Bellini-Style Peaches with Raspberries

Here’s an easy way to dress up fruit without fussing over it. If peaches aren’t in season, but you still hanker for this dish, use frozen unsweetened sliced peaches thawed and drizzled with a little honey to sweeten.

Serves 4 Prep Time: 5 minutes


4  ripe peaches, pitted, peeled, and sliced

1  cup fresh raspberries Honey

2  cups sparkling cider, grape juice, or pomegranate juice, chilled

  1. Divide the peaches and the raspberries among 4 glass bowls or parfait glasses. Drizzle with honey to taste, and fill the rest of the glass with sparkling cider. Serve with a spoon.

Calories 172 Total Fat 0.5g Saturated Fat 0g Carbohydrates 21g Protein 2g Dietary Fiber 4g Sodium 6mg



Alcohol? Not so much.


Published in the August 30, 2010, Journal of Clinical Oncology, the Life After Cancer Epidemiology Study (LACE) reported that breast cancer survivors who consume more than three alcoholic drinks per week were more likely to have a recurrence of their tumor. Postmenopausal risk increased by 40 percent, and the combined group risk for pre- and postmenopausal women was 34 percent.

When comparing survivors who drink more than three alcoholic drinks per week to survivors who abstain or drink far less alcohol on a weekly basis, the difference in tumor recurrence was significant. Prior research has demonstrated that alcohol consumption may influence the risk of developing an initial breast cancer, but this is the first evidence linking alcohol consumption with breast cancer recurrence.