Chapter 17: Jameson

Once the plan to infiltrate the Summer Palace was finalized, Hardy stepped away and placed a call to Director Jameson; he answered on the first ring.

“Hardy, you’re late checking in. How’s it going? Have you found Rudin?”

Hardy brought Jameson up to speed on the progress of the mission, including the assassination plot on the Premier’s life. The director was not pleased with the last part.

“That wasn’t your objective. Let the Russians clean up their own messes. You have a job to do and that job is finding and killing Rudin.” Jameson was a man who followed the rulebook to the letter. He and Hardy had made a plan to catch and kill Rudin and get out of the country. Thwarting an assassination attempt was not part of that plan. The way Jameson saw it the additional time spent in country only served to make it easier for something to go wrong.

“I understand the mission, sir. In order to complete it, I need to find Rudin, and that involves getting to the Premier. I see our goals and those of our Russian counterparts as being the same. I—”

“Damn it, Hardy,” said Jameson, his voice boomed through the phone’s speaker. “Is this how it’s going to be? I gave you an order. I expect you to carry out that order. I don’t expect you to change things as you see fit.”

“With all due respect, sir, circumstances in the field change and agents need to pivot when required—”

“Don’t lecture me on being a field agent, Hardy. I know events can change. I was in the field, too. Unlike you, however, I didn’t change the parameters of the mission. I changed my course-of-action to complete the mission.”

Hardy gripped the sat phone tighter. He knew Jameson had a lot of experience, but Hardy was no rookie. He understood the importance of following orders. He also knew that, sometimes, a plan did not work as it had been laid out. A soldier, or field agent, had to make quick decisions based on the changing landscape of the battlefield.

“Are you still there?”

“Yes, sir,” replied Hardy.

“Tread carefully, Hardy. Your actions will have a direct impact on your job status. This may end up being your first and last mission.”

“Yes, sir…I’ll contact you again, when I have more information.” He disconnected the call. The director had been clear. Hardy may come back to the States no longer in the employ of his country. He pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger and closed his eyes. With his mind on the conversation with Jameson, he did not hear Natasha.

“Is everything okay?”

Not wanting to discuss the call, Hardy nodded and changed the subject. “Are we ready to go?”

Natasha noticed the diversion, but did not push him for details. “First, we have to make a stop at Victor’s brother’s house. From there, we need to get some supplies before leaving for the Summer Palace. But, yeah, we’re good to go.”