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Alibaba Group

consumer marketplaces, 193–98

customer retention, 206–7

expansion into new industry frontiers, 204–5

future, 202

geographic expansion, 205–6

government regulation, 209–11

growth of core businesses, 202–3

growth of ecosystem, 203

legacy and global impact, 211–13

logistics, 199–200

media and entertainment, 200–1

other support services, 201–2

outside competition, 208–9

overview, 189–90

support services provided by ecosystem participants, 198–99

wholesale marketplaces, 190–92

see also AliExpress; AliPay; Ant Financial Services Group

AliExpress, 197–98


Alibaba and, 191, 198, 203, 207

Ant Financial Services Group and, 198

creation, 91–92, 234

eBay and, 234

Juhuasuan and, 197

mobile service, 198–99

spin-off from Alibaba, 180–81, 185

Taobao and, 194–95

see also Alibaba Group


Alibaba and, 3, 187, 189, 203, 206, 233

Bezos and, 1–2

China and, 5

e-commerce and, 5, 45, 212

Internet boom and, 15

Jingdong and, 208

Ant Financial Services Group, 198–99

Apple, 48, 223

Baidu, 128, 155–58, 160

Ballmer, Steve, 73

Band, Doug, 143, 148

Battelle, John, 158

Bezos, Jeff, 1–2

Brin, Sergey, 93, 95, 98–100, 149

Canton Fair, 74–77

Castro, Christine, 132, 134–35

China, doing business in

channeling inner Taoist, 233–34

customers, 236

government, 235–36

moving first, asking forgiveness later, 234–35

recognizing innovation, 232–33

China Banking Regulatory Commission, 204

Clinton, Bill, 142–46, 148

Communist Party, 81, 113, 145, 150, 209

Crocodile in the Yangtze: The Alibaba Story (film), ix, 5, 183, 212

Cultural Revolution, 9, 89, 171

dreams, chasing

build for longevity, 217

dream big, 215–16

have a great idea, 217

never overestimate your competitor, 216

never underestimate yourself, 216

opportunity and, 217–18

Eachnet, 84–86, 107–9, 128


Alibaba and, 3, 5, 83–84, 121–23, 127–28, 132–33, 135, 138–40, 170, 173, 187

China and, 106–11, 173

Clinton and, 143–45

drop in stock price, 164

Eachnet and, 107–9

earnings reports, 161–62

Internet boom and, 15

pricing pressures, 162–64

Taobao and, 85–91, 104–6, 114–19, 121, 155–56, 161–68, 182, 185, 193–95

Yahoo and, 125, 127

see also Whitman, Meg

Facebook, 207, 220, 223

fees, 88, 90, 163, 166, 191, 195–96, 198

Filo, David, 131

Fortune Global Forum, 113

Gates, Bill, 73, 143

Goldman Sachs, 15, 17, 21

Gomez, Henry, 114–20, 141, 161, 164

Goodman, Peter, 146, 148

Google, 80, 93–101, 128, 149, 155–58, 170, 207, 220, 223

Groupon, 197

guanxi, 236

Hangzhou Hope Translation Agency, 11

Hangzhou Telecom, 12

Hu Jintao, 113

Huayi Brothers Media Corporation, 201

human rights, 145

“Hupan culture,” 229

Internet access, 12, 100, 150

Jingdong, 200, 208–9

Jobs, Steve, 232–33

Juhuasuan, 197

keywords, 80, 191, 195

Kwan, Allan, 137

Kwan, Savio, 55–62, 68–69, 72, 75, 86, 180


decision-making, 225

dwelling on mistakes, 224–25

getting personal, 226–27

problem-solving, 224

“tech dummies” and, 226

working toward goals, 225–26

Lee, Elvis, 180

Li Ka-shing, 167, 236

Liqi, 72–77, 80, 150

Liu Wei, 139

Lu Qi, 138

Mangalindan, Mylene, 132

Mao Linsheng, 150

Mao Zedong, 9, 89, 113

Masayoshi, Son, 86, 133

Mayer, Marissa, 184–85

Microsoft, 223

Nasdaq, 15, 23

Oliver, David, 26, 28

Omidiyar, Pierre, 144

Osako, Mary, 146

Page, Larry, 93, 95–98

PayPal, 91, 128, 165, 189, 199

Qihoo, 159–60

Reporters Without Borders, 145

Rosensweig, Dan, 133, 137–38, 141–42

rural markets, 66, 211–12

SARS, 75–80, 83, 221

Search, The (Battelle), 158

Shao Yibo, 128

Shi Tao, 145–48, 150–51

Simon, Marcy, 142–45, 148

Softbank, 15, 17, 86, 118, 127, 133, 221

Song, Kitty, 76, 78–81

Sonoma International Film Festival, 5

Steiner, Ina, 123


“changing rabbits,” 219

competitors and, 219, 222

financing and, 221–23

focus on customer, 218–19

“free” as business model, 220

IPOs and, 223

leapfrog, 222

luck and, 223–24

opportunity in crisis, 221

patience and, 219–20

quality and, 220

take rate, 195


Alibaba and, 118, 119, 127–28, 156, 203

anti-Japanese sentiment and, 118–120

background, 85–87

eBay and, 85–91, 104–6, 114–19, 121, 155–56, 161–68, 182, 185, 193–95

free service, 87–90

growth, 103–6, 161, 207–8, 216, 220, 222

international market and, 206

Juhuasuan and, 197

launch, 87

overview, 193–95

rural markets and, 211

Tmall and, 195–97

see also Tmall


actions speak louder than words, 229

allowing for sabbaticals, 230–31

assembling a team, 227

gathering entire team once a year, 227–28

hiring, 231

honoring and respecting work of predecessors, 232

integrating values into HR systems, 229

looking at overall trends, 229–30

spreading the wealth, 228–29

Tiananmen Square massacre, 145


Alibaba and, 185, 195, 203

competition, 208

customer retention and, 207

growth, 182, 193

international market and, 206

overview, 195–97

policy changes, 180

rural markets and, 211

Taobao and, 182, 193

see also Taobao

Tsai, Joe, 21, 48, 55, 58, 68, 86, 94–95, 97–98, 114, 130–31, 133–35, 143, 145, 174

Walmart, 175, 187

Wang Guoping, 150–53

Wang Wang, 90, 194

Wei, David, 180

West Lake Summit, 142, 144, 150–52

Whitman, Meg, 107–8, 113–15, 118, 120, 123, 128, 133, 139, 140, 160, 163, 226–27

Wong, Brian 26–27, 33, 37, 139–40

Wu, John, 45–46, 156

Wu Wei, 234

Xie, Simon, 180


Alibaba and, 46, 125–35, 137–43

China and, 15–16, 27

Google and, 97–98

growth, 15–16, 48

Yu’e Bao, 199, 204

Zhou Hongyi, 126–27, 133, 138–40, 158–60, 227