CHAPTER 24 Fever at Period Time

‘Fever’ here includes both an actual fever and a pronounced feeling of heat, which is more frequent before or during the period but may also occur after it. It should be stressed that if there is only a feeling of heat, this should be both subjective and objective, i.e. the patient has a feeling of heat and her skin (particularly of the dorsum of the hands) also feels hot to the touch.



The main pathological factors leading to a feeling of heat or fever at period times are:

The second pattern is more common in older women.

Identification of patterns and treatment


Herbal treatment

c Prescription

Kidney- and Liver-Yin deficiency with Empty-Heat

Qi and Blood deficiency with disharmony of Nutritive and Defensive Qi

Herbal treatment


This formula (from Li Dong Yuan) is specific to clear Heat deriving from Qi and Blood deficiency and a decline of the Original Qi. As explained above, when this declines, a pathological Minister Fire takes its place giving rise to a feeling of heat. Thus, this type of Heat is treated by tonifying the Original Qi with sweet, warm herbs, which is what this formula does.

The Discussion on Stomach and Spleen (1249) in fact says:

The book Treatment of Different Kinds of Diseases (Lei Zheng Zhi Cai) written in 1839 by Lin Pei Qin says:

This remedy is the same as the homonymous formula and it therefore has the same actions and indications. The tongue presentation appropriate to this remedy is a pale body.

Blood stasis with Heat

Herbal treatment

Prognosis and prevention

Both acupuncture and herbs can be effective in treating this condition, but herbs probably more so. The two most difficult patterns to treat are those from Blood-Heat and Stasis of Blood with Heat.

As for prevention, it is important that women suffering from this complaint do not consume excessive amounts of hot foods, i.e. meat (especially lamb, beef or game), spices and alcohol. They should also avoid overwork as this may lead to Liver- and Kidney-Yin deficiency.

End notes