P erci watched Pip and Matt and knew her sister didn’t have a clue how the man felt. Matt was in to her sister, in a very big way. Should she pull Pip aside and tell her twin? Or just let things fall naturally ?

Another Masterson with her twin. Her twin. At times, it was like Pip was the other half of her, yet here was this man pulling her away. Perci didn’t know how she felt about that .

Pip hadn’t been involved with a man since she’d lost her virginity at eighteen, then dated that guy for two months while they’d both been enrolled at the small community college sixty-five miles south of Masterson .

Pip had dropped out after that damned Gunderson monster hurt her. At a dance much like the one tonight .

Perci renewed her determination to stick close to her sisters tonight .

It was Pip’s first dance since that night four years ago. She strongly suspected her twin was afraid. Perci could almost feel it on that weird twin channel they shared .

Pip didn’t look afraid right now. She looked happy to be right where she was. Matt had almost surrounded her sister right there by the door of his home .

Perci thought about what a relationship with Matt Masterson would mean for her sister .

She didn’t think Matt would just be messing around with Pip. Not unless he was serious in some way. It just didn’t seem like something the quietest brother would do. She didn’t think he’d hurt Pip, either. Because that would hurt Phoebe and Joel. And Matt just wouldn’t do that .

So he had to be serious, right ?

He wasn’t the kind of guy to play around with a woman like Pip. He just wasn’t .

So what would that mean for Pip in the long run ?

Perci had heavy thoughts for the next hour and half as she and her sisters dug through the clothes they’d brought with them and figured out just what exactly they needed to wear. It had been a long time since they’d had such a fun afternoon, since they’d had an opportunity, really .

And for the first time in four years, Pip was right there with the rest of them , too .

Perci wondered how much of it was because of Matt Masterson and how much was because her sister was finally healing. Perci didn’t have a clue .