
Edge analytics has gained attention as the IoT model for connected devices and is rising in popularity. This guide will give you insights into edge analytics as a data analysis model, and why it's gaining momentum.

You'll begin with the key concepts and components used in an edge analytics app. You'll then delve into communication protocols to understand how sensors send their data to computers or microcontrollers. Next, the book will demonstrate how to design modern edge analytics apps that take advantage of the processing power of modern single-board computers and microcontrollers. Later, you'll explore Microsoft Azure IoT Edge, MicroPython, and the OpenCV visual recognition library. As you progress, you'll cover techniques for processing and AI functionality from the server side to the sensory side of IoT. You'll even explore how to design a smart doorbell system using the technologies you will have learned about. To remove vulnerabilities in the overall edge analytics architecture, you'll discover ways to overcome security and privacy challenges. Finally, you'll use tools to audit and perform real-time monitoring of incoming data and generate alerts for the infrastructure.

By the end of this book, you'll have learned how to use edge analytics programming techniques and implement automated analytical computations.