Part 3

Ten Habits and Related Themes

The third part of the book explores ten habits and many related themes that are all shown to give advantage to individuals, teams and relationships in general, and contains many practical suggestions and ideas.

I have chosen ten habits that research has shown give advantages to those who operate with them. As elsewhere in the book, the neuroscience that underpins habit formation is explained in simple terms, and for those interested in further reading, references are included.

These advantages include success factors, improved interpersonal skills, improved relationships and personal well-being. There are, of course, many other desirable habits or behaviours that could have been included. The chapters contain information, ideas and suggestions for you to interpret and consider. Many examples are drawn from the experience of others and what they have found helpful, and I am grateful to parents, teachers and other professionals for their guidance and contributions. Only you can decide what works best for you. I hope that there will be some ideas and suggestions that resonate with you and encourage you to develop new habits or change unhelpful ones.

Each habit is covered with simple scientific information to help appreciate the basis from which it works. When the brain performs a habit, it doesn’t rely on thinking, decisionmaking or memory – it works automatically.

The neuroscience behind habit formation is well researched. Most research points towards habit formation being centred in the basal ganglia and brainstem.[1] [2] Experts differ in their opinions on how long it takes to establish a new habit, but most agree that it takes between three and ten weeks, after lots of practice.[3] [4] [5]

Once a habit has been explained, further details of the habit and some related topics are given as examples of extending the principles involved. Adults could compare the habits and related topics with their own current behaviours and see if any of the habits are worth developing.

Important point

A good way of teaching a child a helpful habit is to role model it yourself!

As mentioned in Part 1, for readers who wish to explain to a child the ideas that are covered in this book, I have written My Hidden Chimp, a children’s educational book with graphics, exercises and activities.