1st Article
I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth

I believe in you, God, but my belief is just a small seed. Help my faith grow. Nourish me with your love, and let my faith deepen, mature, and always be in bloom.


I believe in God

Why does the Creed begin like this? Is it really that important to believe in God? Yes it is, because having faith changes our lives! Those who believe in God

• recognize God’s greatness and goodness

• live with a heart full of gratitude

• know that all people are brothers and sisters

• use their gifts in an appropriate way

• have faith in God’s love, even in moments of difficulty

I believe in God . . .

God revealed his name to Moses when he encountered the burning bush, saying, “I am who am” (Ex 3:14). What does this name mean? That God is present in our life, attentive to our prayer, and ready to save us.

. . . Father

In his preaching, Jesus revealed the name of God to his disciples, saying, “When you pray, say, ‘Our Father . . . ’” This is the name Christians have for God: Father!

This name expresses the nature of God and who God is for us. As Father, God has given us life and takes care of us. God’s love can be compared to a good father’s love for his children. But no one is a father in the way that God is. Belief in God the Father means having faith in his ability and desire to provide for us. It also means listening to his words and knowing that he guides our lives according to his loving plan.

Because God is our Father, this also means that we are called to act as brothers and sisters. We think of ourselves as living under the gaze of the same Father.


. . . almighty

We believe that God created everything and rules everything. For him, “nothing is impossible” (Lk 1:37).

The unlimited power of God is a strength of love. Still, the force of God’s love is also mysterious, because we can only recognize it through faith. When we think about Jesus on the cross, it does not seem that we are “seeing” the strength of God. Instead, we “see” the weakness of someone who was abandoned and crushed by violence. Yet Saint Paul reminds us that God’s weakness is stronger than human strength (see 1 Cor 1:25). Jesus, who dies on the cross, rises again through the power of love, a love that is stronger than death.

. . . creator of heaven and earth

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen 1:1). These first words of the Bible tell us that God, the Eternal One, has given a beginning to everything that exists, all the marvels of creation. Among these, man and woman occupy a special place.



Who is the first person who helped you to “find” God? Who has brought you closer to the faith through his or her witness? Try to write that person a note to say, “Thank you!” You may choose to actually mail this note, or simply use it for reflection.


Dear [insert name], .............................







Read this short story, which is found in the Hebrew tradition:

“God wants to be sought, and how can he not be found? Once, Rabbi Baruch’s grandson was playing hide-and-seek with another child. He hid himself and waited in his hiding place, believing that his companion was looking for but unable to find him. After having waited a long time, the child came out and did not see his friend anywhere around. He suddenly understood that no one had been searching for him. The boy ran to his grandfather’s room, crying and complaining about this bad friend. With tears in his eyes, Rabbi Baruch said, ‘God says the same thing about us.’”


This little story teaches us that God also wants to be sought. Now ask yourself, “Am I looking for God?”