Rebecca’s shoulders slumped forward. “It’s no use. We’ve been over this a million times and we never get anywhere. I’ve scoured the internet for years trying to find Shane. The case is closed. It was most likely a random mugging this morning. Even the deputy thinks I’m crazy.”
“Except that we both know you’re not.” Brody resisted the urge to take her hand in his, noticing how small hers was in comparison, how much more delicate her skin looked.
“The sheriff told me years ago the trail had gone cold. I just didn’t want to accept the truth. They’re probably right. Shane’s...long gone.” Her almond-shaped eyes held so much pain.
“I know why your parents didn’t leave the area after they divorced. They never gave up hope of finding him, especially your mother,” Brody said, leaning forward. Everyone in town had held out the same hope Shane would be found. Hope that had fizzled and died as the weeks ticked by. “And neither did you.”
“Seemed like a good enough reason to stay in the beginning.”
“There’s no reason to give up now.”
“Do you know how slim the chances of solving a cold case are? I do.” When she looked up, he saw more than hurt in her eyes. He saw fear. He already noted that she’d positioned herself in the corner with her back against the wall, insuring she could see all the possible entry points. And didn’t that move take a page out of his own book?
“Except the case isn’t cold anymore. He struck again. We know he’s in the area.”
“Do you have any idea how that new deputy looked at me when I reported the crime and he pulled me up in the system? No one believes me.” Tears welled in her eyes, threatening to fall.
“I do.” Brody meant those two words.
“He could be anywhere by now.”
“And so could you. But you’re not. You’re here. And so is he.” Brody needed the conversation to switch tracks. Give her a chance to settle down. It was understandable that her emotions were on a roller coaster. Her need to find her brother battled with the fear she never would. “What about after college? You disappeared. I heard that you swore you’d never set foot in Mason Ridge again. What happened?”
“I did. I moved to Chicago and got a job at a radio station. I came home three years ago because of my mom’s health. She took a turn.”
“I didn’t know.” Again he suppressed the urge to reach across the table and comfort Rebecca, dismissing it as an old habit that didn’t want to die.
“I had no way to reach you while you were overseas. Doubt I could’ve found the right words, anyway.”
Brody understood the sentiment. How many times had he thought about looking her up on social media over the years but hadn’t? Dozens? Hundreds? “Is it her heart again?”
Rebecca nodded. The sadness in her eyes punctuated what had to be another difficult time for the Hughes family.
“What’d the doctor say?”
“That she isn’t doing well. They’re doing everything they can, but she’s refusing to try a new medication that will help her. Says she’s afraid of being allergic to it, which is just an excuse.” She shrugged. “I always stop by and see her after I get groceries on Fridays. I couldn’t go today, after what happened this morning. I called to let her know and prayed that she didn’t pick up on anything in my voice. She shouldn’t see me like this. It’ll just make her worry even more.”
“I’m truly sorry about your mom.” And so many more things he wasn’t quite ready to put into words. His own mother had freely walked away from his family after getting folks to hand over their hard-earned money under the guise of making an investment in Mason Ridge’s future. She had no idea what it was like to stick around.
“Thank you.” The earnestness in her expression ripped at his insides. “I can’t help but feel that trying to reopen Shane’s case is hopeless. The task force took all the facts into account fifteen years ago when they investigated his disappearance. All the leads from the case are freezing cold by now. My brother is still missing, probably dead. We’re right where we started, except now this jerk’s back as some twisted anniversary present to me.” Tears streamed down her cheeks.
Brody reached across the table and thumbed them away, ignoring the sensations zinging through his hand from making contact with her skin and the warning bells sounding off inside his head.
She glanced at him and then cast her gaze intently on the table, drawing circles with her index finger. “It’s all my fault. If I hadn’t told him to sit down and wait for me by the willow tree so I could finish the mission he’d still be alive today.”
“Don’t do that to yourself. None of this is your fault.”
Her shoulders slumped forward. “What else can we do?”
Yeah, her stress indicator was the same. And Brody wanted to make it better.
“I’ll figure out a way to get a copy of the file so I can review the list of suspects again. I have a friend in Records and she owes me a favor. Fresh eyes can be a big help and might give us more clues.” Brody rubbed the stubble on his chin.
“With the festival going on this guy could blend in again, couldn’t he?”
“Yeah. We have to look at everything differently this time. He might be someone local who hides behind the festival. Maybe he knew that was the first place law enforcement would look.”
“You’re right. He could be a normal person, a banker or store clerk.” A spark lit behind her eyes, and under different circumstances it’d be sexy as hell.
“It’s likely. He could be married and involved in a church or youth group. He might be a bus driver or substitute teacher. It’s very well possible he could work with kids or in a job where he has access to families. We have to consider everyone. Those are great places to start.”
“I just focused on what the sheriff had said before, him being transient. None of these options occurred to me.” She shuddered.
Brody sipped his coffee. “It’s not a bad thing that you don’t think like a criminal.”
“If we need help, Charles Alcorn offered,” she said.
“A man in his position would be a good resource to have on our side.” Brody leaned forward. “So this is how it’s going to go. I follow you. Everywhere. You got a date, I’m right behind you.” The thought of sitting outside her house while another man was inside doing God knows what with her sat in his stomach like bad steak. And yet, they were both grown adults. It shouldn’t bother him. Wasn’t as if he’d been chaste, either.
“I’m not dating.”
Brody suppressed the flicker of happiness those words gave him. He had no right to care.
“And I don’t want to stop you from doing...whatever,” she added quickly.
Why did the way she said that knife him?
“Don’t worry about my personal life. I’m here to do a job. That’s all I care about right now.” Why was that more of a reminder for him than for her?
Working with her was going to be more difficult than he’d originally thought. And not because errant sexual thoughts crossed his mind every time he got close enough to smell her shampoo. It was citrus and flowery. Being with her brought up their painful past, but they’d shared a lot of good memories, too. Like their first kiss. They’d skipped the Friday afternoon pep rally junior year and headed down to the lake in the old Mustang he’d bought and fixed up using money from his after-school job at his dad’s garage.
As they sat on the hood of his car parked in front of Mason Ridge Lake, she’d leaned her head on his shoulder. And then decimated his defenses when she looked up at him with those honey browns. His heart had squeezed in the same way it did earlier today when he saw her again. She still had that same citrus and flowery scent and it made his pulse race just as it had before. He remembered the warmth of her body against his side, her soft lips as they slightly parted.
Brody had leaned in slowly and her lips gently brushed against his; her tongue flickered across his mouth.
Afterward, they’d just sat there, silent, before he’d pulled her into a hug.
The kiss had lasted only a few seconds but was burned into his memory. How many times had he thought about those sweet lips when he was an ocean away with his face in the dirt? How many times since? Too many.
Brody glanced at his watch. “I’ll connect with my friend and see what I can find out about that file.”
“Okay.” She leaned forward, rubbing her eyes, suppressing a yawn. “What else?”
“You used to look for Shane everywhere. My guess is that you haven’t stopped. Am I right?”
“Yes. I scan social media on my days off.”
“Any hits?”
She shrugged. “Not real ones. I’ve been hit on plenty, though.”
“Men can be such jerks.”
“Women are far worse. You’d be shocked at the messages I get from someone calling herself Adriana.” Rebecca rolled her eyes.
“I have a few like those, too,” he said in an attempt to lighten the tension.
“I’m sure you’ve been exposed to worse, having been in a war zone.”
“I’ve seen my fair share of everything, here and abroad,” he said. “You ever follow up on any of those real messages?”
“A handful. Why?” She paused and her eyes grew wide. “You don’t think one of them could be stalking me?”
“Not sure. I was thinking it might be a good place to start.”
She brought her hand up and squeezed the bottom of her neck on the left side, subconsciously trying to ease the tension in her shoulders. Her face muscles bunched. Signs her stress levels were climbing.
“Has anything else out of the ordinary happened to you recently? He had to know your schedule to know where you’d be this morning. I don’t believe the grocery store was a random encounter.”
“Now that you mention it, I’ve been hearing noises in the evenings before I leave for work. I thought it was the neighbor’s cat at first. Now, I’m wondering if it could’ve been him.”
“We’ll check the perimeter of your house. The recent rain might have left us with evidence.”
There’d been one of those open-up-the-sky-and-let-the-rain-pour-down-in-buckets storms North Texas was known for the other night. She scooted her chair back and slung her purse strap over her shoulder.
“There was also that unusually persistent reporter last week. I think his name is Peter Sheffield. I got off a few minutes early, so I was alone in the parking lot. He nearly gave me a heart attack waiting at my car after my shift at the radio station. Do you think he could be involved?”
“From here on out, I want you to suspect every sound, every person.” Brody’s gaze narrowed.
“So, what you’re saying is...act like I always do.”
He didn’t like the sound of those words. “This guy might’ve been trying to scare you into an interview.”
“That’s crazy. People actually do that?”
Brody tapped his knuckles on the table. “I remember him now. He used to hang out with Justin, didn’t he? Then he dropped out of Texas State U to join the military.”
“That’s right. He did. Are you saying you think he might be involved?”
“We need to look at everyone who was out that night playing the game. And especially Justin’s friends.”
Rebecca nearly choked on her sip of coffee. “I hadn’t thought about it being someone so young. The apple tobacco. I just figured it had to be someone older.”
“Maybe it is. But we’re not taking anything for granted this time.” He took the last swig of coffee, tilted the cup and glanced at the bottom, then fixed his gaze on her. “You ready to do this?”
She nodded, stood, walked past him and headed straight to the door.
“I’ll follow you home in my truck.” He threw away their empty cups, checking to make sure no one in the place seemed interested in either one of them. No one did.
Outside, the midday sun shone bright. Rebecca hesitated before spinning around to face him. He expected to be confronted with the same fear in her eyes, but she popped up on her tiptoes and brushed a kiss to his lips. “I’m not sure what I would do without you. Thank you, Brody.”
The way his name rolled off her tongue brought back all kinds of memories he didn’t need to be thinking about right now. “I haven’t done anything yet.”
“Yes, you have. An hour ago I was afraid of my own shadow.”
“And now?”
“I’m relieved you’re here. You look good, Brody.”
The warmth her words spread through his chest almost made him wonder if going to her place was a good idea. He was a grown man, now. And he had desires to match.
“You do, too. Better than good.” Brody took her hand in his, ignoring how right it felt, and walked her to her vehicle.
Once she was safely inside, he hopped in his truck and followed Rebecca home. Her house, a two-bedroom bungalow, was fifteen minutes from the coffee shop. He parked behind her car as he surveyed the quiet residential street. Since the attack had happened hours ago, the monster could be anywhere. No red flags, yet.
“How long have you lived here?” he asked, once they’d both exited their vehicles, examining the front windows for any signs of forced entry.
“I rented it three years ago when I moved back.” Her hand shook as she tried to unlock the door.
“I can do that for you.” He looped his arm around her waist as she turned to face him. Touching Rebecca came a little too naturally, so he pulled back rather than allow himself to get sucked into the comfort.
“Guess I’m still a little shaken up.” She smiled weakly as she handed over the key ring. Her fingers brushed against his flat palm, causing a sizzle to spread through his hand.
“You’re doing great, honey.” He closed his fist around the key, then stepped beside her before unlocking and opening the door. A high-pitched note held steady until she hit numbers on the keypad, four beeps followed by silence. The state-of-the-art security system was no surprise, given her past.
This place was all Rebecca. Soft, earthy feminine colors. Furniture he could see himself comfortable on— especially with her nearby. Her place was exactly as he’d imagined it would be, which had him thinking about the strong mental connection they’d shared. Still shared?
That was a long time ago. People change. He’d changed.
Walking around the living room, he ran his hand underneath lamp shades, tables and other flat surfaces.
The coffee-colored cabinets in the kitchen were his taste, too. He checked them and then swept his hand along the white marble countertops, stopping at the sink. There was a nice-sized window looking onto the backyard. The best thing about this part of North Texas was having trees. Her yard was a decent size, so someone could easily hide and watch her while she worked in the kitchen. Especially if she stood at the sink. His first thought was to install blinds.
Brody started making a mental to-do list as he moved through the house. He’d run to the nearest big-box store and pick up supplies later. He could make the changes himself.
She had a decent alarm.
“Do you live here by yourself?”
“Yeah.” She bit back a yawn. Dark circles cradled her brown-as-honey eyes.
“You should try to rest. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll wake you if I get any new information.”
“I’m okay.” She moved to the kitchen. “Besides, my nerves are too fried to sleep. I can’t force down another cup of coffee. Want some herbal tea?”
“No, thanks.” He still needed to check the master bedroom and he couldn’t stall any longer. He shuffled his boots down the hall. The thought of being in the exact place she brought other men didn’t sit well. There’d been no framed pictures of her with another guy so far. Brody didn’t want to admit how happy that made him.
Hoping his luck would continue, he breached her bedroom. He’d open the nightstand drawer last, in case there were condoms. It wasn’t his business what she did anymore, or with whom, but he couldn’t help feeling territorial about his first love. The thought of her in bed with another man would rank right up there as one of his worst mental pictures. And he really didn’t want to see any leftover men’s clothing or shavers in the bathroom, either. Which was exactly the reason he’d put off checking her master bedroom.
As he walked the perimeter of the room, nothing stood out.
“Everything okay in here?” The sound of her voice coming from the doorway coupled with the visual of her bed didn’t do good things to him.
“Doesn’t look like you slept here last night.”
“I work deep nights at the radio station.”
“Right. Of course.” Why did that ease his tense shoulders?
She stopped, almost as if she was hesitating to cross the threshold. Did she sense the heat filling the short distance between them? All he had to do was reach out and he could pull her close to him, protect her.
Brody mentally shook off the thought and moved on. “What time did you go to work last night?”
“I go in at ten o’clock. The show airs from midnight to six. We always wrap afterward.”
“Any new employees in the last couple of months?”
“No. Not much ever really changes in this town.” Her smile warmed his heart, threatening to put another crack in his carefully constructed armor. He took a couple of steps toward the door.
“The body needs sleep in order to perform. Why don’t you close your eyes and rest while I check out the grounds?”
She looked up at him with big, fearful brown eyes. “You’re not leaving, are you?”
“No. You’re stuck with me. Like I said, I’m not going anywhere without you until we figure this whole thing out.” He shouldn’t notice how good he felt when her face muscles relaxed into a smile. “I need to make some calls, though, and you might as well get some shut-eye.”
“What if he...” She didn’t finish, but Brody knew exactly what she was going to say.
“I doubt he’ll show up while I’m here. Think about it. This creep snatched little kids before and then surprised you this morning, which sounds like someone who’s afraid of confrontation. I doubt he has the gall to try something with me around.”
She nodded and her shoulders lowered.
“You have an extra key?”
“Sure.” She disappeared down the hall, returning a moment later with a spare held out on the flat of her palm. She relayed her alarm code.
Taking it caused his finger to brush her creamy skin again. The frisson of heat produced by contact pulsed straight from his finger, to his arm and through his chest. In the back of his mind, he was still thinking about the feel of her lips against his at the coffee shop, the taste of coffee that lingered.
Physical contact was a bad idea. If he couldn’t find and keep his objectivity in this case, the moral thing to do would be to help her find someone who could.
“You need me, just shout,” he said, resigned. He needed to get in touch with the sheriff’s office, too. See if Brine would offer information about the case.
“Okay.” She paused. “Any chance you could stay inside until I get out of the shower?”
“I’ll be in the living room,” he said, hearing the huskiness in his own voice. The last thing he needed was the naked image of her in his thoughts.
He almost laughed out loud. They’d been together in high school. Not in the biblical sense, but they’d been a couple. Twelfth grade was a long time ago. Feelings changed. Their current attraction was most likely residual. She was beautiful. No doubt about that. And she was exactly the kind of woman he’d ask out if they’d met today and could forget about the past. But all the extra chemistry he felt had to be left over from before. That was the only reasonable explanation. Because Brody hadn’t felt like this toward any woman since her. And he’d been in several relationships over the years. Yet, something had always stopped him from taking the next step. Marriage was a huge commitment, he’d reasoned. There’d been no need to rush into a big decision like that.
“I saw a laptop in the living room. Mind if I use it?” he asked.
“Not at all. Go right ahead,” she said.
“What’s the password?”
“Capital N-V-M-B-R. Then the number fifteen.”
Brody turned without giving away his reaction. November fifteenth was his birthday.
* * *
REBECCA CHECKED THE CLOCK. She’d showered, hoping the warm water would relax her strung-too-tight muscles, before the tossing-and-turning routine began. She flipped onto her right side and placed a clean sock over her eyes to block out the light.
Rolling back to her left, she repositioned the sock.
No luck.
The sun was firmly set in the eastern sky. She’d closed her black-out curtains. This was normally the time she’d be asleep, but the way her mind was spinning no way could she rest. All she could think about was the possibility of Shane being alive. Even she knew the chances were slim. And yet, odds didn’t matter in her heart, where she still held hope.
She’d need more than a piece of material to block out her thoughts. Time was the enemy. A killer was after her. Thoughts of being locked in that shed brought the terrifying sensation of her abduction back. And everything that had happened after...
When she’d returned, the town had been in chaos. Volunteers were assigned to a search team. Hundreds of people fanned out over the fields surrounding Mason Ridge Lake. Others opened car trunks and abandoned structures. People carried guns and set up neighborhood patrols. Even the wealthiest man, Mr. Alcorn, had thrown considerable resources into the effort.
Later, searchers joined hands as they walked in a line through the fields near Mason High School.
Two FBI agents had taken up residence in the Hughes’s front room. A half dozen crop dusters and military planes had circled the sky, searching. The 4-H club had sent riders out on horseback.
Local law enforcement had encouraged people to keep their porch lights on at night and be ready to report any activity that might be suspicious. The Texas State Police had set up a half dozen roadblocks. Railroad cars, motel rooms and the bus station were searched—as was every house in the city.
Shane’s comb had been shipped off to the FBI lab near Washington for analysis. As had his favorite toys—trucks, LEGO and his handheld game system.
Rebecca had suddenly found herself under twenty-four-hour watch. Dr. Walsh, her pediatrician, had checked her for signs of sexual assault.
When a week of fruitless searching had passed, authorities had alerted residents to look out for scavengers, believing that Shane’s body might have been tossed into a field or nearby farm. They’d been told to keep an eye out for large gatherings of buzzards and crows and were advised not to touch a body if one was found.
It wasn’t long after that the FBI ran out of steam. Reporters had been a different story. They’d followed her parents for months, relentless.
Normally, Rebecca forced those thoughts out of her mind, unable to think about them. Having Brody in the next room brought way more comfort than it should. She told herself no one would care about her more than him, and that’s why his presence gave her such a sense of well-being. Nothing about her current situation should cause her to let her guard down. The last time she’d gone against her better judgment, she’d ended up in a shed out in the woods. And her brother...
She couldn’t even go there. Couldn’t sleep, either. She tossed the covers and pushed off the mattress. She threw on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, pulled her still-damp hair into a ponytail and met Brody in the living room.
He glanced up from the laptop, a look of determination creasing his forehead, and offered a quick smile. “Can’t sleep?”
“No. This time of year is always...challenging. So, dealing with all this other stuff has my system out of whack.” She threw her arms up, exasperated.
Brody studied her. His clear blue eyes seemed to see right through her. “I’ve said it before, but we will figure this out. I already reached out to Ryan and he’s following up with the others, trying to see if we can figure out a good time for everyone to meet.” He patted a spot on the sofa right next to him. He looked good. Damn good. He’d filled out his six-foot-two frame nicely. He was all muscle and strength and athletic grace. His blond hair was cut tight with curls at the collar. He wore a simple shirt and jeans.
Rebecca took a seat next to him, ignoring how her stomach free-fell the minute she got close. “Have you heard anything from your contact?”
“Yes. She emailed as much as she could. The suspect list is long.” He had a pen and notepad out, scribbling notes as he flipped through a file on-screen. “I’d also like to take a look at your social-media account.”
“Sure.” She waited for him to click on the icon before giving him the password. “Nice pen.”
He glanced at it and nodded. “A present from the old man.”
“How is your father?”
“He’s getting older, but he’d never admit it.” Brody half smiled, still maintaining focus. “I’ve been thinking of moving him onto the ranch. Hate the thought of him being alone. But he’s stubborn.”
“Sounds like someone else I know.” She laughed. “I doubt he’ll give up his own place without a fight. He’s a good man. I always liked him.”
Brody nodded, but his expression turned serious again as he studied the screen.
“Find anything useful?”
“Hold on.” He clicked through her chat messages, studying the accompanying faces. He stopped at one, considered it for a long moment and then clicked on the image, which opened the guy’s home page. “There’s something about this one. Randy Harper.”
“If Shane was still...alive, I’d imagine him to look just like this. I mean, he and I look related, don’t we?” Her cell, on the coffee table, buzzed. She picked it up and checked the screen. It was her father. She hit Ignore and tucked it half under her leg.
Brody had seen who the caller was. She steadied herself for the inevitable questions about why she was refusing to take her father’s calls. The cell vibrated under her leg, indicating he’d left a voice mail. She didn’t want to get into it with Brody right now, didn’t want to think about her father’s new life while she still hunted down what had truly happened to his old one.
She glanced up, catching Brody’s stare. He didn’t immediately speak. Then he said, “The others resemble you, too, but there’s something special about Randy.”
“I had the same feeling.”
“How long ago did you find him?” he asked.
“Six months or so.”
“He doesn’t live far.”
“Nope. But he didn’t respond to my message. I’ve been doubling my efforts with him and a few others lately.”
“The city of Brighton is located two counties east of here. I used to know a girl who lived out there while we were in high school...” His voice trailed off at the end, as if he suddenly realized who he was talking to.
Sure, a twinge of jealousy nipped at her. More than that, if she was being totally honest. But she had no right to own the feeling. Shoving it aside, she smiled. It was weak, at best, but Brody took the peace offering, returning the gesture.
He scrolled down the page. “He hasn’t posted anything in months. He either hasn’t been online or he’s abandoned his page altogether.”
“We can rule him out as a phony, then. He can’t be a crackpot trying to rattle me if he doesn’t even realize I’ve tried to contact him. Plus, he’s too old to be Shane. Look at the birthdate.”
“You’re probably right, but if it was him, then he might not really know when he was born. I’ve read about cases of abducted kids being told lies about when and where they were born to make it more difficult for them to dig around in the past.”
“Wouldn’t he need an actual birth certificate to enroll in school? My stepmother had to produce that, shot records, and a current electric bill for my half brothers,” Rebecca said. She didn’t want to feel the spark of hope that Shane might actually still be alive. She wanted her brother to be somewhere safe—had dreamed it, hoped it and prayed it. But she didn’t want to create false expectations based on a social-media page.
“A birth certificate can be made. For a price. The rest would fall into place from there. Maybe we can find some of Randy’s friends. Dig around a little in his background. Pay him a visit.” Brody scribbled down a few names. “I don’t want to invite them into your social network, so we’ll have to reach out another way.”
He scanned through photo after photo on the home pages of the people connected to Randy. A good fifteen minutes had passed when Brody made a satisfied grunt. “Look here. At this pic. And this one. Then, this one. See what’s in the background?” He displayed the pictures in a larger window to view one at a time. Three friends had tagged Randy at a local restaurant called Mervin’s Eats.
“When was the last picture posted?” Rebecca asked as another flicker of excitement fizzed through her.
“Three months ago.” Brody glanced at the clock on the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. “Too early to go and check out the place now. Looks like we just figured out where we’re eating tonight, though.” He pulled up another screen, his fingers working the keyboard, and pulled up the address to Mervin’s Eats in Bayville, Texas. He copied down the address in his notebook.
This was the first promising lead she’d had in fifteen years. It was hard to contain the enthusiasm swelling inside her. “For so many years, everyone’s said he’s gone. What if they were wrong?”
“I have plans to track down every possibility. That means we’re going to run into dead ends.” His honest blue eyes had darkened with concern.
“Believe me, I know better than anyone about disappointment.” He was trying not to get her hopes up in case he had to dash them, and she appreciated him for it. “I’ve handled it before and I will again. It just feels nice to have a little hope for a change.”
His nod and smile said he understood. “We need to keep working other trails, too. If we can figure out why or how our guy was connected to Mason Ridge before, maybe we can figure out what he’s doing here now.”
“I can’t stand waiting around. I’d like to go out looking for him.”
“Okay. Give me a chance to study these notes so I have a better idea where to start searching. See if I can find some connection either to this town or to your family.”
She shivered as an icy chill ran down her back. That thought was unnerving. Could someone close to them have orchestrated Shane’s disappearance? She hadn’t considered it before.
Brody’s gaze trained on her. “Have you eaten anything today?”
“Not yet. Stomach’s been churning all morning. My brain, too. I was thinking about the fact the places where he took my brother and me weren’t secure. It couldn’t have taken him more than a half hour to get us both there, so they were close by. He had to know the area, which, now that I think about it, would rule out a random person passing through town. I told the sheriff all this before, but there’s another thing I can’t stop thinking about. He didn’t want me. He wanted my brother. I got in the way when I followed them and the guy was distressed about it.”
“Makes me think it might’ve been his first time to kidnap someone,” Brody said quietly.
“Not the work of someone used to slipping into a strange town to snatch a kid.”
“What else did the sheriff say?” Brody asked, his interest piqued.
“That he probably improvised, saw a couple of abandoned buildings and hid us there. But why? Wouldn’t he want to get out of town as quickly as possible?”
“And the response to that?”
“Nothing to me. I did hear someone from the FBI tell my parents later that the guy most likely hadn’t pre-planned the kidnapping.”
If she could go back and trade places with her brother, she wouldn’t hesitate. How many times had she wished she’d been the one to disappear, to die?
There was a slim chance that Shane was still alive, she reminded herself. The odds weren’t good, Rebecca knew that, but she also knew better than to focus her energy on the negative.
That bastard had made a mistake once. She was living proof. All she needed was another misstep. With Brody’s eyes on this case, maybe he would figure it out and bring the monster to justice. Rebecca would do whatever it took to help. “If only I remembered more...”
Brody’s arm around her shoulder, his fingers lifting her chin, stemmed the emotion threatening to unravel her.
“I hate that you’re going through this again. I’m sorry it happened to you in the first place. Believe me, I’ll do everything I can to find that jerk.”
A mix of emotion played inside her. Fear. Anxiety. Sadness.
“Let’s get something to eat and we’ll hit Woodrain Park. He’s probably smart enough to pick a new place, but we have to cover it, anyway.” His words wrapped around her like a warm blanket. She leaned over until their foreheads touched.
“I won’t let him hurt you again.” He said other sweet words—words that made her want to yield to his strength.
And yet, getting too close to Brody wasn’t a good idea. No one could quiet the monster’s voice in the back of her head for long. He would return. He always returned. And she’d slip into her armor, blocking out the world.
“I’ll fix something to eat.” She rose and walked toward the kitchen, stopping in front of the sink.
Brody followed. The gun tucked into the waistband of his jeans was a stark reminder of the dangers they faced. He rummaged around the fridge, tossing up an apple. “Not much here to work with.”
“I left my groceries scattered across the lot.”
He nodded and then searched the pantry, pulling out almond butter, bread and cinnamon grahams. “These’ll work.”
She nodded.
He moved to the sink with the supplies, glanced up and froze. His gaze fixed on something out the window.
Cursing, he palmed his weapon and adjusted his position, stepping away from the window. “Get down. Now.”
Rebecca dropped to her knees as panic roared through her, making her limbs feel heavy. “What is it? What’s going on?”
“Someone’s out there watching.”
Brody crawled past her with the agility and speed of a lion zeroed in on his prey. “Lock the door behind me. Wait right here until I get back.”
“No,” she pleaded, trying to stop her body from shaking. She opened the drawer and gripped a knife.
“Take me with you. I don’t want to be here alone.”