Transcript Excerpt from Interview #578
Wroughtfern: And why do you think these personal journals have suddenly appeared?
Rook: Personally, I think it’s a matter of time. Thatcher’s story takes place over millennia, and it won’t be fully realized in a day, a week, or even a month. I think we will be discovering these bits of his life for a long time, and perhaps the universe is parsing out these clues until we’re ready for them.
Wroughtfern: And what about you two? Will you parse out your findings, or share them with the community?
Daemarrel: Everything we’ve discovered thus far has been donated to the Gaillot Museum, including the journals. They include Levena’s history after all, and its origins as a place formerly known as Min Isle.
Wroughtfern: Of course. I did visit the new exhibit during the Yuletide social, and it was impressive then. I can only imagine what it looks like now. Kitt Meissa is the Director there, she’s on your team, correct?
Daemarrel: Yes, she is dedicated to providing the community with the correct facts regarding their history, and of the man who affected so many lives in Levena. It’s important to know where we came from, and the mistakes we made.
Wroughtfern: Mistakes?
Rook: He’s referencing the Fire of Min Isle, which occurred due to an attempted abduction by the Descendants of Dinphine. They sought to restrain and control magick, and those given it. People who were able to manipulate abracadabri back then were not known as witches, simply Descendants. It was a different time, and their attitudes regarding magick had a lifelong impact.
Wroughtfern: And yet, here we are with another group, two in fact, seeking to restrain the rights of those different from the everyday person.
Rook: And yet, here we are again.