M att walked back to the front door of the Tyler Ranch with determination, Joel’s words fresh in his mind .

If he wanted that woman safe, keep her that way. He’d heard the frustration at the lack of answers in Joel’s words. And he’d understood. His brother wanted Pip safe. Period. But there were rules that Joel had to follow .

Rules Matt didn’t .

Matt walked into the house and kept walking until he found Perci and Nate in the kitchen. Perci looked so pale, so frightened .

Matt knelt down in front of this woman with Pip’s face .

“I’m here to stay. I’m staying until Joel catches the guy. I’m not leaving Pip—or you—until we have him .”

“And what does my sister think of this?” Perci looked at him, questions in those eyes of hers. It was like looking at Pip, but it wasn’t. A rush of emotion for this sister of the woman he loved shot right through him .

“I haven’t told her yet. I’m just here. And I’m staying here until I’m sure the two of you are safe .”

He might have been mistaken, but he was certain he saw the relief in her eyes. But Perci would never admit to being afraid, would she? “ I see .”

“Where is she?” She should have been right there. But wasn’t .

“Barn, where else? She took her rifle, though.” Nate said, pointing out the window. “She’s more stubborn than the rest, your girl. I argued for five minutes and she never budged, just insisted with the deputy out there she was fine—and I should stay with her sister .”

“It isn’t enough. You should have called me back in.” He’d called after speaking with Joel and arranged things with his head vet tech. Derrick would handle any appointments or calls that he could, and direct the rest to Matt out at the Tyler Ranch. If he had to go to town on a call, he’d be bringing Pip into town with him. It wouldn’t be ideal for her, but it was solution he was more comfortable with .

“Didn’t think it was; it’s why I’m still here, watching. I need to head back into town. I left the hospital in a real lurch. I need to get back. Deputy just went behind the far barn .”

“Go. I have things covered. And thanks , Nate .”

He was keeping her safe. Period .