I would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which I live and work, and pay my respects to Elders, past and present.
I am incredibly fortunate to work with the stellar team at Pan Macmillan Australia. My thanks especially to Mathilda Imlah, Cate Paterson and Alex Lloyd, whose skilful guidance and insight have improved this story immensely. Many thanks also to Léa Antigny, Jo Jarrah, Samantha Sainsbury, Haylee Nash, and to Lisa White for the beautiful cover design.
My gratitude to my wonderful agent Pippa Masson, for her encouragement and care, and thank you as well to all the staff at Curtis Brown Australia.
For generously donating their time to read drafts, answer tricky questions, provide invaluable feedback or offer much-needed cheering and support, my sincere thanks to Laura Elvery, Margaret Ferguson, Kathy George, Robyn Laurenson, Renee Lock, Leisa Masters (the bestest bestie), Mhairead MacLeod, Kelly Morgan (who brings so much, even whisky), Amber Mount, J.M. Peace, Hayley Prentice, Sarah Ridout, and Les Zig (the inimitable).
Sometimes, when writing fiction, truth becomes flexible and for this reason I hope readers will forgive the occasional liberty of creative licence in this story. (For instance, that Electrolux’s ‘Luxomatic’ did not appear on the market until the mid 1960s, and that figs don’t fruit in spring.) Please note also that certain character attitudes reflect those of the times, and not of the author.
And of course, thank you to my family: my parents Peter and Julie (who are too young to remember the time periods I grilled them about), and my love to Ben, Addi and Leo.