Chapter 8
Frequency Analysis

In this chapter, you will learn the following:
• Introduction to Frequency Analysis
• Frequency Analysis of a Wine Glass
• Frequency Analysis of a Pulley Assembly
• Frequency Analysis of a Cantilever Beam  

In this chapter, you will learn about frequency analysis, which is used to calculate the natural frequencies of an object. The natural frequencies also known as resonant frequencies. The natural or resonant frequency of an object is defined as the energy required to produce vibration in the object. Every object has different natural frequencies depending on its geometry, material properties, and boundary conditions. A real-world object has an infinite number of natural frequencies in which it vibrates. However, in the finite element analysis, the natural frequencies of an object are considered equal to the number of its degrees of freedom. Each natural frequency of an object is associated with a shape called mode shape, which occurs when the object vibrates at that frequency. When an object vibrates due to an external force with a frequency which matches with one of its natural frequencies, the object undergoes large displacements and stresses, which causes failure of the object. This phenomena of failure is known as resonance. For example, a structure like bridge vibrates due to a frequency that is generated due to many reasons like traffic, high wind speed, or a high footfall. When this frequency matches with one of its natural frequencies of the vibrations then the bridge can fall down.
Introduction to Frequency Analysis
The frequency analysis is used to calculate the natural frequencies of an object and their associated mode shapes. By knowing the natural frequencies of an object, you can ensure that the actual operating frequency of an object will not coincide with any of its natural frequencies to avoid the failure of the object due the resonance.

Case Study 1: Frequency Analysis of a Wine Glass
In this case study, you will perform the frequency analysis of a Wine Glass, see Figure 8.1 and determine its first three natural/resonant frequencies and their associated mode shapes. Also, determine the mass participation in the X, Y, and Z directions.
Figure 8.1
Project Description
Fix the Wine Glass at its bottom to represent its operation conditions, see Figure 8.2. The Wine Glass is made up of Glass material.
Figure 8.2
Project Summary
In this case study, you will run the frequency analysis on a Wine Glass without applying any external force.
You can run the frequency analysis with or without applying the fixtures and loads. However, it is recommended to apply the required fixtures to the model to represent its real operating conditions. Although, applying external loads to the model is optional but, if you do so, their effects are considered in the frequency analysis.
Learning Objectives
In this case study, you will learn the following:
1. Downloading Files of Chapter 8
2. Opening the Wine Glass
3. Starting the Frequency Analysis
4. Defining Properties for the Frequency Analysis
5. Applying the Material and Fixture
6. Generating the Mesh
7. Running the Frequency Analysis
8. Displaying Natural/Resonant Frequencies
9. Viewing Different Mode Shapes
10. Displaying the Mass Participation
11. Saving Results
Section 1: Downloading Files of Chapter 8
1. Login to the CADArtifex website ( with your user name and password.
2. After login to the CADArtifex website, click on SOLIDWORKS Simulation > SOLIDWORKS Simulation 2018 . All resource files of this textbook appear in the respective drop-down lists.
3. Click on Case Studies > C08 Case Studies . The downloading of Co8 Case Studies file gets started. Once the downloading completed, you need to unzip the downloaded file.
4. Save the unzipped C08 Case Studies file in the Case Studies folder inside the SOLIDWORKS Simulation folder.
Section 2: Opening the Wine Glass
1. Start SOLIDWORKS, if not already started.
2. Click on the Open button in the Welcome dialog box or the Open tool in the Standard toolbar. The Open dialog box appears.
3. Browse to the location > SOLIDWORKS Simulation > Case Studies > C08 Case Studies > Case Study 1 of the local drive of your system. Next, select the Wine Glass and then click on the Open button in the dialog box. The Wine Glass is opened in SOLIDWORKS.
Section 3: Starting the Frequency Analysis
1. Click on the Simulation tab in the Simulation CommandManager . The tools of the Simulation CommandManager appear.
2. Click on the New Study tool in the Simulation CommandManager . The Study PropertyManager appears at the left of the graphics area.
3. Click on the Frequency button in the General Simulation rollout of the PropertyManager to perform the frequency analysis, see Figure 8.3.
4. Enter Wine Glass Frequency Study in the Study name field of the Name rollout in the PropertyManager, see Figure 8.3.
Figure 8.3
5. Click on the green tick-mark button in the PropertyManager. The Wine Glass Frequency Study is added in the Simulation Study Tree, see Figure 8.4.
Figure 8.4
Section 4: Defining Properties for the Frequency Analysis
Before you start performing the frequency analysis, you need to define its properties.
1. Right-click on the Wine Glass Frequency Study ( name of the study ) in the Simulation Study Tree and then click on the Properties tool in the shortcut menu appeared, see Figure 8.5. The Frequency dialog box appears, see Figure 8.6.
Figure 8.5
Figure 8.6
2. Enter 3 in the Number of frequencies field of the Options area in the dialog box to calculate first three natural frequencies of the Wine Glass.
You can also calculate the frequencies closest to the frequency of your interest. For doing so, you need to select the Calculate frequencies closest to: (Frequency Shift) check box in the Options area of the dialog box and then enter the frequency value of your interest. The Upper bound frequency radio button is used to specify an upper limit for the frequencies to be calculated. On doing so, the program calculates the frequencies which are below the specified limit.
3. Click on the OK button in the dialog box. The first three number of frequencies to be calculated are defined.
Section 5: Applying the Material and Fixture
Now, you need to apply the material and fixture to the model.
1. Invoke the Material dialog box by clicking on the Apply Material tool in the Simulation CommandManager .
2. Expand the Other Non-metals category of the SOLIDWORKS Materials library in the Material dialog box and then click on the Glass material, see Figure 8.7. All the properties of the Glass material appears on the right panel of the dialog box, see Figure 8.7.
Figure 8.7
3. Click on the Apply button and then click on the Close button in the Material dialog box. The Glass material is applied to the model and its appearance changes, accordingly in the graphics area.
Now, you need to apply the Fixed Geometry fixture.
4. Right-click on the Fixtures option in the Simulation Study Tree and then click on the Fixed Geometry tool in the shortcut menu appeared. The Fixture PropertyManager appears.
5. Rotate the model such that you can view its bottom face and then select it to apply the Fixed Geometry fixture, see Figure 8.8.
Figure 8.8
6. Click on the green tick-mark button in the PropertyManager. The Fixed Geometry fixture is applied to the bottom face of the Wine Glass. Now, change the orientation of the model back to isometric.
Figure 8.9
Section 6: Generating the Mesh
Now, you need to generate the mesh on the model.
1. Generate the curvature-based mesh with the default mesh parameters by using the Create Mesh tool. Figure 8.9 shows the meshed model.
Section 7: Running the Frequency Analysis
Now, you need to run the static study.
1. Click on the Run This Study tool in the Simulation CommandManager . The Wine Glass Frequency Study ( name of the study ) window appears which displays the progress of analysis. After the process of running the analysis completes, the Results folder is added in the Simulation Study Tree with the amplitude results of specified number of mode shapes. By default, the first mode shape is activated. As a result, the mode shape and the resultant amplitude plot of the first natural frequency appear in the graphics area, see Figure 8.10.
Figure 8.10
Section 8: Displaying Natural/Resonant Frequencies
Now, you need to display the natural/resonant frequencies of the Wine Glass.
1. Right-click on the Results folder in the Simulation Study Tree and then click on the List Resonant Frequencies tool in shortcut menu appeared, see Figure 8.11. The List Modes window appears, see Figure 8.12.
Figure 8.11
Figure 8.12
The List Modes window displays the list of calculated natural/resonant frequencies of the model associated with the respective mode numbers in Rad/sec and Hertz. Also, it displays the corresponding period in seconds for each natural frequency, refer to Figure 8.12.
2. Review the calculated natural frequency of the Wine Glass for different mode numbers. The mode number 1 has the frequency of 6.239 hertz, the mode number 2 has the frequency of 16.239 hertz, and mode number 3 has the frequency of 40.055. You need to ensure that the Wine Glass does not operate in the frequency which matches with any one of its calculated natural frequencies to avoid the failure due to the resonance.
3. Click on the Save button in the List Modes window. The Save As dialog box appears. In this dialog box, browse to the location where you want to save the calculated results of the natural frequencies. Next, click on the Save button in the dialog box. The results file is saved with the .csv file extension in the specified location. You can open the .csv files in the Microsoft Excel.
4. Click on Close button in the List Modes window to close it.
Section 9: Viewing Different Mode Shapes
1. By default, the Amplitude1 (-Res Amp - Mode Shape 1-) result is activated in the Results folder of the Simulation Study Tree. As a result, the mode shape 1 of the Wine Glass appears in the graphics area. To display the mode shapes 2 and 3, double-click on their respective results in the Simulation Study Tree. Figures 8.13 and 8.14 show the mode shapes 2 and 3, respectively.
Figure 8.13
Figure 8.14
You can rotate the model to view the mode shapes of the model at different orientations.
Section 10: Displaying the Mass Participation
1. Right-click on the Results folder in the Simulation Study Tree and then click on the List Mass Participation tool in the shortcut menu appeared, see Figure 8.15. The Mass Participation window appears, see Figure 8.16.
Figure 8.15
Figure 8.16
The Mass Participation window displays the list of natural/resonant frequencies and the mass participation in the X, Y, and Z directions for each mode number.
2. Review the mass participation for each mode number in the Mass Participation window. For example, the mass participation for the mode number 1 is approximately 0.32398 in the X-direction, 1.0749e-12 in the Y-direction, and 0.50649 in the Z-direction.
Section 11: Saving Results
Now, you need to save the model and its results.
1. Click on the Save tool in the Standard toolbar. The model and its results are saved in the location > SOLIDWORKS Simulation > Case Studies > C08 Case Studies > Case Study 1 .
2. Close the SOLIDWORKS session.

Case Study 2: Frequency Analysis of a Pulley Assembly
In this case study, you will perform the frequency analysis of a Pulley Assembly, see Figure 8.17 and determine its first five natural/resonant frequencies and their associated mode shapes.
Figure 8.17
Project Description
Both the Support components of the Pulley Assembly are fixed at the bottom, see Figure 8.18. All the components of the Pulley Assembly are made up of Alloy Steel (SS) material.
Figure 8.18
Project Summary
In this case study, you will run the frequency analysis on a Pulley Assembly without applying any external force.
You can run the frequency analysis with or without applying the fixtures and loads. However, it is recommended to apply the required fixtures to the model to represent its real operating conditions. Although, applying external loads to the model is optional but, if you do so, their effects are considered in the frequency analysis.
Learning Objectives
In this case study, you will learn the following:
1. Starting the Frequency Analysis
2. Defining Properties for the Frequency Analysis
3. Applying Materials and Fixtures
4. Generating the Mesh
5. Running the Frequency Analysis
6. Displaying Natural/Resonant Frequencies
7. Viewing Different Mode Shapes
8. Saving Results
Section 1: Starting the Frequency Analysis
1. Start SOLIDWORKS and then open the Pulley Assembly from the location > SOLIDWORKS Simulation > Case Studies > C08 Case Studies > Case Study 2 .
You need to download the C08 Case Studies file which contains the files of this chapter by logging to the CADArtifex website (, if not downloaded earlier.
2. Click on the Simulation tab in the Simulation CommandManager . The tools of the Simulation CommandManager appear.
3. Click on the New Study tool in the Simulation CommandManager . The Study PropertyManager appears on the left of the graphics area.
4. Click on the Frequency button in the General Simulation rollout of the PropertyManager to perform the frequency analysis, see Figure 8.19.
5. Enter Pulley Frequency Study in the Study name field of the Name rollout in the PropertyManager, see Figure 8.19.
Figure 8.19
6. Click on the green tick-mark button in the PropertyManager. The Pulley Frequency Study is added in the Simulation Study Tree.
Section 2: Defining Properties for the Frequency Analysis
Before you start performing the frequency analysis, you can define its properties.
1. Right-click on the Pulley Frequency Study ( name of the study ) in the Simulation Study Tree and then click on the Properties tool in the shortcut menu appeared, see Figure 8.20. The Frequency dialog box appears, see Figure 8.21.
Figure 8.20
Figure 8.21
2. Make sure that the 5 is entered in the Number of frequencies field of the Options area in the dialog box to calculate the first five natural frequencies of the Pulley Assembly.
3. Click on the OK button in the dialog box.
Section 3: Applying Materials and Fixtures
Now, you need to apply the materials and fixtures to the model.
1. Right-click on the Parts folder in the Simulation Study Tree and then click on the Apply Material to All tool in the shortcut menu appeared, see Figure 8.22. The Material dialog box appears.
Figure 8.22
2. Select the Alloy Steel (SS) material in the Steel category of the SOLIDWORKS Materials library in the dialog box.
3. Click on the Apply button and then the Close button in the Material dialog box. The Alloy Steel (SS) material is applied to all the components of the assembly.
Now, you need to apply the Fixed Geometry fixture.
4. Right-click on the Fixtures option in the Simulation Study Tree and then click on the Fixed Geometry tool in the shortcut menu appeared. The Fixture PropertyManager appears.
5. Rotate the assembly such that you can view its bottom faces. Next, select the bottom faces of both the Support components of the assembly to apply the Fixed Geometry fixture, see Figure 8.23.
Figure 8.23
6. Click on the green tick-mark button in the PropertyManager. The Fixed Geometry fixture is applied to the selected faces. Now, change the orientation of the assembly back to isometric.
Section 4: Generating the Mesh
1. Generate the curvature-based mesh with default mesh parameters by using the Create Mesh tool. Figure 8.24 shows the meshed assembly.
Figure 8.24
Section 5: Running the Frequency Analysis
1. Click on the Run This Study tool in the Simulation CommandManager . The Pulley Frequency Study ( name of the study ) window appears which displays the progress of analysis. After the process of running the analysis is complete, the Results folder is added in the Simulation Study Tree. By default, the mode shape and the resultant amplitude plot of the first natural frequency appear in the graphics area, see Figure 8.25.
Figure 8.25
Section 6: Displaying Natural/Resonant Frequencies
Now, you need to display the natural/resonant frequencies of the Pulley Assembly.
1. Right-click on the Results folder in the Simulation Study Tree and then click on the List Resonant Frequencies tool in shortcut menu appeared, see Figure 8.26. The List Modes window appears, see Figure 8.27.
Figure 8.26
Figure 8.27
The List Modes window displays a list of calculated natural/resonant frequencies in Rad/sec and Hertz for each mode number. Besides, it displays the corresponding period in seconds for each mode number, see Figure 8.27.
2. Review the calculated natural frequency of the Pulley Assembly for each mode number. The mode number 1 has the frequency of approximate 2203.9 hertz and the mode number 2 has the frequency of approximate 2351.4 hertz. You need to ensure that the Pulley Assembly does not operate in the frequency which matches with any of its calculated natural frequencies to avoid the failure due to the resonance. Next, close the List Modes window.
Section 7: Viewing Different Mode Shapes
1. By default, the Amplitude1 (-Res Amp - Mode Shape 1-) result is activated in the Results folder of the Simulation Study Tree. As a result, the mode shape 1 of the Pulley Assembly appears in the graphics area, see Figure 8.28. To display the other mode shapes, double-click on the respective results in the Simulation Study Tree. Figure 8.29 shows the mode shape 2 of the assembly.
Figure 8.28
Figure 8.29
Section 8: Saving Results
1. Click on the Save tool in the Standard toolbar. The model and its results are saved in the location > SOLIDWORKS Simulation > Case Studies > C08 Case Studies > Case Study 2 .
2. Close the SOLIDWORKS session.  

Hands-on Test Drive 1: Frequency Analysis of a Cantilever Beam
Perform the frequency analysis of a Cantilever Beam, see Figure 8.30 and determine its first five natural/resonant frequencies and their associated mode shapes.
Figure 8.30
Project Description
The Cantilever Beam is fixed at its left end and the downward load of 900 N is acting on its free end (right), see Figure 8.31. The Cantilever Beam is made up of AISI 1035 Steel (SS) material.
Figure 8.31
Project Summary
In this case study, you will run the frequency analysis on a Cantilever Beam with 900 N download load on its right end.

In this chapter, you have learned how to perform the frequency analysis to calculate the natural/resonant frequencies, the mode shapes associated to each natural frequencies, and the mass participations in X, Y, and Z directions.
The natural frequencies of an object are also known as ________ frequencies.
Every object has different natural frequencies depending on its ________ , ________, and ________ .
Each natural frequency of an object is associated with a shape called ________ shape.
When an object vibrates due to an external force with a frequency which matches with one of its natural frequencies, the object undergoes large displacements and stresses due to ________ .
The ________ tool is used to invoke the List Modes window, which displays the list of calculated natural frequencies.
The ________ tool is used to invoke the Mass Participation window, which displays the list of natural frequencies and the mass participation in the X, Y, and Z directions.
You can save the results of the natural frequencies in an external file having ________ file extension.