CHAPTER 63 Prolapse of the Uterus
Kidney-Qi deficient and sinking
Ancient acupuncture prescriptions for prolapse of the uterus
Prolapse of the uterus is always due to Spleen-Qi or Kidney-Qi sinking and it therefore always occurs against a background of Spleen or Kidney deficiency.
Aetiology and pathology
Excessive physical exercise
Excessive physical exercise or sports over a long period of time injures the muscles and leads to Spleen-Qi deficiency. Excessive lifting over a long period of time injures the Kidneys. In both these cases, Spleen- or Kidney-Qi deficiency easily progresses to Qi sinking which causes the prolapse.
Chronic illness
A prolonged illness inevitably leads to a deficiency of the Spleen and/or Kidneys: if this turns into Qi sinking, it causes a prolapse.
A long labour with excessive strain often leads to prolapse of the uterus. From a Chinese perspective, this is due to the great muscle strain occurring during labour which injures the Spleen, as this organ governs the muscles.
Prolonged coughing
Prolonged, chronic coughing induces an excessive descent of Qi and may cause a uterine prolapse.
Identification of patterns and treatment
The pathology of prolapse of the uterus is always due to Qi deficient and sinking: this may be Spleen-Qi, Kidney-Qi or both. It should be noted that a prolapse of the uterus can cause clinical manifestations even when it is very slight. Symptoms include a feeling of bearing down in the lower abdomen and frequent urination.
From an acupuncture perspective, apart from the Spleen and Kidneys, three Extraordinary Vessels are involved in the pathology of prolapse of the uterus: the Governing, Directing and Girdle Vessels. The Governing and Directing Vessels run along the midline of the body, one Yang, one Yin in nature. As the uterus is centrally located, a weakness of these two vessels may cause a prolapse.
For this reason, a combination of Governing and Directing Vessel points is particularly effective to treat prolapse of the uterus, e.g. Du-20 Baihui and Ren-6 Qihai. The Girdle Vessel is also involved in prolapses because it is the belt that ‘binds’ the lower abdominal organs: when the belt is too slack, the organs sag and prolapses may occur (see Ch. 7). For this reason, points from the Girdle Vessel, such as G.B.-28 Weidao, are also used for uterine prolapse.
The patterns discussed are:
Kidney-Qi deficient and sinking.
Spleen-Qi sinking
Clinical manifestations
Prolapse of the uterus, a feeling of bearing down in the lower abdomen, tiredness, loose stools, poor appetite, depression. Tongue: Pale. Pulse: Weak.
Treatment principle
Tonify and raise Spleen-Qi.
Du-20 Baihui, Ren-12 Zhongwan, Ren-6 Qihai, ST-36 Zusanli, SP-3 Taibai, BL-20 Pishu, G.B.-28 Weidao, Zigong (extra point). All with reinforcing method, moxa is applicable.
Du-20 raises Qi to treat prolapses. It is particularly effective if stimulated with direct moxa cones.
Ren-12, ST-36, SP-3 and BL-20 tonify Spleen-Qi.
Ren-6 tonifies and raises Qi. This needle can be also be inserted horizontally downward for about 1.5 or 2 inches and rotated until the patient experiences the propagation of the needling sensation to the hypogastrium.
G.B.-28, a point of the Girdle Vessel, raises Qi by ‘tightening the belt’ of this vessel. This needle may also be inserted horizontally towards the midline for about 1.5–2 inches and rotated until the patient experiences the propagation of the needling sensation to the hypogastrium.
Zigong strengthens the Uterus. It is situated four
cun below the navel (level with Ren-3 Zhongji) and three
cun lateral to the midline.
Herbal treatment
Tonifying the Centre and Benefiting Qi Decoction
This formula, already explained, tonifies and raises Qi and is specific to treat prolapses.
Three Treasures remedy
This remedy is a variation of the formula Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang Tonifying the Centre and Benefiting Qi Decoction which tonifies and raises Qi. The tongue presentation appropriate to this remedy is a Pale body.
Spleen-Qi sinking
Clinical manifestations
Prolapse of the uterus, a feeling of bearing down in the lower abdomen, tiredness, loose stools, poor appetite, depression. Tongue: Pale. Pulse: Weak.
Treatment principle
Tonify and raise Spleen-Qi.
Du-20 Baihui, Ren-12 Zhongwan, Ren-6 Qihai, ST-36 Zusanli, SP-3 Taibai, BL-20 Pishu, G.B.-28 Weidao, Zigong (extra point). All with reinforcing method, moxa is applicable.
Herbal treatment
BU ZHONG YI QI TANG Tonifying the Centre and Benefiting Qi Decoction
Three Treasures remedy
Kidney-Qi deficient and sinking
Clinical manifestations
Prolapse of the uterus, frequent urination, a bearing-down feeling in the lower abdomen, backache, depression. Tongue: Pale. Pulse: Deep, Weak.
Treatment principle
Tonify and raise Kidney-Qi.
Du-20 Baihui, Ren-6 Qihai, ST-36 Zusanli, KI-3 Taixi, BL-23 Shenshu, G.B.-28 Weidao, Du-1 Changqiang, Ren-5 Shimen. All with reinforcing method, moxa is applicable.
Du-20 raises Qi. It is particularly effective if stimulated with direct moxa cones.
Ren-6 and ST-36 tonify and raise Qi. The needle in Ren-6 can be also be inserted horizontally downward for about 1.5 or 2 inches and rotated until the patient experiences the propagation of the needling sensation to the hypogastrium.
KI-3 and BL-23 tonify the Kidneys.
G.B.-28, a point of the Girdle Vessel, raises Qi by ‘tightening the belt’ of this vessel. This needle may also be inserted horizontally towards the midline for about 1.5–2 inches and rotated until the patient experiences the propagation of the needling sensation to the hypogastrium.
Du-1, with moxa cones only, tonifies the Governing Vessel to lift the uterus.
Ren-5, with moxa cones only, and especially in combination with Du-1, strengthens the Uterus and the Kidneys.
Herbal treatment
a Prescription
Lifting and Raising and Consolidating Collapse Decoction
Dang Shen, Bai Zhu and Huang Qi tonify and raise Spleen-Qi.
Huang Jing and Gui Ban tonify the Kidneys and consolidate the Directing Vessel.
Ba Ji Tian tonifies Kidney-Yang.
Dang Gui nourishes Blood and strengthens the Uterus.
Zhi Ke and Yi Mu Cao move Qi and invigorate Blood and are added to counteract the cloying action of the tonic herbs.
Sheng Ma, in combination with Huang Qi, raises Qi.
b Prescription
Great Tonifying the Original Qi Pill Variation
Ren Shen tonifies the Original Qi.
Shu Di Huang, Shan Yao and Shan Zhu Yu tonify the Kidneys.
Bai Shao nourishes Blood and consolidates collapse.
Bai Zhi resolves Dampness from the genital tract.
Wu Wei Zi, Mu Li and Wu Zei Gu are absorbent and consolidate collapse.
Bai Zhu, Chai Hu and Sheng Ma tonify and raise Qi.
Chuan Lian Zi moves Qi.
Kidney-Qi deficient and sinking
Clinical manifestations
Prolapse of the uterus, frequent urination, a bearing-down feeling in the lower abdomen, backache, depression. Tongue: Pale. Pulse: Deep, Weak.
Treatment principle
Tonify and raise Kidney-Qi.
Du-20 Baihui, Ren-6 Qihai, ST-36 Zusanli, KI-3 Taixi, BL-23 Shenshu, G.B.-28 Weidao, Du-1 Changqiang, Ren-5 Shimen. All with reinforcing method, moxa is applicable.
Herbal treatment
SHENG TI GU TUO JIAN Lifting and Raising and Consolidating Collapse Decoction
Great Tonifying the Original Qi Pill Variation
Ancient acupuncture prescriptions for prolapse of the uterus1
BL-31 for infertility, prolapse uteri and dribbling white vaginal discharge (
ABC of Acupuncture,
Zhen Jiu Jia Yi Jing, 1601).
HE-8 Shaofu and LIV-8 Ququan (
The Classic of Miraculous Moxibustion,
Shen Jiu Jing Lun, 1851).
LIV-3 Taichong, HE-8 Shaofu, KI-6 Zhaohai and LIV-8 Ququan (
Great Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion,
Zhen Jiu Da Cheng, 1601).
Prognosis and prevention
Both acupuncture and herbal medicine give good results in uterine prolapse. Often, acupuncture alone is enough. However, the prognosis depends on the degree of prolapse (see below). First-degree prolapse can be helped, second-degree prolapse is difficult to treat and third-degree prolapse will not respond to treatment.
Women who have a very slight prolapse or who have been cured of a prolapse should pay great attention to not exercising too much and, in particular, to not running (jogging) or lifting. They should also make sure that they do not overwork and alternate work with periods of rest lying down.
Western view
Prolapse of the uterus develops as a result of weight-bearing during pregnancy and the trauma of delivery. The decrease in oestrogen associated with the menopause is also a factor as this decrease causes a weakening of pelvic tissues.
Prolapse of the uterus is classified in three degrees:
First degree: the cervix descends to the introitus.
Second degree: the cervix protrudes through the introitus.
Third degree: the entire uterus protrudes through the vaginal outlet (
Fig. 63.1).
In the early stages, prolapse consists only in an elongated cervix which may reach up to 10 cm in length (instead of a normal 3 cm).
When the striated muscular support of the vaginal canal is weakened by childbirth, coughing, lifting, straining, etc., there may be a marked descent of the anterior vaginal wall and of the base of the bladder, creating a cystocele; if the rectum bulges forward it gives rise to a rectocele. A cystocele will cause a characteristic bearing-down sensation and frequency or incontinence of urine. A rectocele will cause an uncomfortable sensation in the rectum and constipation (see Fig. 63.2)
End note
Wang Xue Tai 1995 Great Treatise of Chinese Acupuncture (Zhong Guo Zhen Jiu Da Quan
), Henan Science and Technology Publishing House, p. 458..