Ben and Tassie, two children in tow, walked into the church that Rube and Jill had attended with Jared and his wife, Deb, before moving to Israel. It was the second time they had been back to visit in the States. Tassie and Deb walked down the hall to drop the kids off in children’s church. Tassie started back down the hall and almost bumped into a man.

“Oh, excuse me. . . ” The words died on her lips and, as if in a dream, Tassie remembered when she first met Mr. Green Eyes. This man stood with a beautiful woman. She had that gorgeous Middle Eastern tone of skin, slightly dark, slightly tan. Three small children clung to him.

“Om . . . ” He shook his head. It was almost imperceptible. She recovered. “Oh my, I’m so sorry I almost ran into you.” A wash of emotions swept over her, from fear to delight. “I remember you, but not your name. It’s been a long time.”

“Yes, a long time. My name is Rafael Koban. My wife, Emrah, and my children.”

Tassie held out her hand to Omar’s wife. “I’m Tassie Akeena. My husband Ben, our two children, and I are visiting with friends here. Rafael and I worked together years ago.” She looked back to Omar. “You’ve changed.”

“Yes, I have. Totally. Someday, in Heaven, we’ll meet that young man from Door County and tell him his prayer was truly answered.”

At that moment, two things happened. First, down the hall a short slightly balding man with long straggly hair waved at Tassie. Second, a piercing light filled the hallway. Electric shivers filled Tassie’s being. Everything disappeared as she looked up into a brilliant blue sky and heard the whisper, “How far is the sky blue, Tassie?”

Then it was only glory, forever.