
Having learned the lessons in this chapter, try answering the following questions on your own:

  1. True/False. Machine learning can trace its roots back to the work of Tim Berners-Lee in the 1960s.
  2. True/False. TensorFlow was developed and then released to the public in 1991 by Microsoft.
  1. True/False. Using the OpenCV library and the appropriate cascade file, we can detect a human face in a picture.
  2. What is the name of the Python library we used to flash an LED?
  3. List three camera-based microcontroller boards on the market.
  4. True/False. The ESP-EYE does not come with a microphone built in.
  5. True/False. Scanning a QR code in grayscale reduces the load on the microcontroller's processor.
  6. What is the name of the function we apply to the LED to turn it into an alarm?
  7. True/False. The URL for Microsoft's custom vision website is
  8. True/False. The Azure Machine Learning designer is a visual tool for creating machine learning models.