
In this chapter, we started our discussion on security and privacy by describing a cyber attack involving IoT devices. Although our edge analytics applications offer a bit of a buffer against the unauthorized use of devices, there is still a lot that should concern us when it comes to security.

We then looked at some of the various types of attacks that we should look out for when building and deploying our applications. These include issues with vulnerability, sniffing of our data, and spoofing of our devices, such that our application confuses the fake device for one of our own.

We then took a look at how we can protect our edge analytics applications by confirming the updates of passwords and security patches. We discussed how physical security can be implemented to keep remote devices safe. We also looked at how secure internet connections work and took a high-level look at Azure Security Center for IoT.

In the final chapter, we will take a glimpse into what the future may hold for edge analytics.