CHAPTER 41 Retention of Urine During Pregnancy
This condition is characterized by difficult urination, slight retention of urine, an uncomfortable feeling in the lower abdomen and a feeling of irritability.
Excessive physical exercise injures the muscles and the Spleen and may lead to Spleen-Qi deficiency. When Spleen-Qi is deficient, it may also sink leading to a slight prolapse of the internal organs. In pregnancy, this is aggravated by the pressure of the growing fetus on the bladder which, together with Spleen-Qi deficiency, may lead to a slight retention of urine.
The Medical Collection of Four Families from Meng He says:
Urinary problems in pregnancy are due to the fetus weighing down, pressing on the bladder, leading to urinary problems (which could be retention or incontinence). To treat it, one must raise Qi and lift the fetus.1
Excessive sexual activity during the last trimester of pregnancy or excessive lifting and standing may injure the Kidneys and lead to the sinking of Kidney-Qi. In pregnancy, the pressure of the growing fetus on the bladder, together with the sinking of Kidney-Qi, may cause retention of urine.
The pathology of retention of urine in pregnancy is characterized by a combination of interacting physical and energetic components. The sinking of Spleen-Qi and/or Kidney-Qi may lead to the fetus dropping down slightly and pressing on the bladder; vice versa, the downward pressure of the growing fetus may lead to the sinking of Spleen- and/or Kidney-Qi. Although normally retention of urine may be due to either Full or Empty causes, in pregnancy it is always due to Empty causes; these may be deficiency and sinking of Spleen-Qi or Kidney-Qi. Thus, the treatment consists in tonifying and raising Spleen- or Kidney-Qi and stimulating the Bladder’s function of Qi transformation.
Frequent but scanty urination, discomfort in the lower abdomen, a bearing-down sensation, restlessness with inability to sit or lie down, pale complexion, tiredness, shortness of breath. Tongue: Pale. Pulse: Weak.
BL-20 Pishu, Du-20 Baihui, ST-36 Zusanli, BL-28 Pangguangshu. All with reinforcing method.
Compared with the previous formula, this formula has a more complex action and might actually be more suitable after childbirth. In fact, besides tonifying and raising Qi, it drains Dampness from the urinary system and it nourishes and invigorates Blood. Strictly speaking, Tong Cao and Che Qian Cao are forbidden in pregnancy, so they should be either removed or used in a very small dose.
This remedy is a variation of the formula Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang Tonifying the Centre and Benefiting Qi Decoction which tonifies and raises Spleen-Qi. It has been modified with the addition of herbs which resolve Dampness: it is therefore particularly indicated if there is Dampness. The tongue presentation appropriate to this remedy is a Pale body with a sticky, white coating.
This remedy promotes the transformation and separation of fluids in the Bladder and also tonifies and lifts Spleen- and Kidney-Qi: it is specific to treat urinary difficulty deriving from Qi deficiency and Dampness in the urinary passages. The tongue presentation appropriate to this remedy is a Pale body. Strictly speaking, Qu Mai and Che Qian Zi are forbidden in pregnancy, so this remedy should be used in a very small dose (e.g. one or two tablets a day).
Frequent but scanty urination, discomfort in the lower abdomen, a bearing-down sensation, restlessness with inability to sit or lie down, pale complexion, tiredness, shortness of breath. Tongue: Pale. Pulse: Weak.
BL-20 Pishu, Du-20 Baihui, ST-36 Zusanli, BL-28 Pangguangshu. All with reinforcing method.
Frequent but scanty urination, pale urine, flow of micturition interrupted, uncomfortable sensation in hypogastrium which is worse when sitting, feeling cold, backache, tiredness. Tongue: Pale and wet. Pulse: Deep, Weak.
Tonify and warm Kidney-Yang, promote the transformation of Water, warm the Bladder, calm the fetus.
BL-23 Shenshu, Du-20 Baihui, ST-36 Zusanli, KI-3 Taixi, KI-7 Fuliu, BL-63 Jinmen, BL-28 Pangguangshu, Du-4 Mingmen. All with reinforcing method, except for KI-7 and BL-63 which should be needled with even method. Moxa should be used.
The first eight herbs constitute the formula Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan, already explained, which tonifies and warms Kidney-Yang. Please note that Fu Zi Radix Aconiti lateralis preparata is contraindicated in pregnancy and can be removed. In any case, this herb may be illegal in some countries.
This remedy is a variation of the formula You Gui Wan Restoring the Right [Kidney] Pill which tonifies and warms Kidney-Yang and strengthens the Governing Vessel. The tongue presentation appropriate to this remedy is a Pale and wet body.
I have not recommended the prepared remedy Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan Golden Chest Kidney-Qi Pill because it contains Fu Zi Radix Aconiti lateralis preparata which is contraindicated in pregnancy. However, there are on the market variations of Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan without Fu Zi: if these can be obtained, then this remedy would be suitable.
Frequent but scanty urination, pale urine, flow of micturition interrupted, uncomfortable sensation in hypogastrium which is worse when sitting, feeling cold, backache, tiredness. Tongue: Pale and wet. Pulse: Deep, Weak.
Tonify and warm Kidney-Yang, promote the transformation of Water, warm the Bladder, calm the fetus.
Difficult urination, dark and turbid urine, irritability, a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, poor appetite, a sticky taste. Tongue: thick, sticky, yellow coating on the root with Red spots. Pulse: Slippery and slightly Wiry on the left Rear position.
Resolve Dampness, clear Heat, promote the transformation of Water, calm the Mind, calm the fetus.
BL-28 Pangguangshu, BL-32 Ciliao, BL-53 Baohuang, BL-22 Sanjiaoshu, SP-9 Yinlingquan, BL-63 Jinmen. All with even method, no moxa.
The first four herbs constitute the formula Dong Kui Zi San which is specific for urinary retention during pregnancy according to the Great Dictionary of Chinese Formulae.2 Dong Kui Zi and Fu Ling, in combination, also constitute a formula of the same name, Dong Kui Zi San. The dosages of the first four herbs are those from the original formula: I would personally at least halve them and not use Mu Tong. Although Mu Tong and Dong Kui Zi are contraindicated in pregnancy, this formula is considered specific for retention of urine in pregnancy. I would replace Mu Tong with Tong Cao Medulla Tetrapanacis.
Note: Dong Kui Zi, Shan Zhi Zi and Hua Shi can also be used externally as a wash.
Difficult urination, dark and turbid urine, irritability, a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, poor appetite, a sticky taste. Tongue: thick, sticky, yellow coating on the root with Red spots. Pulse: Slippery and slightly Wiry on the left Rear position.
Difficulty in urination responds well to treatment with both acupuncture and/or herbs. In my experience, the three patterns described above often occur in combination, e.g. Spleen-Qi deficiency with Dampness or Kidney-Qi deficiency with Dampness. When selecting a formula, one must therefore decide whether the deficiency or the Dampness is predominant. The pattern from Damp-Heat is the most difficult to treat. Generally speaking, with a combination of acupuncture and herbs, good results should be obtained within days.
Zhang Yuan Kai (ed.) 1985 Medical Collection of Four Families from Meng He (Meng He Si Jia Yi Ji ), Jiangsu Science Publishing House, Nanjing, p. 212..
Peng Huai Ren 1994 Great Dictionary of Chinese Medicine Formulae (Zhong Yi Fang Ji Da Ci Dian ), People’s Health Publishing House, Beijing, p. 543..
Hu Xi Ming 1990 Great Treatise of Secret Formulae in Chinese Medicine (Zhong Guo Zhong Yi Mi Fang Da Quan ), Culture Publishing House, Shanghai, Vol. 2, p. 69..