Alexandra Haynak, from St. Petersburg, Russia, for the use of her beautiful artwork on the cover of this book. Ms. Haynak's work was made available to me through her participation at, a photo/art sharing site. Pixabay has amazing collections from very talented people all around the world.
JD Jordan for his kind assistance with layout and design of the cover, and for being a great teacher as well as a doer.
Kali Bhargave. Without her encouragement and near insistence, these words would have stayed in my computer, a series of never-ending project pieces.
Janet Fix, my editor, and champion not only of my writing but of all my creative potential.
The England Family from El Cajon, California. I wrote this book surrounded by the fondest memories of them. They were infinitely kind and incredibly generous to invite me into their family during a time when I was missing my own so badly.