I never felt I left living behind and continued to live normally, when physically able. When everything was over and the effects of the chemo/radiation had dissipated, especially the fatigue, and my body had adjusted to the oral medication I started, then I was really, totally back in the swing.
~Karin Lichterman, community volunteer
Cranberry-Raspberry Green Tea
Scientists continue to investigate new mechanisms that may establish cranberries and green tea as anticancer agents. Look for a no sugar–added, 100 percent cranberry-raspberry juice blend that also contains other good stuff: vitamins A, C, and E, as well as ginseng, such as the Langers brand. You can also substitute brewed ginseng tea for green in this recipe, for example, or another type of tea to suit your taste.
Makes 2 cups; serves 2 • Prep Time: 5 minutes
1 cup brewed green tea or ginseng tea
1 cup cranberry-raspberry juice with ginseng
Calories 81 • Total Fat 0g • Saturated Fat 0g • Carbohydrates 20g • Protein 0g • Dietary Fiber 0g • Sodium 6mg