
Fainting Fits

During my child’s prodigal period, I also had to deal with my wife Katrina’s debilitating illness, the financial drain we took on by sending our kids to college, and the demands of a growing ministry. At times I wondered if I could bear it all. One day I searched out verses about strength, and that’s when I realized I didn’t have to bear it all. The Lord bears our burdens and imparts His strength. Ponder a medley of verses on this subject.

My strength is dried up like a potsherd. My strength fails me. No strength remains in me.

We are burdened beyond measure, above strength.

You, God, are our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear. . . . You, the God of Israel, give strength and power to Your people. Blessed be God! . . . You have been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shade from the heat.

[You have said,] “Take hold of My strength. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you. . . . My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.”

O Lord, You are my strength and my shield . . . my strength and my song . . . my strength and my fortress . . . my strength and my power. You are my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? You are the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

(Adapted from Psalms 22:15, 38:10; Daniel 10:8; 2 Corinthians 1:8; Psalms 46:1–2; 68:35; Isaiah 25:4, 27:5, 41:10; 2 Corinthians 12:9; Psalms 28:7; 118:14; Jeremiah 16:19; 2 Samuel 22:33; Psalm 27:1; Philippians 4:13.)