16mm film
American Film Market, Los Angeles
Anchor Bay (DVD company)
Army of Darkness
Ash’s Evil Dead Page (website)
Bad Taste
Baker, Betsy
Bakhtin, Mikhail
Barker, Martin
Barr, Charles
Barratt, Jim
Becker, Josh
Blair Witch Project, The
Book of the Dead, The (original title)
Book of the Dead (limited edition DVD)
British Board of Film Classification (BBFC)
Brood, The
Brophy, Philip
Campbell, Bruce
Cannes Film Festival
carnivalesque, the
Clockwork (short film)
Clover, Carol
Cocteau, Jean
Corrigan, Timothy
Craven, Wes
Dark Age Productions
Dawn of the Dead
Deadites Online (website)
Dika, Vera
Dracula (Hammer version)
Dutton, Mark
DVD commentaries (for The Evil Dead)
DVD special editions
DVD Times
Eco, Umberto
Elite Entertainment (DVD company)
El Mariachi
Evil Dead Companion, The
Evil Dead II: Dead by Dawn
Exorcist, The
‘fake shemping’
Felsher, Michael
Films and Filming
Fly II, The
Fowler, Chris
Franju, Georges
Friday the 13th
gothic horror
Grant, Barry Keith
Gunning, Tom
Hammer horror
Happy Valley Kid, The (short film)
Hell Night
Hills Have Eyes, The
Hills, Matt
Hitchcock, Alfred
Hollywood Reporter
Hooper, Tobe
Hoxter, Julian
Humphries, Graham
Hutchings, Peter
I Know What You Did Last Summer
If Chins Could Kill
Incredibly Strange Filmshow, The
Internet Movie Database, The (IMDb)
It’s Murder! (short film)
Jackson, Peter
Jancovich, Mark
Jones, Alan
Kaufman, Lloyd
Kawin, Bruce
Kermode, Mark
King, Geoff
King, Stephen
Klinger, Barbara
Ladies of the Evil Dead
L’arroseur Arrose
Last House on the Left, The
London Film Festival
Los Angeles Times
Lovecraft, H. P.
make-up effects
‘making of’ stories
Martin, Bob
Mathijs, Ernest
‘meltdown’ sequence
Mendik, Xavier
midnight movies
‘mischief gags’
Monthly Film Bulletin
Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA)
Muir, John Kenneth
Mummy, The (Hammer version)
Necronomicon, The
New Line Cinema
Newman, Kim
New Musical Express
Nightmare on Elm Street, A
Night of the Living Dead
Obscene Publications Act (OPA), 1959
Obscene Publications Squad (OPS)
Oldsmobile car
Palace Pictures
Parker, Deborah
Parker, Mark
Petley, Julian
Philo, Tim
Pierce, Bart
Pink Flamingos
possession films
Powell, Nik
‘programmatic’ cult films
‘proxy’ cults
Raimi, Sam
Raimi, Ted
Renaissance Pictures
Rocky Horror Picture Show, The
Romero, George A.
Ross, Jonathan
Sandweiss, Ellen
Scala cinema, London
Schneider, Steven Jay
‘Shaky Cam’
Shapiro, Irvin
slapstick comedy
slasher films
Spiegel, Scott
stop-motion animation
Straw Dogs
Studlar, Gaylyn
Sullivan, Tom
Sumerian culture
Super-8 productions
Tapert, Robert
Telotte, J. P.
Texas Chain Saw Massacre, The
Thompson, Kristin
Three Stooges, The
Tilly, Teresa
tree rape sequence
Tudor, Andrew
Umland, Rebecca
Umland, Sam
Video nasties
Video Recordings Act (VRA),
Video Watchdog
Village Voice
Warren, Bill
Waters, John
Whitehouse, Mary
Within the Woods (short film)
Within the Woods (website)
Wood, Robin
Woolley, Stephen
Wright, Edgar