The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific entry, please use your e-book reader’s search tools.
Entries in italics refer to illustrations.
“A.D. 5868” (Twain), 27
Adams, Abigail, 273
Adams, John, 273
Adams, John Quincy, 273
Adams, Randolph G., 284
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The (Twain), xii-xiv, xiii, 8
advertising, xvi-xvii
Blake and, 158
book buying and, 262–78
Franklin and, 154–55
Africa, map of, 95, 105
Age of Discovery, 84–85, 87, 89, 94
Age of Innocence, The (Wharton), 276
aging techniques, 10
Aitken, Robert, 149
Alaska, map of, 103
Alice in Wonderland (Carroll), xvii
alienation effect, 247
Alien (film), 11
Allen, James, 16
All Saints’ Church (Wittenberg), 53–54
almanacs, 156
Almeida, Manoel de, 105
alphabetization, 90
Altick, Richard, xvii
Amazon, 35–36
American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, 263
American colonies, 135–62
printers’ network, 159–62
printing supplies and, 148–50, 152, 155–56
American Copyright Club, 227
American Dream, 214
American Home, 265
American Notes for General Circulation (Dickens), 228, 232
American publishers
book advertising and, 262–78
copyright and, 217–34
government and, 140
American Revolution, 149, 162, 206
American Tobacco, 269–70
American Traveller, 217, 221–22
American Weekly Mercury, 151–53
anatomy books, 118–19
“Ancient of Days, The” (Blake), 185–86, 185
Animal Farm (Orwell), 36
Annals of Hirsau (Trithemius), 32
Anne Boleyn, 71–72, 74, 76
Anne of the Iron Door, 27
Antarctica, map of, 103
Antipalus maleficiorum (Trithemius), 48
Antwerp, 69–70, 76–77, 96
apprenticeships, 138–39
aqua fortis, 163–65, 179
Arab science, 86
Arctic, xv
Mercator Map of, 81–84, 82, 104–6
Areopagitica (Milton), xi
Argentina, 6, 12
Aristotle, 88–89, 99, 130
Arthur, King, 83–84
Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society, 240
Arundel, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, 59
As I Lay Dying (Faulkner), 112, 277
Assertio septem sacramentorum (Henry VIII), 67
atlas, term coined, xv
Austen, Jane, 5, 200–201
Australia, map of, 103
advertising of, 263
copyright and, 215–27
as profession, 195–96, 198–99, 211
women as, 200–201, 205–12, 283
Badby, John, 61
“bad” quartos. See Pavier or “bad” Quartos
Barker, Robert, xi-xii
Barnes, James, 225
Basire, James, 179, 180
bast fibers, 9
BBC History Magazine, 59
Benedictine monks, 33–34, 46
Benet, Robert, 57–58
Bentley, G.E., 176
Berkeley, William, 140
Bernays, Edward L., 259–60, 267–75, 277–78, 283
Berne Convention (1886), 234
Beste, George, 85
bestseller lists, 264
Bible, 75
Aitken English (1781, Philadelphia), 149
American colonial vs. European, 148–49
B36 Latin, 40–41
B42 Latin (Gutenberg Bible, 1455), 39–45
Coverdale “Thomas Matthew” (1537), 78–79
Doves Press, 1903–05, 243, 243–44, 249, 250
dust jackets and, 263
English, xv, 51–80, 119
English New Testament, 58–59, 61, 64, 68
English “Sinner’s” (1631), xi, xii, 57, 62
Geneva, 76
Greek (Erasmus edition), 62
Gutenberg typeface, 246
King James (1611), xi, 68, 79
Latin Vulgate, 33, 62
Mercator and, 87–89, 93–94
Tyndale English, 56, 59–64, 68, 75–76, 79–80
Tyndale English (1526), 64
Tyndale English (1534), 71, 75–76
Tyndale Old Testament, 64
Tyndale Pentateuch, 64
vernacular, 56–59
Wycliff English, 59–60
Biblioteca Girolamini (Naples), 5
biographies, 201
Blackfriars theater, 120
Blair, Ann, 85
Blake, Robert, 163–65, 180, 181
Blake, William, xvi, 158, 163–94, 282
“Ancient of Days,” 185–86, 185
“Circle of the Lustful, Paolo and Francesca”, 193
Dante’s Inferno, 193, 194
Europe a Prophecy, 186–87, 186
“Ghost of a Flea,” 190, 191
Leonora, 171–76, 174
“London,” 183–84, 183
“Tyger,” 189
Blood, Caroline, 197
Blood, Frances “Fanny”, 197–98
Blood, Matthew, 197
bloodletting calendar, 45
Blount, Edward, 129–30, 132–33
blurbs, 263, 273
Boethius, 199
Book Beautiful, 242, 247, 253
book bindings
American colonial, 149
calf, 15, 131, 149
cartonnage or cardboard, 14
cloth, 14
Cobden-Sanderson, 237–38
decorative paper, 14
Galileo forgery, 13–14
fur, 15
leather, 14
Morocco or goatskin, 15
pigskin, 15
sewing and thread, 14, 18
sheepskin, 149–50
“stitched as issued,” 150
vellum, 15–16
wood slat, 14
book burnings, 58–60
book buying, 260–63, 268–72
book clubs, 266–67, 277
book edges, 16–17
Book of Kells, 36
Book of the Month Club, 266
book pirates, 218, 225–34
book prices, 201, 221, 225–26, 267–68, 271–75
Book Publishers Research Institute (BPRI), 272, 273
booksellers, 156–57
bookshelves, 265, 274
Book Sneak, 271
bookworms, 8
Boorstin, Daniel, 88
Bostius, Arnold, 46, 47
Boston Athenaeum, 16
Boston Morning Post, 223
Boston Museum, 232–33
Boston News-Letter, 151
Boston tea party, 160
Boswell, James, 201
Bradford, Andrew, 136–37, 141, 150–55, 158–59
Bradford, William, 141, 155–56
Bradstreet, Anne, 200
Brahe, Tycho, 7
Brill, Dr. A.A., 270
Britain, slavery abolished in, 230
Britannia, SS (steamer), 220
British Critic, 175–76
British explorers, 81, 84
British High Court of Justice, 252, 255
British Library, 29, 64, 71
British Museum, 109, 248
British Parliament, xvi, 66–67, 161
Brontë, Charlotte, 201
Brontë sisters, 200
Brother Jonathan, 225–26
Brown v. Board of Education, 26
Brunton, Mary, 200
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, 97, 218
Bunbury, Sir Henry, 108
Burke, Seán, 201
Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 216
Byzantine scholars, 86
C-14 analysis, 12
Caesar, Julius, 248
Canada, map of, 84, 103
cancelleresca (italic), 92
Canterbury Tales, The (Chaucer), 60
Kelmscott edition, 240
Capote, Truman, 200
Carlyle, Thomas, 231
cartonnage, 14
Case of Prohibitions [1607], 26
casting off, 115–16
Catherine of Aragon, 70, 72, 78
Catholic Church, 5, 45–46, 52–57, 65, 71, 90, 100
banned books, 49, 52–53, 57
Catholicon (Latin dictionary, 1460), 30
censorship, 118–20
Cervantes, Miguel de, 130
Cesi, Federico, 13, 18
Cesi bookplate, 18–19
Chace Act (1891), 234
Chamberlain’s Men. See King’s Men
Chapman and Hall, 221
charity, 69
Charles I, King of England, xii
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 78, 91, 95–98, 100
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 60, 240
chemical etching, 164
Cheney, O.H., 275
Cheney Report, 275–76
“Chimney Sweeper, The” (Blake), 166
copyright and, 234
maps and, 84, 104
Christmas Carol, A (Dickens), 221, 233–34
Church of England, 73
Clement VII, Pope, 70–71, 75
Cnoyen, Jacobus, 83
Cobden-Sanderson, Annie, 237, 242, 245, 252–53, 255–56
Cobden-Sanderson, Dickie, 250–51
Cobden-Sanderson, T.J., xvi, 235–38, 240–58, 283–84
Cochlaeus, Johannes, 62–63
Cockerell, Sydney, 241, 252
College of Physicians, 119–20
Colls, Kevin, 132
Cologne Chronicle (1499), 39
colophons, 29
Columbia University, 20
Columbus, Christopher, 81, 85, 87, 102, 105
Communion wafer, 61
compositors, 146–47
Conan Doyle, Arthur, 175
Condell, Henry, 120–22, 126–34
Confessions (Rousseau), 201
congregation, 68–69, 282
Congregationalists, 69
Consolation of Philosophy, The (Boethius), 199
Constantinople, 86
Constitutional Courant, 160, 162
consumerism, xvi, 261–62, 265, 274, 276
context, 171, 182, 184–87, 282
Cook, Captain, 5
Copernicus, 4
copper engraving, 92, 164, 179
copperplate press, 156
Coppola, Francis Ford, 112
American publishers and, 215–34, 283–84
Dickens and, 215, 221–33
Elizabethan England and, 125, 127, 129
international treaty on, 232–34
Corpus Aristotelicum, 89
Cortés, Hernán, 85
cotton gin, 10
cotton linters, 10
Courier and Enquirer, 223
Coverdale, Miles, 78–79
Covici-Friede, 259
Coward-McCann, 267
“Cradle Song, A” (Blake), 166
Cromwell, Thomas, 76, 78
Crooke, Dr. Helkiah, 118–20
cross-hatching, 179
cryptography, 48–49
Crystallizing Public Opinion (Bernays), 269, 277
Culper Spy Ring, 161
cum privilego, 125
Cunningham, Allan, 191
Cup of Gold (Steinbeck), 278
currency, 156–57
da Gama, Vasco, 85
Daniel, Book of, 100
Daniell, David, 75
Dante Alighieri, 193, 194, 199
Davidson, David, 42–43
Da Vinci, Leonardo, 91
De Caro, Marino Massimo, 1–20, 282
Declaration of Independence, first printing of, 157–58
De demonibus (Trithemius), 48
Dee, John, 83
Defoe, Daniel, 200
De morbo caduco et maleficiis (Trithemius), 48
1837–43, 225, 227
1929–37 (Great), 259, 265–68, 271, 273–77
Dering, Sir Edward, 131
Dialogue Concerning Heresies (More), 280–81
Dickens, Charles, xvi, 108, 184, 201, 213–34, 283–84
dictionaries, 90
digital books, 35–37
Dogood, Silence (pseudonym of Benjamin Franklin), 139–40
Donne, John, 36
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, xiv
“dot-and-lozenge” technique, 179
Doubleday, 263, 267
Doubleday, Doran, 267
Doves Bindery, 238, 253, 256
counterfeit, 238
Doves Press, 241–57
Bible (1902–5), 243, 250
Milton Paradise Lost (1902), 243, 250
numbers, 248, 249
Doves Press Catalogue Raisonné, 249
Doves Type, xvi, 236–37, 245–57, 283
Drake, Sir Francis, 85, 94
Dunciad, The (Pope), 111–12
Dunlap, John, 157
Dunlap broadside (Declaration of Independence), 157–58
Dürer, Albrecht, 91–92
dust jackets, 263–64, 266, 273
Dziatzko, Karl, 41
Edgeworth, Maria, 200
Edward III, King of England, 83
Eisenstein, Elizabeth, 56
elder, 69
Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 83
Elyot, Sir Thomas, 70
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 273, 277
Emery Walker Trust, 257
Émile (Rousseau), 203
encyclopedias, 90
English anatomy volume, 118–19
English Bible. See Bible
engravings, 163, 179
Enlightenment, 216–18
Eragny Press, 253
Erasmus, Desiderius, 54, 62, 85, 199
Eren, Lukas, 114
Esdras II, 87
Essick, Robert, 168
Europe a Prophesy (Blake), frontispiece, 184–87, 185
title page, 186–87, 186
Exodus, 93
Ezekiel, 177
Farewell to Arms, A (Hemingway), 5
Farrar and Rinehart, 267
Faust, 30
Federal Security Service (FSS, Russia), 44
feminism, 201–3, 212, 270
Second Wave, 207
Fenno, John, 16
Fielding, Henry, 200
Fielding, Sarah, 200
fine press printing, 241–42
Finnegans Wake (Joyce), xi
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 273, 276
Flanders, map of, 96–97
flax plant, 7
flaxseed, 12
Flodden, Battle of, 70
Flugschriften (pamphlets), 56
folio format, 130–31
fonts. See typefaces
Ford, Henry, 261
fore-edge painting, 17
forgery, 1–20
binding and, 14–18
De Caro’s Galileo, 1–20
ink and, 10–13
paper and, 6–10
Pavier or “bad” Quartos and, 120, 122–24
Ryland and, 179
Forster, John, 201
Fourdrinier paper making machine, 238–39
Foxe, John, 61, 78
France, maps of, 95
Franco, James, 112
François I, King of France, 95
Frankenstein (Shelley), 8, 203–4
Franklin, Benjamin, xvi, 135–62, 273, 283
Franklin, Colin, 240
Franklin, James, 138–44, 151
Franklin, Josiah, 138, 143–44
Frederick, Christine, 261
freedom of the press, 140–44
French and Indian War, 160–61
French Revolution, 207–8
Freud, Sigmund, 268
Frobisher, Martin, 84–85, 94–95
Fust, Johannes, 24, 28–30, 39, 45
Galileo Galilei, 1–20
De Caro forgery, 1–20, 282
watercolors, 12–13, 19
Garden of Eden, 87
Gaskell, Elizabeth, 201
gauffering, 17
Gemma Frisius, globe of 1536, 91–94
Genesis, 88–89
Gensfleisch family, 23
Gentleman’s Magazine, The, 197
Geographia (Ptolemy), 86–87
first edition (Rome, 1469), 87
Georgia State University, 19
German Peasants’ War (1524–25), 66
Germany, 101. See also Nazi Germany
Gothic fonts and, 246
vernacular Bible and, 59
Gestae Arthuri (Cnoyen), 83
Ghent, map of, 95–97
Ghost (film), 179
“Ghost of a Flea” (Blake), 190, 191
Gibbon, Edward, 281
gilt decoration, 17
Gemma (1536), 91–92
printed on flat paper, 101–2
Globe Theater, 120
Goddard, William, 160, 162
Godfather, The (film), 112
Godfrey, Mrs., 135–36
Godwin, William, 197, 201, 203–4, 209–12
Goebbels, Joseph, 277
Goethe, 218
Goosebumps (Stine), 9
Gordon, Patrick, 153
Gothic script, or textura, 245. See also typefaces, Gothic
government contracts, 140–43, 150, 152–54, 156
Grant, James, 216
Grant, Ulysses S., 27
Grapes of Wrath, The (Steinbeck), 266
graphic design, 258
Great Gatsby, The (Fitzgerald), 263
Greek language, 62, 86
Greeks, ancient, 89
Green, James N., 151, 159
Green, Robert, 257
Greenland, map of, 103
Greg, W.W., 122, 124
Grimm fairy tales, 25, 171–72
Grosset, Alexander, 262
Gutenberg, Johannes, xiv-xv, 10–12, 21–50, 54, 281
Bible (1455), 31, 39–44
Catholicon (1460), 30
ink and, 11–12
Private Press Movement and, 241, 257
typeface and, 246
Haldeman-Julius, E., 264
Hamlet (Shakespeare), xv, 107, 132–33
“bad” or Pavier Quarto, 107–9, 113, 121, 134
handwritten texts, 33–37
Hard Times (Dickens), 184
Harford Times, 223
Harper and Brothers, 270
Hays, Mary, 210
Haywood, Eliza, 200
Heidelberg University, 26, 33
Helmasperger Instrument, 28, 30
Heminges, John, 120–22, 126–34
Heminges, Thomasine, 127
Hemingway, Ernest, 5, 197, 205, 276
hemp, 10
Henry IV, King of England, 73
Henry VIII, King of England, 51, 61, 65–67, 70–75, 78–79, 117–18
Henry VI (Shakespeare)
Pavier Quarto, 123, 126
Henry V (Shakespeare)
Pavier Quarto, 109, 123, 126
heretics, 60–61, 66, 69, 73, 76, 100, 280
Heywood, Thomas, 113–14, 129
high-speed rotary presses, 260
high spots, 5–6
Historia del popolo fiorentino (Rubeus edition, Venice, 1476), 247–48
Historia Naturalis (Pliny, Jenson edition, Venice, 1476), 247–48
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, The (Gibbon), 281
History of the Quakers, The, 150–51, 155
Hitler, Adolph, 277
Holbein, Hans, 279–80
Holmes, Sherlock, 175, 280
holy relics, 54
Holy Trinity Church (Stratford-upon-Avon), 132
Homer, 130
Hood, Thomas, 218
hot metal typecasting, 239
Household Words, 184
Hoyns, Henry, 270
humanism, 84–85
human skin book leather, 16
Humery, Dr., 30
Hunne, Richard, 51–53, 58
hydrochloric acid, 13
hypertext novels, 187
illuminated manuscripts, 181
illustrations, 171, 182, 184–87. See also Blake, William; engravings; relief etching
Imlay, Fanny, 208
Imlay, Gilbert, 206–8
incunabula, 39–40
indenture, 138–39, 142
Index Librorum Prohibitorum (1609), 49
India, copyright and, 234
indulgences, 31, 45, 53–54
Industrial Age, 8, 240, 260
“Infant Joy” (Blake), 166
Inferno (Dante), Blake illustration, 193, 194
information age, first (1500s), 84–90
Ingrassia, Catherine, 209
ink, 10–13, 156
Blake and, 165
Galileo and, 12–13
Gutenberg and, 11
In Praise of Scribes (Trithemius), 21–22, 32–36, 38
Inquisition, 20, 76, 90, 98–100
intaglio printing, 164, 180
intellectual property, 196, 222–23. See also copyright
Internet, 234
Inventio Fortunata, 83
Io, map of, 105
Irving, Washington, 219, 227
Isaiah, 165
ISBN system, 276
italic fonts, 92
Italy, 23, 59, 82
Ivanhoe (Scott), 224
Jackson, Shelley, 187
Jack the Ripper, 59
Jaggard, Isaac, 118, 129–30, 132–33
Jaggard, William, 114, 117–26
Crooke Mikrokosmographia and, 118–20
Passionate Pilgrim and, 114, 117, 120
Shakespeare First Folio (1622–23) and, 128–30, 132–33
Shakespeare “bad” or Pavier Quarto (1619) and, 117, 121–26
James I, King of England, 68, 121
Jazz Age, 263
Jefferson, Thomas, 273
Jenson, Nicolas, 23, 247–48
Jerusalem, maps and, 87, 93–94
Jesus of Nazarthe, 62, 169
Jews, 15, 246, 277–78
job printing, 45, 157–58
John Birch Society, 103–4
Johnson, Evelyn, 259
Johnson, Samuel, 199–201, 204
“Join, or Die” woodcut, 160–62
Jonson, Ben, 130–31
Works in folio format, 131, 133
Joyce, James, xi, 182, 265
Julius Caesar (Shakespeare),, 128
Jupiter, map of, 105
Kastan, David, 130, 133
Keimer, Samuel, 143, 148, 150–52, 155
Keith, William, 143–45
Kelmscott Press, 240–41, 245, 247
Kennedy, J.P., 231
Kindle, 36
King Lear (Shakespeare), 116, 282
“bad” or Pavier Quarto, 122, 126
King’s Men (formerly Chamberlain’s Men), 112, 120–21, 125–27
Knopf, Alfred A., 270
Koenig, Frederick, 239
Koenig rotary press, 238–39, 258
Köhler, David, 24
Ladies Monthly Museum, 205
“Lamb, The” (Blake), 166
Lan, Richard, 1, 17–18, 20
Ptolemy’s Geographia and, 86
typefaces and, 248
women’s education and, 202–3
Latinization of given names, 88
latitude, 86, 95, 130, 101–2
leather binding, 12, 14–16
Leaves of Grass (Whitman, 1856), 273
celebrations of invention of print, 23–24
Gutenberg Bibles looted in, 44
Lennon, John, 215
Lenox, James, 42–43
Blake designs, 171–76, 174, 191
Schubert designs, 172–73, 173
Lessing, Doris, 178
Lewis and Clark expedition, 5
Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit, The (Dickens), 228–30, 232
Life of Charlotte Brontë (Gaskell), 201
lignin, 9
linen rags, 7–9
Linotype, 239, 258, 260
linseed oil, 12, 165
Literary Guild, 266–67
Literary Ladies of England, 205
“Little Black Boy, The” (Blake), 168–69, 170
Locke, John, 202
Lollards, 59, 61
London, Bishop of, 118–20
“London” (Blake), 182–84, 183
longitude, 86, 95, 101–2
Lord Chamberlain, 1619 edict on printing Shakespeare’s plays, 121, 123–27
love, 69, 282
Low Countries, 95, 97–99
Lowell, James Russell, 227
lowercase, 147
Luther, Martin, 53–54, 62–67, 216, 246, 280
Lutherans, 98–99
Macbeth (Shakespeare), 128, 133
Magellan, Ferdinand, 85
Maltese Falcon, The (Hammett), 274
mapmaking (cartography), 81–107
Mercator Projection and, 101–6
Marino, James J., 115
Marlowe, Christopher, 129
Mars, map of, 105
Mary, Queen of Hungary, 95, 97–98
Maryland Gazette, 139
Mary Magdalene, 54
Massachusetts Assembly, 140, 142
mass production, 238–40
Master of Desire (book), 131
Mather, Cotton, 273
Matthew, Book of, 68
Maupassant, Guy de, 264
McCartney, Paul, 213
McDonald’s, 216
McGann, Jerome, 184
McKerrow, R.B., 110
McKerrow device #283, 124
Memoirs of the Author of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (Godwin), 203–10, 212
memorial reconstruction, 113
Mercator, Gerard, xv, 81–106
Flanders map (1540), 96–97
Gemma globe (1536), 91–93
Mercator Projection and, 101–6, 103
North Pole, Septentrionalium Terrarum Descriptio (1569), 81–84, 82
Palestine map (1537), 93–94
Ptolemy’s Geographia and, 86
world map (1538), 94, 97, 101–2
world map (1541), 97–98
world map (1569), 101–6
Merchant of Venice, The (Shakespeare), 116
“bad” or Pavier Quarto, 122, 126
Merry Wives of Windsor, The (Shakespeare)
“bad” or Pavier Quarto, 109, 126
metal engravings, 92
metal type, 11–12, 149, 150, 156, 239. See also type casting; typefaces
Meuthen, Erich, 31
Midsummer Night’s Dream, A (Shakespeare)
“bad” or Pavier Quarto, 122, 126
Mikrokosmographia (Crooke, 1615), 118–20
Miller, William, 171
Milles, Thomas, 118
Milton, John, xi, 76, 165, 216
Doves Press Paradise Lost (1902), 242, 250
Geneva Bible and, 76
Monachus, Franciscus, 99
Monotype, 238–39
Montagu, Elizabeth, 200
Montaigne, Michel de, 129
More, Thomas, 52, 65–69, 71–75, 78–79, 279–81, 284
Holbein portrait of, 279–80
Morley, Christopher, 279
Mormons, 59
Morning Courier and New-York Enquirer, 214
Morocco binding, 15
Morris, William, 240–41, 246–48
Morse, Samuel, 227
mortuaries 51–53
Moscow State University, 44
Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies (First Folio, 1622), 127–28, 130–31, 133–34
Much Ado About Nothing (Shakespeare), 113
Murder (Johnson and Palmer), 259
Narrative of the Life of James Allen, 16
National Recovery Administration (NRA), 275
Nazi Germany, 44, 246, 277–78
Needham, Paul, 20, 26–27, 30
Netherlands, map of, 96
new bibliographers, 109
New-England Courant, The, 139–40, 142–43, 151
Newton, Isaac, 6, 86
New World, 224, 226
New York Courier, 223
New Yorker, 5
New-York Evening Post, 214
New-York Gazetteer, 161
New York Herald, 214
New York Morning Post, 223
New York Times, 266
Nicholson, Segar, 74
1984 (Orwell), 36
Ninety-Five Theses (Luther), 53–55, 56
nitric acid (aqua fortis), 163–65, 179
nonfiction, 273
Norfolk, Duke of, 70
Northwest and Northeast Passages, 84
Norway, 83
Notes from Underground (Dostoyevsky), xiv
nothing, 113
novels, 273
Obama, Barack, 236
Obedience of a Christian Man, The (Tyndale), 71
octavo format, 130
Old Curiosity Shop, The (Dickens), 222
Oliver Twist (Dickens, 1837), 221, 233
On Certain False Dates in Shakespearean Quartos (Greg), 122–23
“100 best novels” lists, 264
Original Stories from Real Life (Wollstonecraft?), 198
Orwell, George, 36
Ovid, 130
Oxford Synod of 1407–9, 59
Oxford University, 65
Paget, Sidney, 175
Palestine, Mercator map (1537), 93–94
Palmer, Gretta, 259
Palmer, Samuel, 145–48
Pamela (Richardson), 200
Panic of 1837, 225, 227
age of, 10
book coverings, 14
colonial America and, 149–50, 152, 155–56, 158, 160–61
Fourdrinier machine, 238–39
inks and, 11
parchment vs., 35
rag vs. wood pulp, 6–10
smell of, 9
paperbacks, 264
paper books
digital books vs., 35–37
manuscripts vs., 35–36
parchment texts vs., 35
papyrus, 37
Paradise Lost (Milton), 216
Doves Press (1902), 242, 250
parchment, 35, 245
Parker, Robert, xi
Pars, Henry, 178
Passionate Pilgrim, The (attributed to Shakespeare), 114, 117, 120
Patchwork Girl (Jackson), 187
Patten, Robert L., 216
Paul, Charles Kegan, 211
Pavier, Thomas, 120–26, 128–29, 132
Pavier or “bad” Quartos (Shakespeare, 1619), 120–26, 128–29, 132
Payne and Foss, 108
Peasants’ Revolt (1381), 60, 66
Pennsylvania Assembly, 141, 153
Pennsylvania Gazette, 152–56, 160
Pericles, (Shakespeare)
“bad” or Pavier Quarto, 123, 126, 129
periodis, pepiodis vs., 18–19
Perronet, Antoine, 100
petroleum-based inks, 12
Phelps, William Lyon, 264
Philadelphia Spirit of the Times, 229
Phillipps, Sir Thomas, 43
Phillips, Henry, 76–78
photoengravers, 240
photopolymer plates, 19
Pickwick Papers, The (Dickens, 1836–37), 221
Pilgrims, 76
Pizan, Christine de, 199
Plato, 130, 199
Pliny the Edler, 130, 247
Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, The, 17
Pollard, A.W., 124, 242
Polygrahia (Trithemius), 48–49
Poor Richard’s Almanack (Franklin), 156
Pope, Alexander, 110–12, 199
Pope v. Currll, 196
pornography, 118–19
Portugal, 81, 95
postal distribution, 152, 154, 156
Potter, Beatrix, xi
Practice of Prelates, The (Tyndale), 72
Presbyterians, 69
pressed type, 18
Prestor John, 105–6
Pride and Prejudice (Austen), 5, 201
Prince, Edward, 248–49, 256
Principia Mathematica (Newton), 6
printers’ personal stamps, 123–25
printing networks, 159–60
printing press
Gutenberg as inventor of, 23–50
Franklin and, 137, 148–49
Koenig rotary press, 238–39, 258
Reformation and, 53–80
single-pull, 28, 30
Trithemius’s crusade vs., 21–22, 32–37, 49
two-pull wooden screw, 28
Private Press Movement, 237–47, 251–53, 257–58
propaganda, 269, 277
Protestants, 280
provenance, 42
Psalter (Fust and Schöffer, 1457), 29
Ptolemy, Claudius, 86–89, 93, 99, 102
public relations, 264, 269–74
Quakers, 59, 141, 150
quarto format, 108, 128, 130
Quevedo, Francisco de, 194
racism, 168–69
Radcliffe, Ann, 200
Radway, Janice, 265
rag paper, 6–10
Raven, James, 156
Read, Deborah, 137
Recipe for Temptation, A, 131
Reformation, 53–80, 280
relief etching, 163–66, 181–82, 192
Renaissance, 85–87, 246
Responsio ad Lutherum (More, 1523), 67
Revisionists, 109
Richard II (Shakespeare), 116
Richardson, Samuel, 200
Ricketts, Charles, 253–54
Rittenhouse family, 155
Rivington, James, 161
Roberts, J., 122–23
Robespierre, Maximilien, 208
Robinson, Henry, 177–78, 193–94
Robinson Crusoe (Defoe), 200
Roman fonts, 247
Romantic Age, 201, 216
Rome, ancient, 86, 89
Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare), 109, 114
Rooney, M.W., 109
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 201–3
Royale Humane Society, 197
Royal Gazette, 161
royal patents, 125
Royal Society , 179
Rubeus, Jacobus, 247–48
Russia, xiv, 81
map of, 103, 104
Ryland, William Wynne, 178–79
Sammelband, 14
Santayana, George, 281
Scherman, Harry, 266, 277
Schmidle, Nicholas, 5
Schöffer, Peter, 24, 29–30, 39, 45
Schubert, Johann David, 172–73
Schweizer, Florian, 216
Scientific Revolution, 5
Scott, Sir Walter, 216, 224
seditious libel, 141
Selling Mrs. Consumer (Frederick), 261
Seneca, 85
Septentrionalium Terrarum Descriptio (1569), 82, 84
Seven Years War, 171
Shakers, 59
Shakespeare, William, xv, 107–34, 165, 216
autographs attributed to, 115
“bad” or Pavier Quartos (1619), 107–9, 117, 120–26, 128–29, 132, 134, 282
Doves Press edition, 253
epitaph of, 132–33
First Folio (1622), 111, 126–34
Fourth Folio, 111
Geneva Bible and, 76
Pope edition, 110–12
Thobald edition, 111–12
Tyndale and, 75–76
Shakespeare Restored (Thobald, 1726), 111–12
Shea, William, 4
sheepskin binding, 149–50
Shelley, Mary, 203–4
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 203
Sherman, Roger, 227
Sidereus Nuncius (Galileo)
De Caro forgery, 1–20, 282
signatures, 123
Silas, Uncle, xii-xiv, xiii
Simon and Schuster, 267
Simpsons, The (TV show), 30
Sir John Oldcastle (apocryphal Shakespeare play), 122, 126, 129
Slater, Michael, 230–31
slavery, 230–31
Smirnoff, Yakov, xiv
Smith, Charlotte, 200
Society of Antiquaries, 179
Songs of Experience (Blake), 182
Songs of Innocence and Experience (Blake, 1795), 189
Songs of Innocence (Blake, 1789), 166–69, 170, 181
title page, 166–68, 167
sorts, 147–48, 239
Sotheby’s, 157, 247
South America, map of, 103
Soviet Union, xiv, 44
Spain, 81, 95–97
Spiekermann, Erik, 236, 246
Sponheim Abbey, 33–34, 38, 47
Spotswood, Colonel, 154
Stallybrass, Peter, 151, 159
Stamp Act (1765), 160–61
Stanley, J.T., 171, 174, 175
Stationers’ Company, 118, 125–26
Stationers’ Register, 125–26
Statute of Anne (1710), 217
Steganographia (Trithemius), 47–49
Steinbeck, John, 278
Stine, R.L., 9
“stitched as issued,” 150
St. Jacob’s in Würzburg Abbey, 38, 49
St. Martin of Sponheim monastery, 33, 38
St. Mary’s Church, London, 51
Stoddard, Paul, 271
Stoddard, Roger, 115
Story of the Glittering Plain, The (Morris), 240
St. Paul’s Cathedral, 58, 117–18
Strand, The, 175
Striphas, Ted, 260–61
Sun Also Rises, The (Hemingway), 276
Sunday, Billy, 263
Sweynheim and Pannartz
Geographia (1469), 87
Swift, Jonathan, 218
Tale of Peter Rabbit, The (Potter), xi
Tale of Two Cities, A (Dickens), 233
Tales of the Jazz Age (Fitzgerald), 263
Tallow Ball (Maupassant), 264
Talmud, 15
tannic acid, 11
Tanselle, G. Thomas, 192
taxation, xvi, 161–62
Ten Commandments, xii, 56–57
Tender Is the Night (Fitzgerald), 273
textura, 245–46
Thackeray, William M., 218
Thatch, Edward, 218
Theobald, Lewis, 111
This Side of Paradise (Fitzgerald), 276
Thoughts on the Education of Daughters (Wollstonecraft), 198
Tidcombe, Marianne, 255
Tiffin, Percy, 248–49
Times of London, 239
Titan, map of, 105
tobacco advertising, xvi-xvii, 269–70
Todd, Janet, 196–97
To Kill a Mockingbird (Lee), 200
Tom Jones (Fielding), 200
Transylvanus, Maximilianus, 92–93
triangulation, 97
Trithemius, Elizabeth, 25
Trithemius, Johannes, xv, 21–22, 24–26, 32–39, 46–49, 281
Tunstall, Cuthbert, Bishop of London, 52, 58–59, 62
Twain, Mark, xii-xiv, 27, 227
Twelfth Night, The (Shakespeare), 113, 128
Twilight (Meyer), 37
“Tyger, The” (Blake), 188–89, 189
Tyndale, William, xv, 56–80, 282
Geneva Bible and, 76
King James Bible and, 79
New Testament translations, 62–64, 75–76
portrait of, 65
Pentateuch, 64
typecasting, 239
type designers, 254
typefaces, 236–39, 245–46
Arial, 236
Baskerville, 237
typefaces (cont.)
Brook, 253
cancelleresca or italic, 92
Comic Sans, 236
Courier New, 236
Doves, xvi, 236–37, 245–57, 283
Franklin Gothic, 236
Golden, 236–37, 247–48
Gothic, 245–46
Helvetica, 236
impact of printing on appearance of, 248
Jenson’s Roman, 247
Monotype and, 239
Roman, 246–47
Rubeus’s, 247–48
Vale, 253
type foundry, first American, 149
typesetting mistakes, 116
typography, 258
Ulysses (Joyce), 182, 265
U.S. Census Bureau, 272
U.S. Congress, 234
U.S. Department of Commerce, 272
Universal Instructor in All Arts and Sciences: and Pennsylvania Gazette, 151–52
University of Leuven, 88–89, 91–92
Uppercase, term created, 147
Urine, as ink additive, 12
Utopia (More), 65–66
vagina, 113, 118–19
Vale Press, 253
Vatican, 67, 281
Vedishchev, Colonel, 44
vellum, 14–16, 42
Venice, 81, 95
Venus, map of, 105
Vesalius, Andreas, 88
Vespucci, Amerigo, 85, 89
Vindication of Johann Gutenberg, The (Köhler), 24
Vindication of the Rights of Woman, A (Wollstonecraft), 196–97, 202–3, 205, 207, 210–11
Virgil, 130
Voltaire, 202
Waldvogel, Procopius, 23
Walker, Emery, 237, 240–42, 244–45, 248–53, 255–56
Wallace, William, 165
Washington, George, 161
Blake and, 180, 190
Galileo and, 12–13
weeklies, 225–26
Wharton, Edith, 276
Whitman, Walt, 273
Whitton, Charlotte, 212
Wiegand, Karl von, 277
Wikipedia, 282
Wilding, Nick, 19–20
Wilks, James, 42–43
Williams, Raymond, 283
Wollstonecraft, Mary, xv-xvi, 196–212, 282–83
Wollstonecraft, Ned, 197
Woman Killed (Heywood), 126
women. See also feminism
as authors, 200–201, 205–12, 283
education and, 202–3
rights of, 203, 210, 283
sexuality and, 205, 207–10
smoking and, 269–70
woodcuts, 91–92, 164–65
wooden covers, 14
wood pulp paper, 7–9
Woodward, Helen, 263
wool fibers, 7
Wordsworth, William, 218
world map
(1538), 94, 97, 101–2
(1541), 97–98
(1569), 101–6
World War I, 254, 262
World War II, 275
wormholing, 8
wormlines, 179
Worms, Diet of, 63–64
Wright, Edward, 105
Wycliffe, John, 52, 59–61
Yahoo Answers, 105
Yorkshire Tragedy, A (apocryphal Shakespeare play), 122, 126, 129
Young Men of Boston, 222
Zell, Ulrich, 39, 40