KOM-MICS uses Azure services and Windows tablets (edge devices) to collect and analyze data from machine tools and robots to drive efficiencies. The data collected is stored and then processed in the Azure cloud. This processed data is then sent back to Windows PCs where a custom viewer and Microsoft Power BI are utilized.
Services from Azure are implemented in the cloud. Instead of utilizing their own servers and IT software and services, Komatsu uses a virtual machine from Microsoft. As well, cloud-based file storage and database from Microsoft are implemented. This allows Komatsu to offload the maintenance and security of IT infrastructure and services to Microsoft.
You may be asking yourself, where does the edge analytics aspect come into play? Without a more in-depth understanding of KOM-MICS, it's hard to say how much processing is handled on the edge side of the smart factory application. However, the most important idea to take from this example is the use of Azure. We will be looking into the use of Azure services when we start to look a little more deeply into Azure IoT Edge.
The efficiencies that come from KOM-MICS allow Komatsu to better handle the challenges of their marketplace.