Neena and Kai stood on the edge of the dirt path. Almost a hundred people streamed from their homes, gathering on the main path from the mouths of the alleys, fighting for a better view of what was surely a scene that none would soon forget. Most kept a cautious distance, watching and waiting. Three of the five Watchers remained in front of Neena and Kai, holding their weapons cautiously as they waited for the leaders.
Neena and Kai had already handed over their spear and knife.
Now, they waited.
Glancing up at the cliffs, Neena saw more Watchers turned in her direction. She had never felt more pairs of eyes on her. It felt as if she were standing in front of a procession, or leading one of the colony's ceremonies. She wanted to push through the growing crowd, find Raj and Samel, and make sure they were safe. She wanted to forget about the message she had come to relay.
In just a few short moments, she had transformed from a lowly girl whom no one respected to a person off of whom no one could take their eyes.
Commotion from farther down the path drew her attention. Men, women, and children parted. Some of the whispers grew quiet, as a new group emerged, striding with importance.
Gideon, his Heads of Colony, and more Watchers.
Gideon and his men took a few confident steps ahead of the others, stopping in front of Neena and Kai.
Neena swallowed as she faced a row of leaders she'd never met alone. She looked between them for a moment, her nervousness growing as she surveyed their stern faces.
She focused on Gideon.
Gideon's steely gaze felt even more severe up close. His gray, slicked-back hair spoke of his years of leadership and knowledge. For all of her life, Neena had known him as the face of Red Rock, making decisions and giving orders, but she had never captured his individual attention. Standing before him now—with so many colonists watching, as well as his Heads of Colony—felt surreal.
Clearing her throat, mustering up her courage, Neena said, "We need to speak with you in private."
Gideon watched her, silently judging, as was the crowd.
For a moment or longer, no one spoke. The Watchers looked as if they awaited an order, or perhaps another word from Neena or Kai. The crowd shifted from foot to foot. To Neena's surprise, Gideon turned and addressed Kai.
"Where did you come from?"
Kai shifted uncomfortably under the glare of so many eyes. He sucked in a breath. "I'm from a colony called New Canaan."
A murmur of disbelief made its way through the crowd. Gideon and Wyatt, one of his Heads of Colony, exchanged an unreadable glance.
"I was out hunting, when Neena found me," Kai continued, filling the uncomfortable silence. "I got lost in a sandstorm. Neena helped me."
The Heads of Colony turned to Neena, as if she might refute his story. "I found him when he was nearly dehydrated," she confirmed.
"You should've let him die," Gideon said coldly.
The crowd gasped as if they'd been struck. Mothers recoiled, hiding their children.
Before Neena could voice her confusion, Gideon raised an arm.
"Detain them!" he yelled, shocking everyone with his unexpected command.
Neena's heart pounded.
A small army of Watchers rushed past Gideon and The Heads of Colony, in Neena and Kai's direction. Neena threw her hands up, but not before several pairs of rough, grabbing hands locked on her arms and shoulders, clenching her tightly. Kai kicked and yelled as a group of men violently took hold of him, taking no care for his wounded wrist.
"What's going on, Neena?" he shouted. "What are they doing to us?"
Panic rose in her stomach as she realized she had no answer. Neena looked between the crowd and Gideon, suddenly feeling as if she was the stranger, or that some waking nightmare had taken hold of her.
"I don't understand!" Neena protested, looking between Gideon, his Heads of Colony, and his Watchers. "What's happening?"
"Let me go!" Kai yelled, as the men jostled him.
Hearing Kai's screams of pain and protest, Gideon turned angry. "Silence that man! Bring him to the annex. That criminal doesn't deserve to walk among us."
"Criminal? What are you talking about?" Neena asked.
"Neena! Tell them I mean no harm!" Kai yelled.
Ignoring his pleas, The Watchers dragged Kai kicking and screaming up the path, where the surprised bystanders leapt from the way, gasping in fright and disbelief.
Before Neena could defend herself or explain further, Gideon jabbed a finger at her and yelled, "Take her, too! She can join him in jail!"