How do you last longer in bed? What methods are available to you to increase your stamina and endurance so you could prolong your sex and not have an orgasm right away?
Find out why so many struggle to last in bed, and what you can do to last longer than the rest.
Many struggle with the ability to have a sustained sexual experience. There are medical, natural, and pharmaceutical ways to deal with this, and to help you last longer in bed.
The first (and perhaps most important) thing to consider is your overall health. Being in peak physical condition will benefit you in countless ways that all add up to a better, longer lasting sexual experience. By having a routine check-up, keeping your weight in check, and eating a healthy, balanced diet, you can make drastic improvements on your well-being , which will carry over into the bedroom. Be sure to see your general practitioner for annual check-ups, and always make sure to discuss with them any problems or changes you want to make. Your doctor has heard and seen it all, so don't feel embarrassed about asking how to improve this particular issue for you.
The second way to increase longevity, even in bed, is by eating performance foods. Just like a car engine, your body needs fuel to run on, and it needs the good stuff to run optimally. By eating a healthy diet that includes protein, vitamins, complex carbohydrates, and yes, even some fat, you will find your engine is running more smoothly.
The third thing you can do correlates with number two; avoid “bad” foods. There are simple and complex carbohydrates, but only one of them will improve your stamina and health, and that is the complex ones. Simple carbohydrates are little more than refined sugar. When you choose what to eat in terms of protein, make sure the food is cooked in a healthy way. Deep-frying a pound of chicken and adding some heavy oils and breading will not do for you what a grilled piece of chicken (or even a steak) can. These heavy, difficult to digest foods can leave you feeling bloated, and give you intestinal issues. There's nothing worse than getting stomach cramps in the middle of things getting hot and heavy, so do your system (and yourself) a favor and avoid large amounts of oils, fried foods and anything else you know gives you indigestion.
You can also increase stamina in the bedroom by increasing stamina in the gym. By working out at least 2-3 days a week, you are increasing your metabolism, endurance, and overall health. You don't have to buy fancy equipment or pay for a membership to the best gym in town, either; something as simple as jogging around the neighborhood for 20 minutes will do the trick. Every day push yourself to try a little harder than you did the day before, and you will find your strength building. You can then apply this to your sex life as well, mentally challenging yourself to last longer.
Drink water. Everyone enjoys a soda or beer now and then, and there's nothing wrong with that morning cup of joe , but overloading your system with caffeine crashes your system eventually. And fizzy beverages full of sugar will never do for you the things water can. Keeping hydrated while working out is also important, but be sure not to overdo it. Drinking too much water can create an imbalance between the salt and fluid content in your body. Typically, drinking 6-8 glasses of water, spread out over the course of the day is more than enough. Don't be fooled by sports drinks, either. Few of them are little more than sugar, and that will negate any of the health benefits they claim to offer.
Being comfortable with your body will go a long way in increasing your confidence in the bedroom. If you don't feel good about yourself, or how you look, then you're likely to feel nervous, anxious, and insecure about how you look , especially without your clothes on . Know that everyone's body type is different, and each has its strong points. If you follow the aforementioned steps, you will find an increased level of self-confidence about your physical self, but your mental image is also key . Remember your accomplishments, and try something new that will make you feel better about yourself. Know what you like. Be aware of what things turn you on, and what things don't. Don't be afraid to suggest to your partner what they can do to help make your love making a more lasting and profound experience. Asking them about their fantasies can also make a difference, because you're not just focusing on yourself. You might find that you both have similar fantasy’s , or that the simple act of sharing them will creating more arousal. Try new things, and keep an open mind. If you've always fantasized about something, then by all means, tell your partner! You will never know if you don't ask, and you just might be surprised how amiable your partner is towards them. By increasing your excitement level, you will find yourself feeling aroused, even after the first orgasm, and able to go again.
A study in The Journal of Sexual Medicine recently found that yoga can increase endurance. Part of this has to do with getting your body limber and into shape, and it also goes hand in hand with the mind-body connection. The other part is a little more scientific: certain yoga moves can send blood flow to the pelvis, which increases arousal and sensitivity. It also helps to strengthen your pelvic muscles, giving you more control over your body. If yoga isn't enough, you can always take a cue from India's other great contribution to sexual satisfaction, the Kama Sutra.
Despite what you may have heard, the ancient Hindu text isn't just about different positions, but also offers real advice on how to attain a more pleasurable and lasting sex life. While you have the Kama Sutra open, take another look at positions. Certain positions will help prolong your orgasm. Don't be afraid to try something new, and be sure to give a few different positions a try, to see which one works the best for you and your partner. By finding ones that are not as intensely pleasurable for you, but still keep you aroused, you can give yourself time to relax and cool off before returning to the prior one. This will buy you time. Tantra goes hand in hand with the Kama Sutra and yoga as well. Precisely what tantra is has been debated for hundreds of years. What we know for sure is that tantric sex is based on the belief that you must experience your body as a whole, and be aware of every part of it.
By meditation and control techniques, you can improve the mind body connection, and better control your body's reactions to arousal. If you find it all a bit daunting, don't worry. There are plenty of things you can learn from the practice that don't require you to become a card-carrying member. Putting your partner in control can also go a long way in the endurance category. By letting them have total control, you are at their mercy. They can't tell what feels exactly right, and by switching it up, you will experience a more ebb and flow kind of intensity. It will all feel good, but letting them take the reigns may keep it from feeling too good, too soon.
Masturbation doesn't carry quite the same stigma today that it did in the puritanical, Victorian era days of yore. We know now that masturbation is perfectly healthy, and an excellent way to get to know your body and what it likes. When you masturbate, try stopping when you feel close to orgasm, and make yourself wait before continuing. This method can help prevent premature orgasm in the bedroom, because you've already taught your body how to respond. Try this technique and make yourself go a little longer each time between the stop and start again. By masturbating prior to intercourse with your partner, you will find your initial arousal slightly satiated, which in turn will help prolong the second orgasm you have, but with your partner this time. Extending foreplay will also achieve similar goals. Remember that longevity doesn't necessarily means not having an orgasm; being able to feel aroused, and continue with what you're doing is what really counts. Few people would take an early orgasm as a bad sign, as long as you can get back on the horse again. By being able to go a second or third time, you're also showing just how much your partner turns you on. Your arousal is their arousal, so remember, it's a two way street. Take time to make sure your partner is also getting what they need, and by changing positions, actions, or movements mid-foreplay, you can turn the electricity down a bit before raising it up again. And another benefit of extending foreplay is that even if you orgasm quickly, you've already put in a lot of time, and the overall experience will be a long one. Concentrate on other things, think about the other parts of your body, and the sensations they're experiencing. Breathe slowly. When you feel aroused, the body will tighten up its muscles, and this is like a message to your body that it's time to orgasm. If you find that nothing is working, try to think of other things, not related to the moment.
Some suggest thinking about unpleasant thoughts, but this can backfire and kill all arousal, so focus on mundane things. What you have to do tomorrow at the office, did you let the dog out, is your Tivo set to record your favorite show? The idea is distract your body from the arousal and buy yourself a few more minutes before the big moment. When you first orgasm, the body may need time to recover before going at it again. Increased sensitivity can make it uncomfortable to keep doing what you're doing, but this will fade after a few moments. In the interim, take some time to give your partner some extra attention, and ensure they are having as good a time as you. Doing this when you feel close to orgasm is also helpful. If you recognize your body's tell tale signs for orgasm, stop what you're doing and try something else. This kind of sexual teasing builds up anticipation as well, which will make both your orgasms all the more intense when you finally do have them.
Lastly, if all the rest fails, you might want to consider going the medicinal route. There are different levels of this kind of help, so let's start with the easiest one, condoms. Condoms decrease sensitivity, not to mention protect you. There are even condoms made for the sole purpose of prolonging your orgasm. If you're married, or in a committed relationship where safety isn't an issue and condoms feel like they take away some of the pleasure, try just using them for the first round and skipping them after that. There are also lubricants that do the job of numbing things a bit, which can also make you last longer. Just remember with those, you may need to take a few minutes to allow the lubricant to take effect, or it won't do the job it's intended to. There have been so many modern pharmacological breakt hroughs in how to treat libido , that the only problem you will have with them is deciding which is right for you. Start out with some herbal remedies, after checking with your physician that they're safe for you to take (while herbal medicines are often considered the gentler option, they can still have side effects and also cause negative interactions with other medicines you take. Always better to be safe than to be sorry).
Some herbal treatments may require you to take them daily, for extended periods of time before you begin to see some concrete improvements. Garlic and Cloves, for example, increase blood flow in the body, including to the genitals. You can try these in capsule form, or by introducing them into more of your regular meals. Clove oil, specifically, can also help with more immediate results; by massaging some essential oil of it into your pelvic area or penis, it will increase sensitivity. You can also make a cup of clove tea an hour or so before intercourse for faster results. Another on the spot remedy is Gambih powder. It helps to prolong orgasm and increase firmness if it is rubbed onto the penis. Purple Orchid and Cowhage are known to increase libido, and Ginseng is universally used as a way to increase stamina and energy. If you're not sure, check with your local health food store- most of the staff are well-schooled on the various herbs and their functions. If there's still no improvement, talk to your general practitioner about other pharmaceutical options, and also be sure to look at any other medications you already take. Even if they don't seem related, many prescription- and even som e over the counter medicines can decrease libido, or cause impotence. If you're not taking anything already that could cause the problem then it might be time to consider a prescription. Viagra is now a household name, but they're not the only option out there; Dapoxetine is a new drug that has come on the market, which promises to increase your stamina three fold, and Lavitra , with works similarly to Viagra, can give men an erection for up to 12 hours. Prolactin in elevated levels can cause premature ejaculation, and Bromocriptine , sold in a low dose called Parlodel , can help increase stamina by lowering the level of Prolactin in your system. Remember, there's no one magic answer, or magic pill that will cure all that ails you. Picking and choosing which ones are easiest, or appeal to you most won't always be enough; the individual elements of your body comprise an overall result, and by only fixing one area, you're still facing issues in the rest. If you follow these steps collectively, you will find your response to them greater. Remember too, the simple fact that you're stressed out because of this problem can make things more difficult, so once you start taking the right steps, you will find your stress dissipating, and your endurance increasing. That will go a long way in helping you endure the individual steps, and ultimately, increase your sexual endurance exponentially.