Raj lay in a bedroll in Helgid's house. For a while, he listened to Samel's quiet shifting, until his brother's breaths grew soft and steady. Helgid rested without a sound, as she usually did.
Raj was alone with his thoughts.
Adriana was stuck in his mind. Thinking of the girl's sad smile made his stomach flutter. He couldn't stop recalling her blue eyes, her long dark hair, or the nice way she'd treated him. And of course, he'd never forget her extraordinary gift.
Raj smiled in the dark as he remembered their conversation over tea.
Adriana was several years older than him, but she was different. She talked to him in the way an adult would. She didn't look down her nose at him, the way some of his neighbors did, or the way the boys did down by the river, when they spoke of his father.
Most of the girls Raj's age were concerned with playing childish games, or huddling close together and whispering.
A few of them were nice, but none took an interest in him beyond a few brief conversations, and certainly none took an interest in his father.
Raj felt a connection with Adriana deeper than sympathy. He felt close to her, because of the losses they'd suffered. He wanted to comfort her, so that she would never feel sad again. Lying in bed, he couldn't stop thinking of the next time he'd see her.
Would she think it strange if he came by tomorrow?
Raj felt embarrassed. Even though he was in the dark, his cheeks flushed and his stomach grew tight. Adriana had invited him back, but he didn't want to be a pest.
Maybe he needed to give it some time.
Or maybe he needed a reason.
Reaching into his pocket, he took out the metal keepsake and turned it over in his hand in the dark. Adriana had already explained everything she knew about it, but maybe she would remember more with another conversation. Maybe together, they could stitch together some clues that would explain the origins of the wondrous object.
At the very least, it was an excuse to talk to her again.
Raj sighed. Perhaps whatever power existed in the heavens had brought them together for a reason. He smiled as the thought stuck in his mind.
He would find her in the morning.