborhood clusters.
Reflecting the radial pattern of the light body itself, the outer forms of the houses of the senses will vary from climate to climate giving rise to a rich diversity of style which is yet globally unified in purpose. Combining sensory enrichment, that we expect nowadays from stereophonic headsets and movie theaters, with the intense total involvement that comes from ritual participation and complete sensory engagement, the activities of the houses of the senses will be the action nexus plugging us into the electromagnetic battery of the planet. Instead of going to a job at nine o'clock every morning, we shall prepare each day for the celebratory task of ritual sensory attunement to solar galactic pulsations. Through sensory fusion—bringing together of various senses into the experience of synaesthesia—we will realize a synergistic amplification of energy and enjoyment.
The leisure for so doing will be the natural result of having divested ourselves of an unnecessary military economy and the production of wasteful and even toxic consumer goods that were in total disregard of the reality of the light body. Nourishing ourselves as simply and as locally as possible, we shall turn our surplus wealth into the research, education, and artistic production necessary for the establishment of a healthy collective organism in resonant attunement with the Sun and, through the Sun, with the galactic core, Hunab Ku.
In addition to the improvement of sensual enjoyment, there will be an equal improvement of the capacity for psychic or what are now termed paranormal powers. Indeed, everyone will be a channel—a medium—and what we understand today to be psychic impressions or channeling will be but child's play compared to our actual potential. Rather than dredge up dreary past-life archetypes announced in pseudo-spooky voices, we will channel the stars directly. We shall find that our excitement and our adventure is in collectively making inter-dimensional crossings that simultaneously enhance our growth toward the collective synchronization of the planet light body. Opening our long-disregarded sense fields at last for the nourishment of the light body, UFOs will finally be understood as inter-dimensional, Earth-generated, galactically programmed electromagnetic cells available to us for our own educational purposes.
Like the Maya who preceded us, we shall understand that the path to the stars is through the senses and that proper utilization of our mind as the auto-regulatory control factor will help facilitate the passage to different levels or dimensions of being. These dimensions or levels of being, now frequented by what we call UFOs, are universally accessible, and hence the meeting grounds of intelligence from different sectors of the galaxy. like a multi-leveled spore, the model of our "new" galactic home, as well as the means of "transport" to the different dimensions of the electromagnetic ocean, is the great single central channel along which the various levels of being are strung: individual, collective, planetary, solar, stellar, code matrix, and galactic core.
As more and more of us learn to navigate the galactic median through skilled use of resonant harmonic frequencies, we will merge into the greater life. Direct psycho-sensory encounters with vistas more real and vast than those hinted at by our radio-telescopes will naturally dissolve those values that now bind us, by fear, to name and place. As we experience instead the fullness of the meaning of the universal life, selflessness and compassion will draw us on. As resonant navigators, we shall encounter the great ones of our myths, and the dream-time will envelop us in all its subtle richness. Techniques and in sights developed by the great mystic traditions will be at the forefront of our activities, and where once we sank in dread for fear of death, we shall come to know again that continuity of being that makes the same wholeness out of each and every one of us.
In attaining to our universal being, we cannot underestimate the power of what we now call music, song, and harmonic sound. Through collective sound dwellings of the senses—radiosonic temples—the harmonics shall emerge that cause us to realize the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Understanding navigation as the function of a superior harmonic to which we are collectively attuned, we shall at the same time unlock ever-deeper levels of memory. As primary patterns of resonance, memory shall come to be known as the radial pattern that unifies all levels of being and consciousness. Through this knowledge, rung as the sonorous tones of collective synchronization, the palace of universal memory will open. Star-fields will merge, and the breakers of cosmic creation will wash across the consciousness of humankind.
Living through our senses, we shall make conscious at last the collective dream-time venerated by the aborigines. As we ride the pulsation waves of our neural circuits, communion will be re-established with the other kingdoms: the mineral, the plant, the animal, and the higher orders of the electromagnetic sea. Functioning again within the context of a greater natural hierarchy, our life will merge the shaman's environmental resilience with the pageantry of medieval court life, and all of this will be illumined by an intrinsic bio-luminescence at which present-day electricity can only hint. Humanity will be a kingdom once again, but a kingdom in liege to the Sun, and the entire Earth its single realm.
As we are chastened and made wise by our brief encounter with the machine and the horrors of nuclear experimentation, nobility in the New Kingdom will be a universally recognized trait. The democratic value of the individual will not be lost, but, rather, a new understanding of the individual in the galactic hierarchy will be established. The example of the warrior-shamans who first crossed over from history to post-history will spread as the life example for all. Chronicles of lyric beauty and epic proportion will spontaneously unfold through daily collective attunement. And at the market, theater, dance, and song will enliven the exchange of information and goods carried on by the merchants of light.
And if it be asked how all of this shall be ruled and regulated, then let us not underestimate the role of common sense and ordinary human insight directed and informed by a Council of Solar-Planetary Affairs. Charged with monitoring the alignment of the terrestrial electromagnetic battery with the solar frequencies and pulsations for the greater harmonic resonance of the whole, the operations of this Council will naturally affect all other activities and actions on the planet.
Operating closely with the High Council of Solar-Planetary Affairs will be the Council of the Mediarchs and the Council of the Geomants. The former will be charged with globally disseminating information and education through the computer-video network; the latter will be charged with the harmonic, artistic interface of human and planetary fields of resonance. The conjoined action of these two councils will be to bring about ever greater synchronizations of the human race. The vast patchwork of bio-regionally organized locals will send emissaries to the Council of Solar-Planetary Affairs for annual conferences, solstices, and equinoxes among them. The primary event and focus of all activity will be the sponsoring of semi-annual, planet-wide Solar/Earth-Day celebrations.
Following the major task of divesting the old military establishment of its wealth and taking down and cleaning up of toxic facilities, economics after A.D. 1992 will be freely regulated. Economic arbiters or overseers, functioning closely with the Council of Solar-Planetary Affairs and the Council of the Mediarchs, will travel from bio-region to bioregion gathering information in order to equalize the production and distribution of global wealth. Indeed, wealth will be information distributed as information units appropriate to local bio-regions. Exchanges will be set up between representatives of different groups, effecting cultural as well as informational and economic cross-pollination. Voyaging under the banner of the great Solar Being, the traveling economic arbiter teams will be joyously accompanied by minstrel bands, artistic troupes assisting in the planetary cross-breeding.
Criminal activities, including theft, hoarding, plunder, rape, and murder, will be dealt with by the Council on Creative Rehabilitation. Operating closely with the Council on Global Health, the Council on Creative Rehabilitation will remand all "criminals" to Creative Rehabilitation Units overseen by geomantic ritualists who, following diagnosis, will then consign the offenders to creative problem-solving tasks connected with the Houses of the Senses.
With the need for war abandoned and the citizens of planet Earth awakened to a higher purpose through the Campaign for the Earth, the face of global society will change rapidly over the next generation. As the year A.D. 2012 approaches, the planet will be humming and vibrating as never before. The final five-year period, A.D. 2007-2012, will be singularly directed to the emplacement of galactic synchronization crews at all the planetary light-body grid-nodes.
Utilizing harmonic information patterns that inter-connect individual, planetary, and solar light bodies attuned to galactic frequencies, collective psychic-solar navigation teams and synchronization crews will help see that no one individual is left out of attunement. Education and rehabilitation teams will work in the last of the prisons and hospitals. Bio-electromagnetic medicine teams will see to it that every last bio-regional local is brought into alignment with the template of the planetary light body. Monitoring signals from the Galactic Federation, advanced units from the Council of Solar-Planetary Affairs will seed the last instructions to the synchronization crews.
Then it shall be ready. The unique moment, the moment of total planetary synchronization, on the beam, will arrive—the closing out not only of the Great Cycle, but of the evolutionary interim called Homo sapiens. Amidst festive preparation and awesome galactic-solar signs psychically received, the human race, in harmony with the animal and other kingdoms and taking its rightful place in the great electromagnetic sea, will unify as a single circuit. Solar and galactic sound transmissions will inundate the planetary field. At last, Earth will be ready for the emergence into inter-planetary civilization.
Then, as if a switch were being thrown, a great voltage will race through this finally synchronized and integrated circuit called humanity. The Earth itself will be illumined. A current charging both poles will race across the skies, connecting the polar auroras in a single brilliant flash. Like an iridescent rainbow, this circumpolar energy uniting the planetary antipodes will be instantaneously understood as the external projection of the unification of the collective mind of humanity. In that moment of understanding, we shall be collectively projected into an evolutionary domain that is presently inconceivable.
And yet, we shall know. like infants in a vast new playground, we shall retain the highest and most exalted vision. Purpose will be illumined to new levels of spontaneity. Everywhere shall be heard the Voices of the Galactic Federation: the Elders, the Ancestors, the great Bodhisattvas and Saints, the Maya returned, our deepest Selves, the Cosmic Mirror, the Raiment of Space and Time made One. As one voice, the announcement shall be made, heard by one ear: And now the adventure begins!
Now, some will say that I have woven a fantasy, a utopian tale that is unrealizable in such short time. But I have only woven from that which the Maya left behind and which the teachings of mind's vastness make accessible to all. According to the prophecies of Shambhala, following the final conquest of the Three lords of Materialism by the spiritual armies released for the closing of the cycle, there will be a 500-year Golden Age. As we ride the final baktun fractal through this dark moment of Faustian denouement to ultimate planetary release from our self-created bondage, let those warrior-shamans among us take heart. For it is through the open portals of the heart that the future returns in all of its radiance.
Humbly presented as a gift: to the children, I c1ose with the Mayan code of honor:
In Lake'ch: I am another yourself.
Completed 1 Imix, 12 Zotz, October 6, 1986, the Eastern Year 7 Muluc Boulder, Colorado, Central Rockies, North America.