Be kind to yourself . . . be as gentle and patient with yourself as you would be with your best friend.
~Cindy Himmelberg, art director
Mushroom and Broccoli Risotto
Reinvent the broccoli rice casserole with an easy, stir together risotto to which you can also add cooked chicken or firm tofu to make a one-dish meal. For the best flavor, use vegetable broth in a box, such as the Pacific brand. You can use any type of fresh mushrooms, but why not try a new variety? Maiitake mushrooms look like cream and brown peonies (see photo here). They should be somewhat moist yet firm to the touch, but not dry and brittle. Although they can be pricey, you need only 6 to 8 ounces for this dish. To prepare mushrooms, wipe them off with a moistened paper towel, then chop. Arborio, or other short grain Italian rice, is the classic risotto rice. Note: Add 2 cups chopped cooked chicken or vegetable protein for the last 5 minutes of cooking, if you wish.
Serves 4, 1-cup servings • Prep Time: 15 minutes • Cook Time: 20 minutes
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 cup finely chopped yellow onion
3 cups chopped maiitake mushrooms, or a mix of maiitake, shiitake, button, or other fresh mushrooms
1 cup chopped broccoli florets
1 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves (optional)
5 cups vegetable broth
2 cups Arborio rice
1/4 cup finely grated parmesan cheese
Fresh thyme sprigs, for garnish
Calories 112 • Total Fat 7g • Saturated Fat 1.5g • Carbohydrates 9g • Protein 4g • Dietary Fiber 1g • Sodium 400mg
An Honest-to-Goodness Day’s Work!
Have you ever felt exhilarated after a good day’s work? Research suggests that working under pressure can actually give us a natural high. When we find ourselves in stressful circumstances, our brain releases certain chemicals that prepare our body to cope with that situation.
First, the hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline are released into our body, increasing our heart rate, bringing more oxygen to our lungs, and releasing a surge of energy. This process temporarily boosts our energy, gives us temporary muscle power, forces us to breathe in a short and shallow way, and allows our body to move quickly and our minds to reach an instant decision. Adrenaline and other feel-good chemicals called serotonin and endorphins flood our body, giving us a sense of achievement and high spirits.