CHAPTER 28 Dizziness at Period Time
‘Dizziness at period time’ may occur before, during or after the period. The term ‘dizziness’ in Chinese medicine encompasses also blurred vision. In fact, dizziness in Chinese medicine is called Xuan Yun. Xuan means ‘blurred vision’, while Yun means ‘dizziness’.
This symptom may range from a very slight dizziness, sometimes only on changing posture, to very severe vertigo with loss of balance when everything around the patient seems to be spinning. The term ‘dizziness’ also includes the very common sensation of ‘muzziness’ or ‘fuzziness’ – a heavy feeling as if the head was full of cotton wool and, linked to this, an inability to think properly and to concentrate.
In English, I shall call the symptom Xuan Yun ‘dizziness’; I shall use ‘vertigo’ to indicate a stronger sensation of dizziness to the point of losing balance.
A long, chronic illness, a diet lacking in nourishment or a severe haemorrhage may all cause Blood deficiency. Blood nourishes the Brain and a severe deficiency may cause dizziness: this occurs at period time because the Blood deficiency becomes more evident when blood is lost through menstruation. This type of dizziness tends to occur during or after the period.
Overwork leads to Yin deficiency and when it is combined with stress about work over a long period of time, it may easily induce Liver-Yang rising. This causes dizziness before the period as at that time Yang has a tendency to rise.
Too much exercise weakens the Spleen and a deficiency of this organ may lead to Dampness. Excessive consumption of dairy foods and greasy, fried foods also leads to the formation of Dampness and Phlegm. Phlegm obstructs the clear orifices of the head, the clear Yang cannot rise and dizziness results. This is more likely to occur before or during the period.
Dizziness during or after the period, blurred vision, tingling of limbs, poor memory, insomnia, scanty period, dull complexion. Tongue: Pale and Thin. Pulse: Choppy or Fine.
LIV-8 Ququan, ST-36 Zusanli, SP-6 Sanyinjiao, Ren-12 Zhongwan, BL-20 Pishu, BL-23 Shenshu, Ren-4 Guanyuan, Du-20 Baihui. All with reinforcing method, moxa can be used.
This remedy nourishes Blood, strengthens the Essence and tonifies the Brain. Although it was devised for eye problems from Blood deficiency, it is suitable to treat dizziness. The tongue presentation appropriate to this remedy is a Pale and Thin body.
This remedy is a variation of the formula Ba Zhen Tang Eight Precious Decoction which nourishes Blood and tonifies Qi. It has been modified with the addition of Kidney tonics. The tongue presentation appropriate to this remedy is a Pale and Thin body.
Dizziness during or after the period, blurred vision, tingling of limbs, poor memory, insomnia, scanty period, dull complexion. Tongue: Pale and Thin. Pulse: Choppy or Fine.
Severe dizziness during or before the period, tinnitus, scanty period, insomnia, mental restlessness, feeling of heat, malar flush. Tongue: without coating; Red if there is Empty-Heat. Pulse: Floating-Empty or, if there is Empty-Heat, Fine and Rapid.
Ren-4 Guanyuan, LU-7 Lieque (on the right) and KI-6 Zhaohai (on the left), KI-3 Taixi, SP-6 Sanyinjiao, LIV-8 Ququan, G.B.-20 Fengchi, L.I.-4 Hegu, LIV-3 Taichong, G.B.-13 Benshen, Du-19 Houding. G.B.-20, L.I.-4 and LIV-3 with reducing or even method to subdue Liver-Yang. Ren-4, KI-3, SP-6 and LIV-8 with reinforcing method to nourish Blood. LU-7, KI-6, G.B.-13 and Du-19 with even method. No moxa.
This remedy nourishes Liver- and Kidney-Yin and subdues Liver-Yang.
Severe dizziness during or before the period, tinnitus, scanty period, insomnia, mental restlessness, feeling of heat, malar flush. Tongue: without coating; Red if there is Empty-Heat. Pulse: Floating-Empty or, if there is Empty-Heat, Fine and Rapid.
Ren-4 Guanyuan, LU-7 Lieque (on the right) and KI-6 Zhaohai (on the left), KI-3 Taixi, SP-6 Sanyinjiao, LIV-8 Ququan, G.B.-20 Fengchi, L.I.-4 Hegu, LIV-3 Taichong, G.B.-13 Benshen, Du-19 Houding. G.B.-20, L.I.-4 and LIV-3 with reducing or even method to subdue Liver-Yang. Ren-4, KI-3, SP-6 and LIV-8 with reinforcing method to nourish Blood. LU-7, KI-6, G.B.-13 and Du-19 with even method. No moxa.
Severe dizziness during or before the period, blurred vision, a feeling of muzziness (fuzziness) and heaviness of the head, excessive vaginal discharge, swelling of breasts before the period, a sticky taste. Tongue: Swollen with a sticky coating. Pulse: Slippery.
Ren-12 Zhongwan, ST-36 Zusanli, BL-20 Pishu, ST-40 Fenglong, SP-9 Yinlingquan, SP-6 Sanyinjiao, BL-22 Sanjiaoshu, Ren-9 Shuifen, ST-8 Touwei. Ren-12, ST-36 and BL-20 with reinforcing method; ST-40, SP-9, SP-6, BL-22 and Ren-9 with reducing or even method. ST-8 with even method. Moxa is applicable to warm the Yang.
This remedy is a variation of the formula Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang Pinellia-Atractylodes-Gastrodia Decoction: it tonifies the Spleen, resolves Phlegm, extinguishes Wind and relieves dizziness and headaches. The tongue presentation appropriate to this remedy is a Swollen body with a sticky coating.
Severe dizziness during or before the period, blurred vision, a feeling of muzziness (fuzziness) and heaviness of the head, excessive vaginal discharge, swelling of breasts before the period, a sticky taste. Tongue: Swollen with a sticky coating. Pulse: Slippery.
Ren-12 Zhongwan, ST-36 Zusanli, BL-20 Pishu, ST-40 Fenglong, SP-9 Yinlingquan, SP-6 Sanyinjiao, BL-22 Sanjiaoshu, Ren-9 Shuifen, ST-8 Touwei. Ren-12, ST-36 and BL-20 with reinforcing method; ST-40, SP-9, SP-6, BL-22 and Ren-9 with reducing or even method. ST-8 with even method. Moxa is applicable to warm the Yang.
The problem of dizziness during the periods responds well to treatment with acupuncture and/or herbs. The pattern from Yin deficiency will take the longest to treat; that from Phlegm may also be stubborn because it takes time to resolve Phlegm. Herbal treatment is rather better than acupuncture for resolving Phlegm.
A woman suffering from the pattern of Phlegm should avoid eating dairy food and greasy foods. If she suffers from the pattern of Blood deficiency or Yin deficiency, it is very important that she takes adequate rest and organizes her working day to allow this. In particular, she should make sure that she has a short period of rest after lunch, preferably lying down.