Character Guide

Clan Adrastus

Member of Clan Adrastus, daughter of Tisha Adrastus and cousin to Elochian Adrastus. Esh Shedim. 155 years old. she/her.

Edward Adrastus: Member of Clan Adrastus, son of Tisha Adrastus and cousin to Elochian Adrastus. Esh Shedim. 173 years old. he/him.

Elochian Adrastus: Archshedim of Northern Region. Archshedim. 170 years old. he/him.

Ember Adrastus: Former Sovereign of Levena Chapter of Clan Adrastus, spouse of Sachiel Adrastus and mother of Elochian Adrastus. Deceased. she/her.

Mabel Adrastus: Member of Clan Adrastus, daughter of Tisha Adrastus and cousin to Elochian Adrastus. Esh Shedim. 170 years old. she/her.

Roque Adrastus: Member of Clan Adrastus, son of Tisha Adrastus and cousin to Elochian Adrastus. Esh Shedim. 157 years old. he/him.

Sachiel Adrastus: Former Archshedim of Levena, son of Uriel Adrastus, spouse of Ember Adrastus and father of Elochian Adrastus. Deceased. he/him.

Tisha Adrastus: Sovereign of Levena Chapter of Clan Adrastus, aunt of Elochian Adrastus, sister of Ember Adrastus. Esh Shedim. 1,906 years old. she/her.

Daniel Kavelli: CEO of Kavelli Solar, known supporter of NOJ, son of Samson Kavelli. Jinni Shedim. 185 years old. he/him.

Samson Kavelli: Former CEO of Kavelli Solar, father of Daniel Kavelli. Esh Shedim. Deceased. he/him.

Michael Nehorai: Shomer of Elochian Adrastus. Jinni Shedim. 151 years old. he/they.

Gilla Priess: Administrative assistant to Tisha and Elochian Adrastus. Mayim Shedim. 200 years old. she/her.

Annie Yakom: Security at Clan Adrastus. Esh Shedim. 69 years old. she/her.

Bartholomew Zadok: Former Shomer and partner of Elochian Adrastus. Malakim. Deceased. he/him.

Clan Haniel

Andromeda Eilweir: Steward of Clan Haniel, descendant of Juniper Haniel, spouse of Xenith Eilweir. Malakim. 201 years old. she/her.

Xenith Eilweir: Shomer and spouse Andromeda Eilweir. Malakim. 201 years old. he/him.

Charlie Crash: Shomer Trainee of Clan Haniel. Malakim. 32 years old. he/him.

Juniper Haniel: First Archmalakim of Levena. Deceased. she/her.

Kita Lansworth: Shomer trainee of Clan Haniel. Malakim. 53 years old. she/her.

Amber Mirthwood: Shomer trainee of Clan Haniel. Malakim. 26 years old. she/her.

Roland Teketo: Shomer trainee of Clan Haniel. Malakim. 97 years old. he/him.

Ichabod Vered: Master of Arms of Clan Haniel. Malakim. 214 years old. he/him.

Garren Family

Dusan Garren: Headmaster of Garren Castle, daughter of Idina Garren. Gold Dragon. 1,609 years old. she/her.

Idina Garren: Former resident of Levena, mother of Dusan Garren, daughter of Henix Garren. Silver Dragon. 3,751 years old. she/her.

Henix Garren: Sun Witch, former resident of Min Isle and Levena. Father of Idina Garren, son of Bailey Garren. Gold Dragon. Deceased. he/him.

Bailey Garren: Former resident of Min Isle and owner of the first bookshop in town. Father of Henix Garren. Silver Dragon. Deceased. he/him.


Theodore ‘Doc’ Atthias: Psychiatrist, spouse of Ilisia Atthias. Behema. 75 years old. they/them.

Ilisia Atthias: Self-employed artist, spouse of Theodore Atthias. Human. 53 years old. she/her.

Lindsey Carbon: Internal Auditor at Genesis Credit and professional solar surfer, fiance to Kitt Meissa. Elf. 87 years old. she/her.

Caspian Daemarrel: Audio Engineer, spouse of Tobias Daemarrel and father of Marlena and Zeke Daemarrel. Half Elf, Half Katan. 100 years old. he/him.

Marlena Daemarrel: Daughter of Caspian and Tobias. Esh Shedim. 3 years old. she/her.

Tobias Daemarrel: Self-employed bookbinder and Archmalakim of Northern Region, spouse of Caspian Daemarrel and father of Marlena and Zeke Daemarrel. Archmalakim. 130 years old. he/him (they).

Zeke Daemarrel: Son of Caspian and Tobias. Mayim Shedim. 2 years old. he/him.

Quentin Matsdotter: Physics Professor and Erotica Author. Human. 26 years old. he/him.

Katerina ‘Kitt’ Meissa: Curator of Scarlet Museum and owner of Kitt’s tattoo studio, fiance to Lindsey Carbon. Qieren. 90 years old. she/her.

Thatch Phantom: Watcher, founder of Min Isle and former acolyte to the God Da’haut, partner to Arlo Rook. Appears Human. Exact age unknown.

Arlo Rook: Hedge Witch and owner of many establishments in Levena, partner to Thatch Phantom and father of Felix Rook, guardian of Silas Uziel. 72% Human, 28% unknown. 102 years old. he/him.

Felix Rook: Undefined Witch with Teleth abilities, son of Arlo Rook. Human. 13 years old. he/him.

Silas Uziel: Chaos Witch, charge of Arlo Rook. Human. 15 years old. he/him.

Gowan Zra: Owner of Phoenix Rising Studio, partner to Iris Tullianna. Dandelion Fae. 140 years old. she/her

New Witches

Demeter Chayat: Organ Witch, solar surfer, nibling of Dimitri Chayat. Elf. 76 years old. ae/aer/aers.

Dimitri Chayat: Tech Witch, self-employed, nibling of Demeter Chayat. Golem, formerly elf. 76 years old. ne/nem/nems.

Josse Exheart: Metallurgy Witch, inventor and clockmaker. Opal Dragon. 1,386 years old. he/him.

Gaia Lichin: Necromancer, self-employed. Krakeni. 39 years old. she/her (they).

Archeon Mochizuki: Teleth Witch, astrophysicist and astronomer at Scarlet University. Vampire. 108 years old. he/him (they).

Rain Pines: Air Witch, professional solar surfer. Mayim Shedim. 51 years old. she/her.

Bud Raff: Kinetic Witch, exotic dancer. Human. 42 years old. he/him (they).

Evangeline ‘The Nightingale’ Wroughtfern: Crystal Witch, leader of a shadow group which dominates the black market in Levena, mother of Finnegan Wroughtfern. Tzipor. 305 years old. she/her.


Avina Dow: Lady of Agia. Human. 57 years old. she/her.

River Gadot: Ex-boyfriend of Quentin Matsdotter. Young Human, exact age unknown. he/him.

Rhea Hachohen: Barista at Thitwhistle’s. Treant. 98 years old. they/them.

Eilae Krisgella: Mother of Kleo Krisgella, partner of Gareth and Niena. Elf. 254 years old. she/her.

Gareth Krisgella: Father of Kleo Krisgella, partner of Eilae and Niena. Elf. 243 years old. she/her.

Niena Krisgela: Mother of Kleo Krisgella, partner of Gareth and Eilae. Elf. 206 years old. she/her.

Kleo Krisgella: Felix’s best friend, daughter of Gareth, Niena, and Eilae Krisgella. Elf. 15 years old. she/her.

Tina Lakai: Resurrected Shedim, exact age unknown. she/her.

Julianna Moreland: Mayor of Levena. Behema. 74 years old. she/her.

Helena Nitzani: Barista at Thitwhistle’s. Vampire. 67 years old. she/her.

Edward Primo: Owner of the music store Primo’s, former famous musician. Mayim Shedim. 73 years old. he/him.

Dante Shar: Physicist at Scarlet University, friend of Quentin Matsdotter. Malakim. 106 years old. he/him.

Delilah Sheleg: Archshedim of Agia Province. Esh Shedim. 195 years old. she/her.

Janet ‘Chief’ Stone: Police Chief of Station 7. Tannin. 49 years old. she/her.

Lucas Salone: Bartender at The Ethereal Magpie. Esh Shedim. 21 years old. he/him.

Leonidas ‘The Witch Killer’ Sydon: Shadow Witch, former terrorist of Levena. Malakim. Previously deceased, current state debated. he/him.

Iris Tulliana: Instructor at Levena School for the Deaf, partner of Gowan Zra. Bearded Iris Fae. 109 years old. she/her.

Leroy Tzur: Carpentry Teacher at Levena Central, friend of Quentin Matsdotter. Orc. 46 years old. he/him.

Carina Wells: President of PTA at Levena Central, known NOJ and AWO supporter. Elf. 94 years old. she/her.

Chad Wells: Police Officer at Station 7, spouse of Carina. Elf. 103 years old. he/him.

Finnegan Wroughtfern: Editor of Magickal Radickal Gazette, son of Evangeline Wroughtfern. Half Katan, Half Human. 38 years old. he/him (they).