
Chapter 6


"Lauren," a man's voice called from the doorway of Lauren's dental operatory.

Her pulse quickened at the sound of her employer's deep voice. She lifted her gaze from her patient's teeth and smiled when she saw him at the door. "Yes, Doctor Miller?"

"When you're done with Mr. Cooper, would you please come into my office? I want to discuss Mrs. Finkle's case with you."

"Of course. I'm almost done with his cleaning." Lauren smiled at him. Ever since she started working as a dental hygienist three months ago, the sound of his rich voice still caught her breath. How could she ignore his slicked-back hair and captivating eyes? Lauren wondered if he ever took notice of her. Last month, she saw him starring several times as she worked on patients. Somehow, Dr. Miller's attention brought butterflies to her stomach, and she often dreamed about dating her handsome boss.

After finishing with her patient, Lauren stepped into Dr. Miller's bedroom-sized office. "Yes, Dr. Miller?" The smell of his woodsy cologne brought tingles down her spine.

"Let's not be formal. You can call me Justin." His hand motioned to a chair. "Please, have a seat."

Justin sat behind a black executive desk, making last-minute documentation on a patient's file. Lauren knew he would be working overtime tonight, judging by the stack on his desk.

"You can shut the door." Then he smiled at her. "Go ahead; have a seat." He motioned to the black leather chair next to her.

Lauren's heart beat faster. When she had come into his office, he had never asked her to shut the door.

What is he up to?

She held her breath in anticipation. "You wanted to discuss Mrs. Finkle's case with me?"

"Yes. How are her gums going? Do you think we need to refer her to the periodontist for surgery?"

"Her gum pocket measurements have stabilized, and many have shown improvement. However, let's wait until her next recall before we evaluate her for surgery."

"How were her bleeding scores?"

"Minimal bleeding in all quadrants."

"Sounds good. I trust your judgment. You've done an excellent job with our patients over the last few months. I'm extremely impressed with your skills."

"Why, thank you, Dr.—I mean Justin." The corners of her mouth lifted into a smile. "Is there anything else you wanted to discuss?"

He cleared his throat. "Yes, there's something else I needed to discuss with you." Justin stood up from his chair and walked toward Lauren until he stood several inches away, then sat on the edge of the desk.

"Yes, what is it?" The words hung on her lips as the scent of his cologne grew stronger, beckoning to her senses. She took a quick breath, waiting for his following words. Was this the moment she had secretly wished for?

While she knew Justin professed to be a Christian, it didn't seem he had a serious relationship with God. While he occasionally mentioned going to church, she never saw him pray or carry a Bible at work. Several times a month, she saw several women come by the office to see him. Whether he had any romantic interest in them, she could only guess. But for the moment, she hoped there was none.

Justin leaned in towards her. "I've been watching you since the day you started working. And I can't seem to take my eyes off you."

Lauren fidgeted in the chair.

You need to take it slow! What about all those women? Don't do something you might regret!

She stared into his eyes, stammering a reply. "I...I'm flattered. I don't know what to say."

Justin cradled her chin, tilting her head back. She could feel the energy pulsating in his hand.

Remember what the pastor said. Start a relationship by being friends first!

"How about saying 'yes' to dinner with me tonight? I know this beautiful seafood restaurant overlooking the Newport harbor."

He's trying to impress you. So don't fall for his trap!

But Lauren ignored the voice in her head. She would be crazy to pass up an opportunity to date a successful and gorgeous man like Justin. What woman wouldn't be impressed with his beautiful home on the beach and his Mercedes? But, if Justin wasn't the committed Christian man she wanted, surely she could get him to change.

Lauren drew a quick breath before replying, "I'd love to."