Chapter 17

Final thoughts

I hope you have enjoyed reading this book and that it has given you some ideas, encouragement and inspiration. While writing it, I appreciate that there is a risk of me appearing to be instructing rather than advising. Please remember that only you can decide what is best for you and for any children that you are caring for. Any ideas or information that resonates with you, try and use, but don’t be afraid to throw out those ideas or thoughts that don’t resonate. All of us who work in the field of helping others, whatever our background, are trying to share knowledge and experience. If you do find yourself struggling, I would encourage you to seek professional help. There are a lot of professionals, such as psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists, social workers, counsellors and family doctors who can help, apart from family and friends.

If you are going it alone, try to be realistic about managing yourself or your child. Just like adults, habits form slowly in children and constant repetition and encouragement are needed. Patience is a must! Along with the other ten habits detailed here, we could have added the skill or habit of listening. Teaching a child to be able to listen to what is being said is not as easy as it sounds. Again, patient repetition is very helpful.

Whatever you do, and however you nurture a child, the most important factor remains; children gain stability by being loved and respected... and we are no different as adults!

Love and treat yourself with respect. I wish you every success.