This scenario occurs when we create software architectures using frameworks and programming languages that we already know about, without paying close attention to business needs.
Let's say that the ABC company needs an application for manipulating text from large log files. If someone were to ask to work on this requirement, then they will choose a programming language that they are comfortable with during the development process, instead of looking for the best approach elsewhere.
Imagine that the person in charge of creating this application has already mastered JavaScript. In this case, do you think it's a good idea to write code using Node JS or another JavaScript framework running on the server in order to write an application to manipulate log files? I'm not saying that this is impossible—you can do it. However, do you think an application created using this approach will be able to perform and scale better than a system written in Perl, Python, or C, for example? This is not to say that JavaScript is terrible—it is simply important to know that this approach is not a good fit for JavaScript.